high-impact phrases Flashcards
Aggressive Turnaround Leadership: A “turnaround leader” (TL) is one who initiates and leads a transformation in order to improve your organization’s profitability, product performance, or overall business performance
best in class- adjective: if something is best in class, it is the best of its kind:Investors look for the company that’s best in class. / a best-in-class drug/service/employer
Accelerating Revenue Growth
Accelerated Career Track (refers to a career development program or path that is designed to help individuals progress more quickly through their careers than they might otherwise be able to do)
Zero tolerance policies : forbid people in positions of authority from exercising discretion or changing punishments to fit the circumstances subjectively;
sensible (có lý)
-I think the sensible thing would be to take a taxi home.
Vs. insensible (to something) (vô cảm)
-I think he’s largely insensible to other people’s distress.| insensible to pain/cold
-disinterested SYNONYM impartial, objective, unbiased, unprejudiced /ʌnˈpredʒ.ə.dɪst/
a disinterested onlooker/spectator
Her advice appeared to be disinterested.
I was merely a disinterested spectator in the whole affair.
-Savory: having a pleasant taste or smell
a savory smell from the kitchen
-unsavory (khó chịu, ô nhục, xúc phạm): Syn unpleasant: unpleasant or offensive; not considered morally acceptable
an unsavoury incident/scandal
Her friends are all pretty unsavoury characters.
Business process redesign/reengineering
Capturing cost reduction
Catalyst for change
A change agent: also known as an advocate of change, is a person who acts as a catalyst for the change management process. They help an organization, or part of an organization, transform how it operates by inspiring and influencing others.
Competitive wins/market positioning/positioning products & technologies
Contemporary/decisive management style
Core competencies
Creative business leader/problem-solver
Cross-culturally sensitive : refers to the ability to understand and respect different cultural norms, beliefs, and values in a way that avoids offending or alienating people from different cultural backgrounds
Cross-functional expertise/team leadership
Delivering strong and sustainable gains
Direct and decisive organizational leadership
Distinguished performance
Driving customer loyalty initiatives/ innovation/ performance improvement/ productivity gains
Emerging business ventures/international markets
Entrepreneurial drive/leadership/vision
Executive liaison/ leadership (Executive liaison refers to a person who serves as a link or intermediary between executives or top-level management and other individuals or groups within or outside of an organization. An executive liaison may be responsible for managing communication, coordinating activities, and facilitating relationships between different parties.)
Business liaison
Fast-track promotion
Global market dominance
Matrix management (a form of organizational structure in which employees report to multiple bosses rather than one)
Multi-discipline industry expertise
Organizational driver/leader
Outperforming global/market competition
PC proficient
Peak performer
Performance improvement/management/reengineering
Pioneering technologies
Proactive manager/business leader
Process redesign/reengineering
Productivity management
Start-up, turnaround and high-growth organization
Strategic & tactical operations
Strong & sustainable + financial/performance/productivity/profit/quality/technology + gains
Team building/bonding/leadership
Technologically advance/sophisticated organization
Top flight leadership competencies
Top tier executive
Visionary leadership
World-class leadership/operations
Reverse [T] :
1/ exchange two things: [transitive] reverse something to exchange the positions or functions of two things
It felt as if we had reversed our roles of parent and child.
She used to work for me, but our situations are now reversed.
2/ [transitive] reverse something to change a previous decision, law, etc. to the opposite one
SYNONYM revoke
The Court of Appeal reversed the decision.
The policy is likely to be reversed if there is a change of government.
to reverse a judgement
amenable adjective /əˈmiːnəbl/ SYN submissive
(of people) easy to control; willing to be influenced by somebody/something
amenable to something He seemed most amenable to my idea.
They had three very amenable children.
The manager was very amenable: nothing was too much trouble.
You should find him amenable to reasonable arguments.
artful adjective /ˈɑːtfl/ [usually before noun]
(disapproving) clever at getting what you want, sometimes by not telling the truth
-SYNONYM crafty
He was artful and cunning, and I didn’t really trust him.
-SYN scheming adjective /ˈskiːmɪŋ/
often planning secretly to do something for your own advantage, especially by cheating other people
She had been outdone by a scheming rival.
peerless adjective/ˈpɪrləs/
better than all others of its kind
SYNONYM unsurpassed
a peerless performance
unrelenting adjective /ˌʌnrɪˈlentɪŋ/
1.if a person is unrelenting, they continue with something without considering the feelings of other people
SYNONYM relentless
She is one of the president’s most unrelenting critics.
