Herbs Indications, Contraindications & Affinity Flashcards
Indications: Soothing mucal membranes, diarrhea
Contraindications: Slow oral route drugs absorption
Affinity: Digestion
Ulmus rubra
Indications: Anxiolytic, seizures, hysteria, jaundice
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Nerves
Verbana off.
Indications: Liver
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Liver
Silybum marianum
Indication: Indigestion, childhood diarrhea, early appendicitis, mucous colitis, GI stimulation
Contraindication: None
Affinity: Digestion
Agrimonium eupatorium
Indications: Muscle tension, uterine muscle problems, protect against miscarriage
Contraindications: None
Afinity: Muscle tension
Viburnum opulus
Indications: Ward off Infection; septicemia; inhibits hyaluronidase
Conraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Immunity
Echinacea spp.
Indications: Diarrhea, dysentary, mucous colitis
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Discharges
Myrica cerifera
Indications: Jaundice, Liver in general, bile secretions
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Liver/Digestion
Chionanthus virginicus
Indications: Skin inflammation, external bleeding wound, bruising, strain, minor burns, gastric ulcers, indigestion, fungal infection (int and ext), delayed or painful periods,
Contraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Skin and Bruises
Calendula off.
Indications: Gallbladder problems (stones & inflammation), mild urinary demulcent and antiseptic
Contraindications: Kidney Disease
Affinity: GB/Urinary system
Peumus boldos
Indicaitons: ANS relaxant, GI
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Digestion
Dioscorea villosa
Indications: Impressive wound-healing
Contraindications: Hepatotoxic
Affinity: Healing
Symphytum off.
Indications: Best tonic for lymph, diuretic action, skin: psoriasis, cystitis, urinary tract
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Lymph
Galium lappa
Indications: Anxiety, sleep, tension
Contraindications: Potentiate sedatives
Affinity: Nerves
Valeriana off.
Indications: Strengthens body, detox, BPH
Contraindications: Fresh: Urticaria, Decrease anticoagulent activity
Affinity: Lots!
Urtica dioica
Indications: Chronic skin complaints; psoriasis
Contraindications: Fresh –> vomiting, potentiate stimulant laxatives
Affinity: Skin
Rumex crispus
Indications: Phlebitis, vein inflammation, hemorrhoids
Contraindication: Coumarin –>anticoagulants
Affinity: Circulation: increase elasticity
Aesculus hippocastanum
Indications: Stroke, increase blood supply, cerebral insufficiency
Contraindications: Additive with antiplatelet agents
Affinity: Circulation
Ginkgo biloba
Indications: Support digestion; bitter and carminative, ease depression and tension
Contraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Digestion
Artemisia vulgaris
Indications: Best digestive remedy, soothes mucus membranes
Contraindications: Allergy: Salicylate
Affinity: Digestion
Filipendula ulmaria
Indications: Stimulate digestion, dyspepsia and flatulence, anorexia, portal congestion, jaundice
Contraindications: Headaches; pregnancy and ulcers
Affinity: Digestion
Gentiana lutea
Indications: Carminative, ulcers, HA–>indigestion
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Digestion
Mentha x piperita
Indications: Alterative, skin, scrofula, syphilis
Contraindications: Increase digitalis glycosides
Affinity: Systemic
Smilex spp
- Internal:* Inflammatory disorders of GI
- Leaf*: cystitis, urethritis and urinary gravel, bronchitis, respiratory catarrh and irritating cough
- External*: emolient, burns, scalds, bedsores, abcesses, boils and skil ulcers
Contraindications: Delay drug absorption
Affinity: GI inflammation/ Skin
Althea off.
Indications: Chronic skin complaints; psoriasis and eczema, Nausea and stomach complaints
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Skin
Mahonia aquifolium
Indications: Powerful diuretic, K+, liver tonic, diuresis
Contraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae, contact dermatitis from latex
Affinity: Liver tonic
Taraxacum off
Indications: Children’s skin psoriasis, cough
Contraindications: Potentiate anticoagulant drugs
Affinity: Kids Skin
Trifolium pratense
Indications: Diarrhea, dysentary, hemorrhoids, metrorrhagia, menorrhea
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Digestive Bleeds
Geranium maculatum
Indications: Insomnia, digestion, skin, anxiety and stress
Contraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Lots!
Matricaria recutita
- Internal*: Psoriasis, rheumatic complaints, inc: bile secretion
- External*: speed healing, antifuruncle
Contraindication: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Skin
Articum lappa
Indications: Mucous membranes, inflammation of mouth, gargle, decrease sweating
Contraindications: Thujone, pregnancy, convulsions, hot flashes and dizziness
Affinity: Mouth
Salvia off
Indications: Skin disease, lymphatics, congestion
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Liver congestion (venous/lymp)
Iris versicolor
Indications: Liver problems, laxative actions, gallstones –>congestive jaundice
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Liver/Digestion
Chelone glabra
Indications: Griping, intestinal colic, flatulence.
