Horace, Satires 1.3.41-62 Flashcards
errō errāre errāvi errātum
to wander; err, make a mistake
error errōris m.
wandering, error, mistake
nātus nātī m. (or gnātus)
fastīdiō fastīdīre
to feel disgust, shrink, flinch, loathe, dislike, despise; show an aversion to (food or drink)
strabō –ōnis m.
a person with a squint
paetus –a –um
having a cast in the eye, having a slight squint
pullus –ī m.
a chicken, a young animal, foal, young, offspring; chick; a term of endearment
abortīvus –a –um
born prematurely
formerly; once, once upon a time; in the future
Sīsyphus or –os –ī m.
Sisyphus, son of Æolus, king of Corinth, famous for his cunning and robberies
vārus –a –um
crooked, bent; diverse, different
distorqueō –torquēre –torsī –tortum
to turn awry, twist, distort
scaurus –a –um
having swollen ankles; (perhaps) pigeon-toed
prāvus –a –um
crooked; subst., pravum, i, n., perverseness, wrong, evil, falsehood
fulciō fulcīre fulsī fultum
to strengthen, fortify, reinfforce; support, hold up
tālus –ī m.
anklebone; ankle