He was unrelenting in his search for the truth about his father.
2/(of an unpleasant situation) not stopping or becoming less severe
SYNONYM relentless
unrelenting pressure
The heat was unrelenting.
upbeat adjective /ˈʌpbiːt/ (informal): positive and enthusiastic; making you feel that the future will be good
SYNONYM optimistic
The tone of the speech was upbeat.
The meeting ended on an upbeat note.
OPPOSITE downbeat
understanding adjective /ˌʌndərˈstændɪŋ/: showing sympathy for other people’s problems and being willing to forgive them when they do something wrong
SYNONYM sympathetic
She has very understanding parents.
committed adjective /kəˈmɪtɪd/ (approving):willing to work hard and give your time and energy to something; believing strongly in something
a committed member of the team
They are committed socialists.
committed to (doing) something The president is personally committed to this legislation.
OPPOSITE uncommitted
-Syn dedicated:
a dedicated teacher
dedicated to something She is dedicated to her job.
dedicated to doing something The charity is dedicated to serving young people with special needs.
devoted adjective /dɪˈvəʊtɪd/: having great love for somebody/something and supporting them in everything
SYN : affectionate , loving
a devoted son/friend/fan
devoted to somebody/something They are devoted to their children.
They were totally devoted to each other.
-affluent adjective /ˈæfluənt/(formal)
having a lot of money and a good standard of living
SYNONYM prosperous /ˈprɑːspərəs/, wealthy
affluent Western countries
a very affluent neighbourhood
persevering adjective /ˌpɜːrsəˈvɪrɪŋ/ SYN determined, persistent
[usually before noun] (approving)
being determined to achieve a particular aim despite difficulties
A few persevering climbers finally reached the top.
-SYN: tenacious adjective /təˈneɪʃəs/
She’s a tenacious woman. She never gives up.
a tenacious advocate of civil rights
tenacious negotiators
“persistent” refers to continuing despite difficulties,
VS. “consistent” refers to behaving in the same way over time.
-He has been Milan’s most consistent player (= who plays well most often) this season.
consistent in something She’s not very consistent in the way she treats her children.
consistent in doing something We must be consistent in applying the rules.
personable adjective /ˈpɜːsənəbl/
(of a person) attractive to other people because of having a pleasant appearance and character
The sales assistant was a very personable young man.
poised adjective /pɔɪzd/
having a calm and confident manner and in control of your feelings and behaviour
SYNONYM assertive, assured (/əˈʃʊəd/ (also self-assured) confident in yourself and your abilities: He spoke in a calm, assured voice.)
He is a remarkably poised young man.
OPP: submissive : too willing to accept somebody else’s authority and willing to obey them without questioning anything they want you to do
He expected his daughters to be meek and submissive.
She followed him like a submissive child.
Practical –adj : good at making things
(of a person) good at making or repairing things
Bob’s very practical. He does all the odd jobs around the house.
Fine –adj.: SYNONYM subtle
[usually before noun] difficult to see or describe
You really need a magnifying glass to appreciate all the fine detail.
There’s no need to make such fine distinctions.
There’s a fine line between love and hate (= it is easy for one to become the other).
We still have to iron out the finer details.
Preeminent adjective [ not gradable ]/priˈem·ə·nənt/: more important or powerful than all others:
He was the preeminent scientist of his day. (Of his day” suggests a past situation.)
-every dog has its day -idiom saying: said to emphasize that everyone is successful or happy at some time in their life
- in one’s day – idiom : when one was young
In my day, boys asked girls out on dates, not the other way around.
- the other way around –idiom: the opposite way or in the opposite order:
I should be telling you what to do, not the other way around.
We think of ourselves as controlling our experiences, but often it’s the other way around.
Productive- adj SYNONYM fruitful: doing or achieving a lot
a productive meeting
My time spent in the library was very productive.
COMPARE counterproductive (having the opposite effect to the one that was intended: Increases in taxation would be counterproductive.)
progressive adjective- /prəˈɡresɪv/: in favour of new ideas, modern methods and change
progressive schools
OPPOSITE retrogressive (/ˌretrəˈɡresɪv/( formal, disapproving): returning to old-fashioned ideas or methods instead of making progress: a retrogressive change)
prudent adjective (thận trọng, khôn ngoan)
SYN discreet /dɪˈskrit/
/ˈpruːdnt/ (formal): sensible and careful when you make judgements and decisions; avoiding unnecessary risks
a prudent businessman
a prudent decision/investment
It might be more prudent to get a second opinion before going ahead.
