2/7 Flashcards
Live with Grace [opp disgrace] and dignity, compassion
Grace [u]
0/[movement]: a quality of moving in a smooth, relaxed, and attractive way:
• easy
• effortless
• fluid
• …
verb + grace
• have
• move with
• with grace
1.a/[politeness] : the charming quality of being polite and pleasant, or a willingness to be fair and to forgive:
She always handles her clients with tact and grace.
1.b/[plural] ways of behaving that people think are polite and acceptable
Ken is sadly lacking in social graces.
2/[business: time]: an added period of time allowed before something must be done or paid:
give sb a month’s/a week’s/two weeks’, etc. grace: The bank gives customers a week’s grace before charging a late fee.
Grace [T] – V:
1/ to make something more attractive; to decorate something
Her face has graced the covers of magazines across the world.
2/to bring honour to somebody/something; to be kind enough to attend or take part in something
- grace somebody/something She is one of the finest players ever to have graced the game.
-grace someone with your presence: to honour people by taking part in something:
We are delighted that the mayor will be gracing us with his presence at our annual dinner.
-Disgrace [U] /dɪsˈɡreɪs/ –n: SYN shame:
1/embarrassment and the loss of other people’s respect, or behavior that causes this:
bring disgrace on sb: Her behaviour has brought disgrace on her family.
in disgrace The swimmer was sent home from the Olympics in disgrace.
in disgrace with somebody Sam was in disgrace with his parents.
disgrace in doing something There is no disgrace in being poor.
verb + disgrace
• fall into: to start doing something that you had not planned to do: Their father fell into disgrace and lost his business.
• bring
• be sent home in
• …
• in disgrace
• there’s no disgrace in something
2/be a disgrace to someone/something: to be so bad or unacceptable that you make people lose respect for the group or activity you are connected to:
a disgrace to somebody/something: You’re a disgrace (to the family) - what a way to behave!
it is a disgrace that… It’s a disgrace that (= it is very wrong that) they are paid so little.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
• absolute
• utter
• national
• …
• disgrace to
-Disgrace -verb [ T ] SYN dishonor, discredit :to make people stop respecting you or your family, team, etc. by doing something very bad:
disgrace sb/sth You have disgraced us all with your behaviour.
disgrace yourself I disgraced myself by drinking far too much.
disgraced /dɪsˈɡreɪst/
having lost the respect of people, usually meaning you have also lost a position of power
a disgraced politician/leader
-Disgraceful adjective /dɪsˈɡreɪsfl/ very bad or unacceptable; that people should feel ashamed about
a disgraceful waste of money/conduct/behavior/situation
Dignity /ˈdɪɡnəti/ [uncountable] (dignitary, dignified)
1/ a calm and serious manner that deserves respect
He is a man of dignity and calm determination.
His aristocratic voice gives him an air of dignity and power.
2/ the fact of being given honour and respect by people
the dignity of work
The terminally ill should be allowed to die with dignity.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
• enormous
• great
• calm
• …
verb + dignity
• have
• possess
• keep
• …
• below somebody’s dignity
• beneath somebody’s dignity
• with dignity
• …
• an air of dignity
• a lack of dignity
• a loss of dignity
• …
“Obedient” vs “assertive
Assertive: /əˈsɝː.t̬ɪv/ -> self-confident, self-assured: someone who is self-assured, confident, and able to express their opinions and needs in a clear and direct manner , assertive people tend to be more proactive and self-assured.
Obedient /oʊˈbiː.di.ənt/ -> submissive /səbˈmɪs.ɪv/, accommodating, compliant /kəmˈplaɪ.ənt/ : refers to someone who follows instructions, orders, or rules without question or resistance. obedient people tend to be more passive and submissive
amend / amendment: Nouns frequently used as the object of amend (bill, act, charter clause, constitution, directive, law, legislation, proposal, regulation, rule)
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
• important
• major
• significant
• …
verb + amendment
• introduce
• make
• draft
• …
amendment + verb
• pass (something)
• ban/outlaw something
• …
• without amendment
• amendment to
1/be elevated to something formal: to be given a higher rank or social position: He has been elevated to deputy manager.
