Horace, Satire 1.10.20-39 Flashcards
misceō miscēre miscuī mixtus
to mix; mingle (the object with which is in dat., or in abl. alone, or w. prep.); unite; multiply; assemble, flock together; confuse, disturb, confound, agitate; scatter
sērus –a –um
late, too late
Rhodius –a –um
of Rhodes (island in eastern Mediterranean)
Pitholeon -ontis m.
Pitholeon (a Greek male name)
contingō contingere contigī contāctus
to touch; reach (to); border on, be connected with; affect, hit; take hold, seize; color/stain; lay hands on, appropriate; smite; affect emotionally, move/touch; happen, befall, turn out, come to pass, be granted to one; be produced
concinnus –a –um
neat, elegant
ūter ūtris m.
a bag of hide, leathern bottle, vessel of skin, skin
Chīus -a -um
from the island of Chios; (as substantive) Chian wine
Falernus –a –um
of or from the Falernian territory, famed for its wines
percontor –ārī –ātus
to make inquires about, investigate; interrogate, question
peragō peragere perēgī perāctum
to finish, end
Petīlius –ī m.
one may know, certainly; of course
oblīvīscor oblīvīscī oblītus sum
to forget (+ gen.)
in Latin
Pedius –ī m.
a Roman gentile name
exsūdō –sūdāre
to ooze; exude
Pūblicola –ae m.
Publicola or Poplicola (name)
Corvīnus -ī m.
Corvinus (a Roman cognomen)
out of doors, outside
Canusīnus -a -um
of Canusium (a town in Apulia)
bilinguis –e
double–tongued; (fig.), deceitful, treacherous (> bis and lingua)
on this side of, before (+ acc.)
versiculus versiculī m.
verse, little line
Quirīnus –ī m.
Quirinus, the name of the deified Romulus
somnium somni(ī) n.
dream, vision; fantasy, day–dream
līgnum lignī n.
wood; firewood; trunk/stump/tree; timber; beam/post; wood (material); stave; wood thing/part, writing–tablet, spear shaft; stone (of fruit), shell (nut); the Cross; staff, cudgel, club; gallows/stocks; [~ pedaneum => altar step]
impleō implēre implēvī implētus
to fill up, fulfill
caterva –ae f.
a crowd, throng
turgidus -a -um
swollen; grandiose high-flown
Alpīnus –a –um
pertaining to the Alps; Alpine
iugulō iugulāre iugulāvī iugulātus
to cut the throat; slay, slaughter; immolate (> iugulum)
Memnōn –onis m.
Memnon; a prince of Ethiopia, an ally of the Trojans
diffindō –ere –fidī –fissus
to cleave asunder; split, pierce
Rhēnus –ī m.
lūteus –a –um
made of mud or clay; worthless; dirty, grimy
Tarpa -ae m.
Tarpa (a Roman male name)
theātrum theātrī n.