OPPOSITE imprudent
pragmatic adjective
solving problems in a practical and sensible way rather than by having fixed ideas or theories
SYNONYM realistic
a pragmatic approach to management problems
Polished –adj: confident, impressive and/or showing a lot of skill
polished manners
She gave a polished performance on the piano.
photogenic adjective /ˌfəʊtəʊˈdʒenɪk/
looking attractive in photographs
I’m not very photogenic.
a photogenic child
philosophical (about something): bình thản, thông thái /ˌfɪləˈsɒfɪkl/ (approving) having a calm attitude towards a difficult or disappointing situation
SYNONYM stoic Người khắc kỷ, người chịu đựng trong nghịch cảnh: /ˈstəʊɪkl/ (her stoic endurance/ his stoical acceptance of death)
He was philosophical about losing and said that he’d be back next year to try again.
-Bold -adj (of people or behaviour) brave and confident; not afraid to say what you feel or to take risks
It was a bold move on their part to open a business in France.
Few people have been bold enough to criticize the manager.
a bold and fearless warrior
SYN courageous adjective /kəˈreɪdʒəs/: showing courage /ˈkʌrɪdʒ/
SYNONYM brave (bravery –n)
-dauntless adjective/ˈdɔːntləs/ (literary)
not easily frightened or stopped from doing something difficult
SYNONYM resolute /ˈrezəluːt/
- heroic adjective /həˈrəʊɪk/
She is a heroic figure we can all look up to.
Rescuers made heroic efforts to save the crew.
-valiant adjective /ˈvæliənt/(especially literary): very brave or determined
SYNONYM courageous
valiant warriors
She made a valiant attempt not to laugh.
The firefighters made valiant efforts to save them, but were beaten back by the flames
venturesome adjective /ˈventʃərsəm/: (formal or literary): willing to take risks
SYNONYM daring, adventurous
a daring walk in space
There are plenty of activities at the resort for the less daring.
The gallery was known for putting on daring exhibitions.
-conscientize verb /ˈkɑːnʃəntaɪz/
conscientize somebody/yourself to make somebody/yourself aware of important social or political issues
People need to be conscientized about their rights.
-conscientious adjective : tận tâm: /ˌkɑːnʃiˈenʃəs/ (N - conscientiousness) : taking care to do things carefully and correctly
a conscientious student/teacher/worker
He was thorough and conscientious, rather than brilliant.
She was a popular and conscientious teacher.
- SYN Diligent, painstaking, rigorous, thorough: done carefully and with a lot of attention to detail
a rigorous analysis
Few people have gone into the topic in such rigorous detail.
a diligent student/worker
-conscious adjective /ˈkɑːnʃəs/ (consciousness noun /ˈkɒnʃəsnəs/)
1/ [not before noun] aware of something; noticing something
conscious of something She’s very conscious of the problems involved.
I am conscious of the fact that there’s a limit to what we can achieve here.
conscious of doing something He became acutely conscious of having failed his parents.
conscious that… I was vaguely conscious that I was being watched.
OPPOSITE unconscious
SEE ALSO self-conscious
2/ (of actions, feelings, etc.) deliberate; done in a careful way
a conscious choice
to make a conscious decision
I made a conscious effort to get there on time.
a conscious act of cruelty
OPPOSITE unconscious
COMPARE subconscious: tiềm thức (connected with feelings that influence your behaviour even though you are not aware of them: subconscious desires/the subconscious mind/Many advertisements work at a subconscious level.)
3/being particularly interested in something:
to be environmentally/politically conscious
the band’s socially conscious lyrics
They have become increasingly health-conscious.
an image-conscious reality star
SEE ALSO class-conscious, fashion-conscious
- conscience noun /ˈkɑːnʃəns/ : lương tâm
1/ [countable, uncountable] the part of your mind that tells you whether your actions are right or wrong
to have a clear/guilty conscience (= to feel that you have done right/wrong)
This is a matter of individual conscience (= everyone must make their own judgement about it).
He won’t let it trouble his conscience.
2/ [uncountable, countable] a guilty feeling about something you have done or failed to do
She was seized by a sudden pang of conscience.
I have a terrible conscience about it.