2/Tap (into) something
[transitive, intransitive] to make use of a source of energy, knowledge, etc. that already exists
tap something We need to tap the expertise of the people we already have.
tap into something The movie seems to tap into a general sentimentality about animals.
[phrasal verb] Take away from = detract from: [no passive] to make the effort or value of something seem less: I don’t want to take away from his achievements, but he couldn’t have done it without my help.
Sentiment [ideas]
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
• deep
• strong
• growing
• …
verb + sentiment
• express
• voice
• agree with
• …
sentiment + verb
• run
• sentiments about
• sentiments on
• sentiment against
• …
• I, we, etc. appreciate the sentiment
• my sentiments exactly
1/ [idea]: a belief or an attitude towards something, especially the likely future direction of a financial market, the economy, etc.:
Market sentiment: Analysts and investors said market sentiment for the time being appears positive.
positive/negative sentiment
(falling/rising) consumer sentiment/confidence in sth
Sentiment of sth: His son was overwhelmed by the sentiments of love and support in the cards and letters he received.
Sentimental [adj] SYN emotional: connected with your emotions, rather than reason:
I kept the clock purely for sentimental reasons.
The stolen items were of great sentimental value to the family (=they were valuable to them for emotional reasons).
Polarize [intransitive, transitive] SYN fragment, separate: to separate or make people separate into two groups with completely opposite opinions
Public opinion has polarized on this issue.
polarize something: polarize public opinion/ the community/the country/the group/the debate: The issue has polarized public opinion.
There is a spectrum there
These issues are not necessarily back and white
Nuance /ˈnuːɑːns/ [C] SYN subtlety [usually plural: subtleties ] /ˈsʌtlti/, refinement, shade : a very slight difference in meaning, sound, colour or somebody’s feelings that is not usually very obvious
-V + nuances:
Pick up on nuances: notice something
Subtle nuances /ˈsʌt̬.əl/: small but important
Delicate nuances: (of colours, flavours and smells) light and pleasant; not strong
-nuances of + N
Nuances of meaning
Nuances of language
Nuances of culture
Nuances of emotion
Conceive -v
1/ [T] to form an idea, a plan, etc. in your mind
2/(formal) to imagine something
conceive of somebody/something (as something) God is often conceived of as male.
conceive (that)… I cannot conceive (= I do not believe) (that) he would wish to harm us.
conceive what/how, etc… I cannot conceive what it must be like.
conceivable SYN possible
It is conceivable that I’ll see her tomorrow.
a beautiful city with buildings of every conceivable age and style
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
be seem become…
entirely perfectly quite…
every conceivable something
Curvy SYNONYM voluptuous /vəˈlʌptʃuəs/, buxom /ˈbʌksəm/, hourglass-shaped: having large breasts and hips in a way that is sexually attractive
Most frequently used with N: blonde, figure/body, cureves, lips , beauty
1/v.: [T] : to put oil onto or into something, for example a machine, in order to protect it or make it work smoothly
He oiled his bike and pumped up the tyres.
a/ [uncountable] a thick liquid that is found in rock underground
SYNONYM petroleum
an oil spill/industry/companies/process/ reserves
peak oil
Several companies are drilling for oil in the region.
The well produced oil at a rate of 2 000 barrels of oil a day.
• heavy
• light
• crude
• …
… of oil
• barrel
• film
• drop
• …
verb + oil
• extract
• obtain
• produce
• …
oil + noun
• company
• producer
• man
• …
b/ [uncountable] a form of petroleum that is used as fuel and to make parts of machines move smoothly
fuel/gas/engine oil
an oil lamp/heater
Put some oil in the car.
palm/coconut/sesame oil
corn oil, olive oil, palm oil
Vegetable oils are better for you than animal fats.
d/ [uncountable, countable] a smooth thick liquid that is made from plants, minerals, etc. and is used on the skin or hair
lavender bath oil
suntan oil
SEE ALSO baby oil, essential oil
Realm /relm/ n.: domain, sphere /sfɪr/, aspect
an area of activity, interest or knowledge
in the realm of something in the realm of literature
At the end of the speech he seemed to be moving into the realms of fantasy.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
• whole
• new
• international
• …
verb + realm
• be in
• belong in
• belong to
• …
• beyond the realm of
• out of the realm of
• outside the realm of
• …
• the realm of art, politics, science, etc.