3/ [uncountable] the fact of behaving in a way that you feel is right even though this may cause problems
freedom of conscience (= the freedom to do what you believe to be right)
Emilia is the voice of conscience in the play.
dependable adjective -SYNONYM reliable /dɪˈpendəbl/: that can be relied on to do what you want or need
She is loyal and totally dependable.
The service was not entirely dependable and flights were often cancelled.
-SYN: trustworthy adjective /ˈtrʌstwɜːrði/: that you can rely on to be good, honest, sincere, etc.
Mitchell was a solid and trustworthy man.
Women were seen as more trustworthy and harder working.
truthful adjective /ˈtruːθfl/
1/truthful (about something) (of a person) saying only what is true
SYNONYM honest
They were less than truthful about their part in the crime.
She was completely truthful about her involvement in the affair.
Are you being completely truthful with me?
To be quite truthful with you, I’m not very keen on this colour.
a truthful witness
2/ (of a statement) giving the true facts about something
a truthful answer
SYN veracious /vəˈreɪ.ʃəs/: honest and not telling or containing any lies:
a veracious and trustworthy historian
verbal -ADJ: someone with good verbal skills uses language well and communicates clearly:
The position requires strong written and verbal communication skills.
Victorious / vɪkˈtɔr i əs, /: adjective: having achieved a victory;
Syn conquering; triumphant /traɪˈʌmfənt/:
our victorious army.
dynamic adjective /daɪˈnæmɪk/- SYN energeric, vigorous
(approving) (of a person) having a lot of energy and a strong personality
a dynamic leader
He was a dynamic young advertising executive.
She has a dynamic personality.
earnest adjective- Idioms
very serious and sincere
an earnest young man
She was nice enough, but perhaps a little too earnest.
-honorable adjective: deserving great respect: an honourable person/figure
-humanistic /ˌhjuːməˈnɪstɪk/ (refers to an approach or philosophy that emphasizes the value and potential of individual human beings, and the importance of human experience, creativity, and personal growth): humanistic ideals
-humanitarian /hjuːˌmænɪˈteriən/ (refers to actions or efforts that are intended to alleviate human suffering and promote human welfare.):
to provide humanitarian aid to the war zone
They are calling for the release of the hostages on humanitarian grounds.
industrious adjective /ɪnˈdʌstriəs/(approving): working hard; busy
SYNONYM hard-working
an industrious student
She was surrounded by energetic, industrious people.
Intuitive: (COMPARE grounded) able to know or understand something because of feelings rather than facts or proof: Good agents are certainly extroverted, but are grounded, rather than intuitive. (grounded adjective /ˈɡraʊndɪd/: having a sensible and realistic attitude to life: Away from Hollywood, he relies on his family and friends to keep him grounded.)
Keen - [usually before noun] (especially British English)
1/ enthusiastic about an activity or idea, etc.
SYN eager/enthusiastic
a keen sportsman/gardener
one of the keenest supporters of the team
She was a star pupil—keen, confident and bright.
2/ senses [only before noun] highly developed
Dogs have a keen sense of smell.
My friend has a keen eye for (= is good at noticing) a bargain.
3/ ideas/feelings [usually before noun] strong or deep
a keen sense of tradition
He took a keen interest in his grandson’s education.
4/ [competition] : involving people competing very hard with each other for something
There is keen competition for places at the college.
They were keen rivals.
It was the subject of keen debate.
masterful adjective /ˈmɑːstəfl/
(of a person, especially a man) able to control people or situations in a way that shows confidence as a leader
judicious adjective /dʒuˈdɪʃəs/ (formal, approving): careful and sensible; showing good judgement
It is curable with judicious use of antibiotics.
Some dishes would be very bland without the judicious use of spices and other seasonings.
OPPOSITE injudicious
Opportunist - /ˌɑː.pɚˈtuː.nɪst/
1/adjective [ usually before noun ] usually disapproving
Synonym: opportunistic /ˌɑː.pɚ.tuːˈnɪs.tɪk/u sually disapproving: using a situation to get power or an advantage:
The burglary was probably carried out by an opportunist thief who noticed the door was open.
2/ noun - opportunist [ C ] usually disapproving: someone who tries to get power or an advantage in every situation:
He was portrayed as a ruthless opportunist who exploited the publicity at every opportunity.