• the realms of fantasy
• the realms of possibility
Perfume, scent, fragrance, aroma – n (4 types of perfume scents in fragrance wheel: woody/floral/fresh/ amber=oriental notes)
Perfumed, scented, fragrant -adj
Appetizing –adj
Aroma –n
a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon (Appetizing : (of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty)
1/v [T] perfume something (with something) to put perfume in or on something
She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
2/n. perfume
a/ a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM fragrance , scent
a bottle of expensive perfume
b/ a pleasant, often sweet, smell: SYNONYM scent
the heady perfume of the rose
3/perfumed adj.:
a/(literary) (of the air in a place) having a pleasant smell
SYNONYM scented
a perfumed breeze
b/ containing perfume
perfumed soap
4/perfumery n
[C] a place where perfumes are made and/or sold
a visit to the Fragonard perfumery in Paris
[U] the process of making perfume
oils used in perfumery
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/
1/ noun
a/[countable, uncountable] a pleasant smell
The bath oil comes in various fragrances.
The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.
b/ [countable] a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM perfume, scent (3)
an exciting new fragrance from Dior
They are about to launch their first fragrance for men.
2/fragrant – adj: having a pleasant smell
fragrant herbs/flowers/oils
a/ scent something to find something by using the sense of smell
The dog scented a rabbit.
b/ scent something to begin to feel that something exists or is about to happen
The press could scent a scandal.
c/ [often passive] scent something (with something) to give something a particular, pleasant smell
Roses scented the night air.
a/ the pleasant smell that something has
The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.
b/ the smell that a person or an animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow
The dogs must have lost her scent.
The hounds were now on the scent of (= following the smell of) the fox.
c/ [U] a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your skin to make it smell nice
a bottle of scent
She dabbed some scent on her neck.
d/[S] scent of something the feeling that something is present or is going to happen very soon
The scent of victory was in the air.
3/scented adj. [OPP scentless] having a strong pleasant smell
scented pine woods
Perfume, scent, fragrance, aroma – n (4 types of perfume scents in fragrance wheel: woody/floral/fresh/ amber=oriental notes)
Perfumed, scented, fragrant -adj
Appetizing –adj
Aroma –n
a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon (Appetizing : (of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty)
1/v [T] perfume something (with something) to put perfume in or on something
She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
2/n. perfume
a/ a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM fragrance , scent
a bottle of expensive perfume
b/ a pleasant, often sweet, smell: SYNONYM scent
the heady perfume of the rose
3/perfumed adj.:
a/(literary) (of the air in a place) having a pleasant smell
SYNONYM scented
a perfumed breeze
b/ containing perfume
perfumed soap
4/perfumery n
[C] a place where perfumes are made and/or sold
a visit to the Fragonard perfumery in Paris
[U] the process of making perfume
oils used in perfumery
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/
1/ noun
a/[countable, uncountable] a pleasant smell
The bath oil comes in various fragrances.
The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.
b/ [countable] a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM perfume, scent (3)
an exciting new fragrance from Dior
They are about to launch their first fragrance for men.
2/fragrant – adj: having a pleasant smell
fragrant herbs/flowers/oils
a/ scent something to find something by using the sense of smell
The dog scented a rabbit.
b/ scent something to begin to feel that something exists or is about to happen
The press could scent a scandal.
c/ [often passive] scent something (with something) to give something a particular, pleasant smell
Roses scented the night air.
a/ the pleasant smell that something has
The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.
b/ the smell that a person or an animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow
The dogs must have lost her scent.
The hounds were now on the scent of (= following the smell of) the fox.
c/ [U] a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your skin to make it smell nice
a bottle of scent
She dabbed some scent on her neck.
d/[S] scent of something the feeling that something is present or is going to happen very soon
The scent of victory was in the air.