- oral = verbal = vocal adj: spoken, not written
-Oratorical -adjective formal /ˌɔːr.əˈtɔːr.ɪ.kəl/:
SYN verbal
connected with skilful and effective public speaking:
oratorical skill
She has a wonderful oratorical style, with a splendid command of English.
Orderly -adj
1/(of a person or group) well behaved; disciplined.: an orderly crowd
2/ neatly and methodically arranged.
“an orderly arrangement of objects”
Organized - adj
1/(of a person) An organized person is able to plan things carefully and keep things tidy:
a very organized person: She’s not a very organized person and she always arrives late at meetings.
Isn’t it time you started to get organized?
COMPARE disorganized
2/ arranged or planned well or in the way mentioned
a carefully organized campaign
a well-organized office
a badly organized event
a loosely organized political alliance
COMPARE disorganized
Participatory /pɑːˌtɪ.sɪˈpeɪ.tr.i/ (also participative: /pɑːˈtɪsɪpətɪv/) adjective formal : allowing people to take part in or become involved in an activity:
Participatory sports are becoming more popular.
It is not a full participatory democracy if so many people do not have a vote.
Outstanding – adj: (of payment, work, problems, etc.) not yet paid, done, solved, etc.
She has outstanding debts of over £500.
A lot of work is still outstanding.
The negotiations failed to solve outstanding issues.
ruthless adjective /ˈruːθləs/ (often disapproving) SYN brutal, savage /ˈsævɪdʒ/, ferocious /fəˈrəʊʃəs/: aggressive and violent; causing great harm:
(of people or their behaviour) hard and cruel; determined to get what you want and not caring if you hurt other people
a ruthless dictator
The way she behaved towards him was utterly ruthless.
He has a ruthless determination to succeed.
We’ll have to be ruthless if we want to make this company more efficient.
a ferocious beast/attack/storm
a man driven by ferocious determination
objective adjective /əbˈdʒektɪv/: not influenced by personal feelings or opinions; considering only facts
SYNONYM unbiased
OPPOSITE subjective
an objective assessment of the situation
objective truth/facts/reality
objective criteria/measures/measurements
He doesn’t even pretend to be impartial and objective.
It’s hard to remain completely objective.
Moral - adj
[only before noun] able to understand the difference between right and wrong
Children are not naturally moral beings.
SYN: virtuous adjective /ˈvɜːrtʃuəs/ (formal) behaving in a very good and moral way; showing high moral standards
a wise and virtuous man
She lived an entirely virtuous life.
zealous adjective /ˈzeləs/(formal)
showing great energy and enthusiasm for something, especially because you feel strongly about it
a zealous reformer
Winning – adj
If someone has a winning smile or way of behaving, it is friendly and tends to make people like that person:
I’m sure Anna, with her winning ways, can persuade him.
a winning smile
zestful adjective SYN witty
full of fun and enthusiasm
worldly adjective (PRACTICAL): practical and having a lot of experience of life:
She seems to be much more worldly than the other students in her class.
-well-balanced –adj: (of a person or their behaviour) sensible and emotionally in control, a well balanced person is calm and reasonable and shows good judgment::
secure, well-balanced people
His response was well balanced.
-well-versed : adjective SYN expert, practiced (in sth) ; OPP inexpert
having a lot of knowledge about something:
He was well-versed in the history of space flight.
vivacious adjective /vaɪˈveɪʃəs/
(especially of a woman) having a lively, attractive personality
He had three pretty, vivacious daughters.
She appeared to be her old, vivacious self again.
Motivated Vs. motivational
- motivated adjective /ˈməʊtɪveɪtɪd/ wanting to do something, especially something that involves hard work and effort
a highly motivated student
OPPOSITE unmotivated
SEE ALSO self-motivated
- motivational adjective /ˌməʊtɪˈveɪʃənl/ (formal)
making somebody want to do something, especially something that involves hard work and effort
an important motivational factor
a motivational speaker/speech
observant adjective /əbˈzɜːrvənt/: good at noticing things around you
SYNONYM sharp-eyed
Observant walkers may see red deer along this stretch of the road.
How very observant of you!
She keeps an observant eye on developments in education.
He was acutely observant of the poverty around him.
notable Vs. noteworthy
- notable SYNONYM striking: is often used to describe someone or something that is highly respected or admired due to their outstanding qualities or achievements.
a notable success/achievement/example
His eyes are his most notable feature.
notable (for something) The town is notable for its ancient harbour.
With a few notable exceptions, everyone gave something.