3/scented adj. [OPP scentless] having a strong pleasant smell
scented pine woods
Perfume, scent, fragrance – n (4 types of perfume scents in fragrance wheel: woody/floral/fresh/ amber=oriental notes)
Perfumed, scented, fragrant -adj
Appetizing –adj
Aroma –n SYN notes, air
a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon (Appetizing : (of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty)
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
• pungent /ˈpʌndʒənt/
• rich
• strong
• …
verb + aroma
• inhale /ɪnˈheɪl/ [OPP exhale]: breathe/take in
• savour/savor: SYN relish /ˈrelɪʃ/
• smell
• …
aroma + verb
• linger [I]: to continue to exist for longer than expected
• waft [intransitive, transitive] SYN drift: to move, or make something move, gently through the air
• fill something
• …
1/v [T] perfume something (with something) to put perfume in or on something
She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
2/n. perfume
a/ a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM fragrance , scent
a bottle of expensive perfume
• expensive
• cheap
• strong
• …
… of perfume
• bottle
verb + perfume
• use
• wear
• spray
• …
perfume + noun
• bottle
• oil
• counter
• …
• a waft of perfume/smoke (waft: a smell or a line of smoke carried through the air)
• a whiff of perfume (whiff (of something) a smell, especially one that you only smell for a short time: a whiff of cigar smoke)
b/ a pleasant, often sweet, smell: SYNONYM scent
the heady perfume of the rose
• sweet
• heady (SYN intoxicating /ɪnˈtɑːksɪkeɪtɪŋ/) : having a strong effect on your senses; making you feel excited and confident
• strong
• …
verb + perfume
• smell
perfume + verb
• fill something
3/perfumed adj.:
a/(literary) (of the air in a place) having a pleasant smell
SYNONYM scented
a perfumed breeze
b/ containing perfume
perfumed soap
4/perfumery n
[C] a place where perfumes are made and/or sold
a visit to the Fragonard perfumery in Paris
[U] the process of making perfume
oils used in perfumery
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/
1/ noun
a/[countable, uncountable] a pleasant smell
The bath oil comes in various fragrances.
The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.
b/ [countable] a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM perfume, scent (3)
an exciting new fragrance from Dior
They are about to launch their first fragrance for men.
2/fragrant – adj: having a pleasant smell
fragrant herbs/flowers/oils
a/ scent something to find something by using the sense of smell
The dog scented a rabbit.
b/ scent something to begin to feel that something exists or is about to happen
The press could scent a scandal.
c/ [often passive] scent something (with something) to give something a particular, pleasant smell
Roses scented the night air.
a/ the pleasant smell that something has
The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.
b/ the smell that a person or an animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow
The dogs must have lost her scent.
The hounds were now on the scent of (= following the smell of) the fox.
c/ [U] a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your skin to make it smell nice
a bottle of scent
She dabbed some scent on her neck.
d/[S] scent of something the feeling that something is present or is going to happen very soon
The scent of victory was in the air.
3/scented adj. [OPP scentless] having a strong pleasant smell
scented pine woods
Perfume, scent, fragrance, aroma – n (4 types of perfume scents in fragrance wheel: woody/floral/fresh/ amber=oriental notes)
Perfumed, scented, fragrant -adj
Appetizing –adj
Aroma –n
a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon (Appetizing : (of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty)
1/v [T] perfume something (with something) to put perfume in or on something
She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
2/n. perfume
a/ a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM fragrance , scent
a bottle of expensive perfume
b/ a pleasant, often sweet, smell: SYNONYM scent
the heady perfume of the rose
3/perfumed adj.:
a/(literary) (of the air in a place) having a pleasant smell
SYNONYM scented
a perfumed breeze
b/ containing perfume
perfumed soap
4/perfumery n
[C] a place where perfumes are made and/or sold
a visit to the Fragonard perfumery in Paris
[U] the process of making perfume
oils used in perfumery
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/
1/ noun
a/[countable, uncountable] a pleasant smell
The bath oil comes in various fragrances.
The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.
b/ [countable] a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM perfume, scent (3)
an exciting new fragrance from Dior
They are about to launch their first fragrance for men.
2/fragrant – adj: having a pleasant smell
fragrant herbs/flowers/oils
a/ scent something to find something by using the sense of smell
The dog scented a rabbit.
b/ scent something to begin to feel that something exists or is about to happen
The press could scent a scandal.
c/ [often passive] scent something (with something) to give something a particular, pleasant smell
Roses scented the night air.
a/ the pleasant smell that something has
The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.
b/ the smell that a person or an animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow
The dogs must have lost her scent.
The hounds were now on the scent of (= following the smell of) the fox.
c/ [U] a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your skin to make it smell nice
a bottle of scent
She dabbed some scent on her neck.
d/[S] scent of something the feeling that something is present or is going to happen very soon
The scent of victory was in the air.
3/scented adj. [OPP scentless] having a strong pleasant smell
scented pine woods
Perfume, scent, fragrance, aroma – n (4 types of perfume scents in fragrance wheel: woody/floral/fresh/ amber=oriental notes)
Perfumed, scented, fragrant -adj
Appetizing –adj
Aroma –n
a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon (Appetizing : (of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty)
1/v [T] perfume something (with something) to put perfume in or on something
She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
2/n. perfume
a/ a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM fragrance , scent
a bottle of expensive perfume
b/ a pleasant, often sweet, smell: SYNONYM scent
the heady perfume of the rose
3/perfumed adj.:
a/(literary) (of the air in a place) having a pleasant smell
SYNONYM scented
a perfumed breeze
b/ containing perfume
perfumed soap
4/perfumery n
[C] a place where perfumes are made and/or sold
a visit to the Fragonard perfumery in Paris
[U] the process of making perfume
oils used in perfumery
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/
1/ noun
a/[countable, uncountable] a pleasant smell
The bath oil comes in various fragrances.
The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.
b/ [countable] a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM perfume, scent (3)
an exciting new fragrance from Dior
They are about to launch their first fragrance for men.
2/fragrant – adj: having a pleasant smell
fragrant herbs/flowers/oils
a/ scent something to find something by using the sense of smell
The dog scented a rabbit.
b/ scent something to begin to feel that something exists or is about to happen
The press could scent a scandal.
c/ [often passive] scent something (with something) to give something a particular, pleasant smell
Roses scented the night air.
a/ the pleasant smell that something has
The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.
b/ the smell that a person or an animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow
The dogs must have lost her scent.
The hounds were now on the scent of (= following the smell of) the fox.
c/ [U] a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your skin to make it smell nice
a bottle of scent
She dabbed some scent on her neck.
d/[S] scent of something the feeling that something is present or is going to happen very soon
The scent of victory was in the air.
3/scented adj. [OPP scentless] having a strong pleasant smell
scented pine woods
Perfume, scent, fragrance, aroma – n (4 types of perfume scents in fragrance wheel: woody/floral/fresh/ amber=oriental notes)
Perfumed, scented, fragrant -adj
Appetizing –adj
Aroma –n
a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon (Appetizing : (of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty)
1/v [T] perfume something (with something) to put perfume in or on something
She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
2/n. perfume
a/ a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM fragrance , scent
a bottle of expensive perfume
b/ a pleasant, often sweet, smell: SYNONYM scent
the heady perfume of the rose
3/perfumed adj.:
a/(literary) (of the air in a place) having a pleasant smell
SYNONYM scented
a perfumed breeze
b/ containing perfume
perfumed soap
4/perfumery n
[C] a place where perfumes are made and/or sold
a visit to the Fragonard perfumery in Paris
[U] the process of making perfume
oils used in perfumery
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/
1/ noun
a/[countable, uncountable] a pleasant smell
The bath oil comes in various fragrances.
The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.
b/ [countable] a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM perfume, scent (3)
an exciting new fragrance from Dior
They are about to launch their first fragrance for men.
2/fragrant – adj: having a pleasant smell
fragrant herbs/flowers/oils
a/ scent something to find something by using the sense of smell
The dog scented a rabbit.
b/ scent something to begin to feel that something exists or is about to happen
The press could scent a scandal.
c/ [often passive] scent something (with something) to give something a particular, pleasant smell
Roses scented the night air.
a/ the pleasant smell that something has
The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.
b/ the smell that a person or an animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow
The dogs must have lost her scent.
The hounds were now on the scent of (= following the smell of) the fox.
c/ [U] a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your skin to make it smell nice
a bottle of scent
She dabbed some scent on her neck.
d/[S] scent of something the feeling that something is present or is going to happen very soon
The scent of victory was in the air.