- noteworthy SYNONYM significant: is often used to describe something that is interesting or important, but may not necessarily be as prestigious or well-known as notable things or people.
a noteworthy feature
It is noteworthy that only 15% of senior managers are women.
The bridge is noteworthy for its sheer size.
the thing that makes this era so noteworthy
Mechanical /məˈkænɪkl/
1/ (of a person) good at understanding how machines work
2/ (often disapproving) (of people’s behaviour and actions) done without thinking, like a machine
SYNONYM routine
a mechanical gesture/response
My work has become mechanical—I could do it in my sleep.
methodical adjective /məˈθɒdɪkl/ (of a person) controlled and systematic:
SYNONYM organized, disciplined, precise
to have a methodical mind
She is very slow but methodical in her work.
ingenious adjective /ɪnˈdʒiːniəs/
1/(of a person) having a lot of clever new ideas and good at inventing things
an ingenious cook
She’s very ingenious when it comes to finding excuses.
2/ (of an object, a plan, an idea, etc.) very suitable for a particular purpose and resulting from clever new ideas
an ingenious device/invention/experiment
ingenious ways of saving energy
-individualistic is more focused on the values and beliefs associated with individualism (refers to a philosophy or way of life that emphasizes the importance of individual freedom, autonomy, and self-reliance): Individualistic cultures are especially conducive to entrepreneurship. (conducive to/for sth: adjective /kənˈdu·sɪv/: providing the right conditions for something to happen or exist: Our mild climate is conducive to outdoor entertaining.)
-individual is simply a descriptive term that refers to a single person: Farmers each have their own individual concerns about the changes.
-enterprising adjective /ˈentərpraɪzɪŋ/ (approving)
having or showing the ability to think of new projects or new ways of doing things and make them successful
One enterprising farmer opened up his field as a car park and charged people £10 to park there.
an enterprising young woman
-SYN resourceful adjective /rɪˈsɔːrsfl/(approving): good at finding ways of doing things and solving problems, etc.
SYNONYM enterprising
These women were strong, resourceful and courageous.
1/ critical (of a person or what they say) critical or severe
sharp criticism: The proposals came in for some sharp criticism.
Emma has a sharp tongue (= she often speaks in an unpleasant or unkind way).
sharp with somebody He was very sharp with me when I was late.
2/clever and dishonest: (disapproving) (of a person or their way of doing business) clever but possibly dishonest, showing intelligence and excellent judgement:
His lawyer’s a sharp operator. (a smooth/slick/clever operator - informal: a person who deals with people or problems in a clever way, especially for their own advantage:He has shown himself to be a clever operator in wage negotiations.)
The firm had to face some sharp practice from competing companies.
The two are very sharp businessmen who have seen their property business move from handling small-scale office developments to schemes totaling €800 million.
She is known in the media as a sharp and incisive thinker. (incisive: sắc bén: Adj /ɪnˈsɑɪ·sɪv/: expressing an idea or opinion clearly and in a persuasive manner: incisive comments/criticism/analysis/mind: The guide’s incisive comments give us a new perspective on the painting.)
expert adjective /ˈekspɜːt/: done with, having or involving great knowledge or skill
to seek expert advice
Only a fully qualified doctor can give an expert opinion.
an expert witness
His expert evidence played a key role in the trial.
expert at/in/on something They are expert in these matters.
informed adjective /ɪnˈfɔːmd/
1/having or showing a lot of knowledge about a particular subject or situation
an informed critic
They are not fully informed about the changes.
Keep me informed of any developments.
OPPOSITE uninformed
SEE ALSO ill-informed, well informed
2/ (of a decision or judgement) based on an understanding of the facts of a situation
an informed choice/decision/opinion/guess: The discussion was about whether the child was old enough to make an informed decision.
It was a serious and informed debate.
He went against all informed advice.
savvy adjective /ˈsævi/ (informal)
having practical knowledge and understanding of something; having common sense
savvy shoppers
Most of his clients were financially savvy enough to know a good deal when they saw one.
SEE ALSO media-savvy, tech-savvy
-do something with ease and grace: . When someone does something with ease and grace, it appears as if they are performing the task without effort or strain, and are able to do so in a way that is both efficient and aesthetically pleasing.