3/scented adj. [OPP scentless] having a strong pleasant smell
scented pine woods
Perfume, scent, fragrance, aroma – n (4 types of perfume scents in fragrance wheel: woody/floral/fresh/ amber=oriental notes)
Perfumed, scented, fragrant -adj
Appetizing –adj
Aroma –n
a pleasant smell that is easy to notice
the appetizing aroma of sizzling bacon (Appetizing : (of food, etc.) that smells or looks attractive; making you feel hungry or thirsty)
1/v [T] perfume something (with something) to put perfume in or on something
She perfumed her bath with fragrant oils.
2/n. perfume
a/ a liquid, often made from flowers, that you put on your skin to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM fragrance , scent
a bottle of expensive perfume
b/ a pleasant, often sweet, smell: SYNONYM scent
the heady perfume of the rose
3/perfumed adj.:
a/(literary) (of the air in a place) having a pleasant smell
SYNONYM scented
a perfumed breeze
b/ containing perfume
perfumed soap
4/perfumery n
[C] a place where perfumes are made and/or sold
a visit to the Fragonard perfumery in Paris
[U] the process of making perfume
oils used in perfumery
fragrance /ˈfreɪɡrəns/
1/ noun
a/[countable, uncountable] a pleasant smell
The bath oil comes in various fragrances.
The flowers are chosen for their delicate fragrance.
b/ [countable] a liquid that you put on your skin in order to make yourself smell nice
SYNONYM perfume, scent (3)
an exciting new fragrance from Dior
They are about to launch their first fragrance for men.
2/fragrant – adj: having a pleasant smell
fragrant herbs/flowers/oils
a/ scent something to find something by using the sense of smell
The dog scented a rabbit.
b/ scent something to begin to feel that something exists or is about to happen
The press could scent a scandal.
c/ [often passive] scent something (with something) to give something a particular, pleasant smell
Roses scented the night air.
a/ the pleasant smell that something has
The air was filled with the scent of wild flowers.
b/ the smell that a person or an animal leaves behind and that other animals such as dogs can follow
The dogs must have lost her scent.
The hounds were now on the scent of (= following the smell of) the fox.
c/ [U] a liquid with a pleasant smell that you wear on your skin to make it smell nice
a bottle of scent
She dabbed some scent on her neck.
d/[S] scent of something the feeling that something is present or is going to happen very soon
The scent of victory was in the air.
3/scented adj. [OPP scentless] having a strong pleasant smell
scented pine woods
North star: A North Star is an analogy referring to the guiding principles behind a [business]. It’s [your] purpose, ambition and vision. Put more simply, it’s the reason [you] go into business in the first place.
Follow your north star (stick to your important mission of life and try to accomplish it.)
North star metric: the one metric that captures the core value that your product delivers to customers:
your north star metrics might be average order value (AOV) and customer retention rate if you sell a meal delivery service.
analogy NOUN SYN comparison
a comparison showing that two things are similar:
analogy (between A and B) The teacher drew an analogy between the human heart and a pump.
analogy (with something) There are no analogies with any previous legal cases.
appropriate apt good…
verb + analogy
draw make suggest…
analogy + verb
fit hold
by analogyby analogy toby analogy with…
argument by analogyargument from analogy
[phrasal verb] derive from something | be derived from something: to get something from something else:
The institute derives all its money from foreign investments.
[adj] derivative /dɪˈrɪvətɪv/: (usually disapproving): copied from something else; not having new or original ideas
a derivative design/style
I found the novel thin and derivative. I had expected more.
derivatives trading/markets: In the past 20 years there has been a huge growth in the derivatives markets.
Predatory adj: /ˈpred.ə.tr.i/: SYN rapacious /rəˈpeɪ.ʃəs/
1/ People or organizations who are predatory tend to use others for their own advantage:
Larger companies, which played a predatory role, swooped down to cash in on the new fad.
a predatory insurance salesman/ lenders
a predatory look
2/[business] used to describe a situation where a company is looking to buy another company that is in a weak financial position:: The chances of a predatory takeover bid from its US rival receded
Predator [n] ˈpredətər/.
1/(disapproving) a person or an organization that uses weaker people for their own advantage
to protect domestic industry from foreign predators
2/an animal that kills and eats other animals
Some animals have no natural predators.
Advisory noun [ C usually plural ] mainly US /ədˈvaɪ.zər.i/: SYN consultation, counsel, guidance: an official warning that something bad is going to happen:
travel advisory :The government issued a travel advisory due to the heavy storms that were forecasted for the region.
a tornado advisory
Advisory adj: relating to giving advice:
an advisory board/panel/committee/group/capacity/service They’ve set up a scientific advisory board to select big projects to tackle.
abstract noun [C] (SHORT DOCUMENT) /ˈæb.strækt/ SYN summary
a short form of a speech, article, book, etc., giving only the most important facts or ideas:
There is a section at the end of the magazine that includes abstracts of recent articles/books.
Abstract [ T ] /æbˈstrækt/
1/to remove or separate someone or something from a place or context (= the situation, facts, words, etc. that exist around something):
abstract someone from something It was impossible to abstract children from their social environment with all its dangers.
abstract something from something Relevant information was abstracted from the database or from medical records.
2/ [ I or T ]
to consider something in a general way or make a general judgment after looking at particular details:
Most interviewees focus on their own experience and do not generalize or abstract the situation.
A general rule is arrived at by abstracting from the data.
Abstract –adj [general]
1/ An abstract argument or discussion is general and not based on particular examples:
This debate is becoming too abstract - let’s have some hard facts!
2/ the abstract: general ideas:
in the abstract So far we’ve only discussed the question in the abstract (= without referring to any real examples).
I have difficulty dealing with the abstract - let’s discuss particular cases.
Discriminatory /dɪˈskrɪmɪnətri/ [discriminate] vs discretionary /dɪˈskreʃənəri/ [discretion] vs Discriminating
Discriminatory SYN biased: discriminatory practices/rules/measures | sexually/racially discriminatory laws
Discriminating adj SYN discerning, perceptive: a discriminating audience/customer
Discretionary SYN elective, voluntary: You may be eligible for a discretionary grant for your university course.
discretionary grant/income/award
1/ SYN differentiate, distinguish [I,T]
discriminate (between A and B) The computer program was unable to discriminate between letters and numbers.
discriminate something When do babies learn to discriminate voices?
discriminate A from B A number of features discriminate this species from others.
2/[I] SYN bias
discriminate (against somebody) | discriminate (in favour of somebody) practices that discriminate against women and in favour of men
discriminate on the grounds of something It is illegal to discriminate on the grounds of race, gender or religion.
1/bias: age/racial/gender/sex discrimination
2/SYN discernment, perception, acumen, insight : He showed great discrimination in his choice of friends.
1/Discern SYN perceive, detect:
discern something It is possible to discern a number of different techniques in her work.
He discerned a certain coldness in their welcome.
discern how, whether, etc… It is often difficult to discern how widespread public support is.
discern that… I quickly discerned that something was wrong.
2/Discernable SYN perceptible, observable, noticeable: There is often no discernible difference between rival brands.
3/Discerning adj SYN observant, perceptive, astute /əˈstjuːt/, judicious /dʒuˈdɪʃəs/: To the discerning eye, the quality may seem quite poor.
4/discernment SYM discrimination: the ability to show good judgement about the quality of somebody/something : He shows great discernment in his choice of friends.
“Perceptive” refers to someone who is able to perceive or understand things quickly and accurately. It describes someone who is insightful, observant, and able to pick up on subtle cues or details. For example, “She is a perceptive teacher who can quickly identify her students’ strengths and weaknesses.”
“Perceptible,” on the other hand, refers to something that can be perceived or detected by the senses. It describes something that is noticeable, observable, or able to be sensed. For example, “The sound of the music was barely perceptible over the noise of the crowd.”
1/ [T] SYN decide,
determine to do something They determined to start early.
determine on something The government determined on a change of policy.
determine something A date for the meeting has yet to be determined.
determine (that)… The court determined (that) the defendant should pay the legal costs.
2/ [T] SYN discover, reveal, uncover, establish, ascertain
determine something An inquiry was set up to determine the cause of the accident.
Try to determine the extent of the problem.
determine what, whether, etc… We set out to determine exactly what happened that night.
It is difficult to determine when drama first appeared in India.
it is determined that… It was determined that she had died of natural causes.