-skilled (Skilled individuals are able to perform tasks with a high degree of proficiency, and are able to apply their knowledge and experience to solve complex problems and achieve impressive results.) Vs. skillful (Skillful individuals are able to perform tasks with ease and grace, is often associated with having a high level of natural talent or artistic ability)
1/Skilled: having enough ability, experience and knowledge to be able to do something well
a skilled engineer/negotiator/craftsman
a shortage of skilled labour (= people who have had training in a skill)
skilled in/at something/doing something She is highly skilled at dealing with difficult customers.
SEE ALSO semi-skilled ((of workers) having some special training or qualifications, but less than skilled people)
2/ skillful: (of a person) good at doing something, especially something that needs a particular ability or special training
a skillful player/performer/teacher
- talented adjective /ˈtæləntɪd/: having a natural ability to do something well
a talented player/musician/artist
Some of these young musicians are incredibly talented.
artistic /ɑrˈtɪs·tɪk/ : an artistic person has skill or ability in painting, dancing, singing, etc.:
artistic abilities/achievements/skills/talent
She comes from a very artistic family.
spirit verb /ˈspɪrɪt/ [T]
spirit something + adv./prep. to take somebody/something away in a quick, secret or mysterious way
After the concert, the band was spirited away before their fans could get near them.
spirited adjective /ˈspɪrɪtɪd/ [usually before noun]: full of energy, courage or determination
a spirited young woman
a spirited discussion
She put up a spirited defence in the final game.
The team produced a spirited performance.
COMPARE dispirited (having no hope or enthusiasm: She looked tired and dispirited.)
SEE ALSO free-spirited, high-spirited, public-spirited
Empathetic (refers to the ability to understand and share the feelings and experiences of others) vs sympathetic (refers to the ability to feel pity or sorrow for someone else’s situation or experiences.)
- empathetic is often associated with a deeper level of understanding and connection, . Empathetic individuals are able to put themselves in someone else’s shoes and see things from their perspective, which allows them to connect with others on a deeper level and offer meaningful support and assistance.:
an empathetic listener
empathetic to/towards somebody/something His personal history makes him especially empathetic to workers’ need for a fair wage.
The medical profession requires doctors to be both clinically competent and empathetic towards their patients.
- sympathetic is often associated with a more surface-level response to someone else’s experiences. Sympathetic individuals are able to recognize when someone is going through a difficult time and offer words of comfort or support, but may not necessarily be able to fully understand or share their feelings.
a sympathetic listener/response
sympathetic to/towards somebody I did not feel at all sympathetic towards Kate.
I’m here if you need a sympathetic ear (= somebody to talk to about your problems).
courteous adjective /ˈkɜːrtiəs/
polite, especially in a way that shows respect
a courteous young man
The hotel staff are friendly and courteous.
OPPOSITE discourteous
Sophisticated –adj /səˈfɪstɪkeɪtɪd/
1/ having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture and other things that people think are socially important
the sophisticated pleasures of city life
Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man.
COMPARE naïve /naɪˈiːv/
2/ (of a person) able to understand difficult or complicated ideas
a sophisticated audience
OPPOSITE unsophisticated
expressive adjective /ɪkˈspresɪv/: showing or able to show your thoughts and feelings
She has wonderfully expressive eyes.
the expressive power of his music
She has a wonderfully expressive voice.
forward-looking = forward-thinking adjective
(approving): planning for the future; willing to consider modern ideas and methods
a forward-looking company
We need someone dynamic and forward-looking.
-dilemma SYN problem, issue
I could see no way of resolving this moral dilemma.
The digital era brings new ethical dilemmas for journalists.
in a dilemma They were caught in a real dilemma.
dilemma about/over something She faced a dilemma about whether to accept the offer or not.
dilemma between A and B the perennial dilemma between work and family commitments
- predicament noun /prɪˈdɪkəmənt/
a difficult or an unpleasant situation, especially one where it is difficult to know what to do
the club’s financial predicament
I’m in a terrible predicament.
-SYNONYM quandary /ˈkwɑːndəri/
in a quandary George was in a quandary—should he go or shouldn’t he?
This placed the government in something of a quandary.
Sophisticated –adj
1/ having a lot of experience of the world and knowing about fashion, culture and other things that people think are socially important
the sophisticated pleasures of city life
Mark is a smart and sophisticated young man.
2/ (of a person) able to understand difficult or complicated ideas
a sophisticated audience
OPPOSITE unsophisticated
3/ (of a machine, system, etc.) clever and complicated in the way that it works or is presented
highly sophisticated computer systems
Medical techniques are becoming more sophisticated all the time.