1/[provide for, furnish, cater for] [T]
sustain life/population / Food + sustain sb
[support emotionally] sb + be sustained by love/support/faith
2/[maintain, preserve] [I,T]: This relationship would be very difficult to sustain.
sustain interest/high speed/growth/relationship
3/[suffer, undergo, endure]: to sustain damage/an injury/a defeat/loss
4/[uphold, endorse,validate]: to provide support for an idea, statement, legal argument, etc.: to sustain a claim/argument
sustainable vs sustained
-(able to continue at the same level for a period of time)sustainable growth/success/value /business development
-(using methods that do not harm the environment so that natural resources are still available in the future:) sustainable communities/energy sources
-(continuing at a particular level for a period of time:)sustained commitment/effort/success | sustained economic growth/downturn/recovery | on a sustained basis
endurable vs enduring
-endurable pain/hardship/suffering
-Enduring appeal / attachment/ fascination…
[Adj] (in)Human, (in)humane
Human [only before noun] /ˈhjuːmən/ : of or connected with people rather than animals, machines or gods: the human body/brain/life/development/activity/behavior
Humane /hjuːˈmeɪn/ [approving]: being kind towards people and animals by making sure that they do not suffer more than is necessary: a caring and humane society
Inhuman vs inhumane
Inhuman /ɪnˈhjuːmən/: lack of humanity: “The inhuman treatment of prisoners was a violation of human rights.”
Inhumane /ˌɪnhjuːˈmeɪn/ [actions and behavior that are cruel towards OTHER LIVING BEINGS, esp. animals] [disapproving]: SYN cruel, callous /ˈkæləs/: not caring about the pain or problems of other people or animals; very cruel: “The inhumane treatment of animals in factory farms has been the subject of much controversy.”
Ash – n [U[
1/[powder] the soft grey or black powder that is left after a substance, especially tobacco, coal, or wood, has burned:
cigarette ash/ black volcanic ash
* glowing
* hot
* red-hot
* …
… of ash
* cloud
verb + ash
* flick
* tap
* reduce something to (destroy sth, esp: a building)
* …
ash + verb
* fall
* rise from the ashes
2/ ashes [plural] what is left after something has been destroyed by burning
The town was reduced to ashes in the fighting.
3/ ashes [plural] the powder that is left after a dead person’s body has been cremated /ˈkriː.meɪt/ (= burned)
She wanted her ashes to be scattered at sea.
verb + ashes
* scatter
* spread
* bury
* …
Plot [C] –n
1/[story]: the story of a book, film, play, etc.:
The plots of his books are basically all the same.
plot about something a conventional plot about love and marriage
Plot twists (= unexpected developments) keep you guessing throughout the series.
Oxford Collocations Dictionary
* simple
* complex
* complicated
* …
verb + plot
* construct
* advance: advance a plan/proposal/theory ( to suggest a new idea or plan to a group of people:)
* give away
* …
plot + verb
* develop
* unfold
* involve
* …
plot + noun
* development
* twist
* device
* …
* a twist in the plot
* a twist of the plot
2/[secret plan]: a secret plan made by several people to do something that is wrong, harmful, or not legal, especially to do damage to a person or a government:
The plot was discovered before it was carried out.
[ + to infinitive ] The police have foiled a plot to assassinate the president.
Oxford Collocations Dictionaryadjective
* evil
* fiendish
* alleged
* …
verb + plot
* hatch
* uncover
* foil
* …
* plot against
* plot by
3/[Ground] plot noun [C] (GROUND): a small piece of land that has been marked or measured for a particular purpose:
a vegetable plot
There are several plots of land for sale.
* garden
* vegetable
* farm
* …
verb + plot
* work
plot + verb
* measure something
* a plot of land
plot verb
1/(STORY) [ T ] to write the plot for something:
So far I’ve only plotted (out) the story in a rough form.
2/(Plan) SYN conspire /kənˈspaɪə(r)/, scheme
2.a/ [ I or T ] to make a secret plan to do something wrong, harmful, or illegal:
The army is plotting the overthrow of the government.
I can’t believe that he’s plotting against his own father.
[ + to infinitive ] They’re plotting (together) to take over the company.
2.b/ [ T ] humorous
to make a secret plan to do something funny or enjoyable to or for someone:
[ + to infinitive ] They’re plotting to play a trick on their brother.
He’s plotting a surprise party for his wife’s birthday.
allegedly secretly carefully…
against with
accuse somebody of plotting something