External: lice, estrogenic effects, increase milk & blibido, faciliate birth
Contraindications: Photosensitizing; anticoagulant
Affinity: Digestion/Sexual Organs
Pimpinella anisum
Indications: Effector, elimination, lymph
Contraindications: Large Doses
Affinity: Rheumatism
Phytolacca Americana
indications: Skin, alterative, cleansing; Chronic skin disease
Contraindications: Tachycardia; Potentiate cardiac glycosides
Affinity: Skin
Scorphularia nodosa
Indications: Liver congestion, cholecystitis, jaundice
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Constipation –> Liver
Leptandra virginica
Indications: One of best astringent for ext, hemorrhoids, bruises, varicose veins, diarrhea and dysentery
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Bleeds/ulcers
Hamamaelis virginiana
Indications: Acts as cayenne but slower, rheumatism and skin, circulation
Contraindicated: In anticoagulent therapy
Affinity: Circulation
Zanthoxylum americanum
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Iris versicolor
Indications: Skin disease, lymphatics, congestion
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Liver congestion (venous/lymp)
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Silybum marianum
Indications: Liver
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Liver
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Ulmus rubra
Indications: Soothing mucal membranes, diarrhea
Contraindications: Slow oral route drugs absorption
Affinity: Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Verbana off.
Indications: Anxiolytic, seizures, hysteria, jaundice
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Nerves
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Agrimonium eupatorium
Indication: Indigestion, childhood diarrhea, early appendicitis, mucous colitis, GI stimulation
Contraindication: None
Affinity: Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Geranium maculatum
Indications: Diarrhea, dysentary, hemorrhoids, metrorrhagia, menorrhea
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Digestive Bleeds
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Viburnum opulus
Indications: Muscle tension, uterine muscle problems, protect against miscarriage
Contraindications: None
Afinity: Muscle tension
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Althea off.
- Internal:* Inflammatory disorders of GI
- Leaf*: cystitis, urethritis and urinary gravel, bronchitis, respiratory catarrh and irritating cough
- External*: emolient, burns, scalds, bedsores, abcesses, boils and skil ulcers
Contraindications: Delay drug absorption
Affinity: GI inflammation/ Skin
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Echinacea spp.
Indications: Ward off Infection; septicemia; inhibits hyaluronidase
Conraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Immunity
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Myrica cerifera
Indications: Diarrhea, dysentary, mucous colitis
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Discharges
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Chionanthus virginicus
Indications: Jaundice, Liver in general, bile secretions
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Liver/Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Calendula off.
Indications: Skin inflammation, external bleeding wound, bruising, strain, minor burns, gastric ulcers, indigestion, fungal infection (int and ext), delayed or painful periods,
Contraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Skin and Bruises
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Aesculus hippocastanum
Indications: Phlebitis, vein inflammation, hemorrhoids
Contraindication: Coumarin –>anticoagulants
Affinity: Circulation: increase elasticity
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Peumus boldos
Indications: Gallbladder problems (stones & inflammation), mild urinary demulcent and antiseptic
Contraindications: Kidney Disease
Affinity: GB/Urinary system
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Dioscorea villosa
Indicaitons: ANS relaxant, GI
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Symphytum off.
Indications: Impressive wound-healing
Contraindications: Hepatotoxic
Affinity: Healing
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Galium lappa
Indications: Best tonic for lymph, diuretic action, skin: psoriasis, cystitis, urinary tract
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Lymph
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Valeriana off.
Indications: Anxiety, sleep, tension
Contraindications: Potentiate sedatives
Affinity: Nerves
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Urtica dioica
Indications: Strengthens body, detox, BPH
Contraindications: Fresh: Urticaria, Decrease anticoagulent activity
Affinity: Lots!
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Rumex crispus
Indications: Chronic skin complaints; psoriasis
Contraindications: Fresh –> vomiting, potentiate stimulant laxatives
Affinity: Skin
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Gentiana lutea
Indications: Stimulate digestion, dyspepsia and flatulence, anorexia, portal congestion, jaundice
Contraindications: Headaches; pregnancy and ulcers
Affinity: Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Ginkgo biloba
Indications: Stroke, increase blood supply, cerebral insufficiency
Contraindications: Additive with antiplatelet agents
Affinity: Circulation
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Artemisia vulgaris
Indications: Support digestion; bitter and carminative, ease depression and tension
Contraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Filipendula ulmaria
Indications: Best digestive remedy, soothes mucus membranes
Contraindications: Allergy: Salicylate
Affinity: Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Mentha x piperita
Indications: Carminative, ulcers, HA–>indigestion
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Smilex spp
Indications: Alterative, skin, scrofula, syphilis
Contraindications: Increase digitalis glycosides
Affinity: Systemic
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Mahonia aquifolium
Indications: Chronic skin complaints; psoriasis and eczema, Nausea and stomach complaints
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Skin
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Taraxacum off
Indications: Powerful diuretic, K+, liver tonic, diuresis
Contraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae, contact dermatitis from latex
Affinity: Liver tonic
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Trifolium pratense
Indications: Children’s skin psoriasis, cough
Contraindications: Potentiate anticoagulant drugs
Affinity: Kids Skin
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Matricaria recutita
Indications: Insomnia, digestion, skin, anxiety and stress
Contraindications: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Lots!
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Articum lappa
- Internal*: Psoriasis, rheumatic complaints, inc: bile secretion
- External*: speed healing, antifuruncle
Contraindication: Allergy: Asteraceae
Affinity: Skin
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Salvia off
Indications: Mucous membranes, inflammation of mouth, gargle, decrease sweating
Contraindications: Thujone, pregnancy, convulsions, hot flashes and dizziness
Affinity: Mouth
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Chelone glabra
Indications: Liver problems, laxative actions, gallstones –>congestive jaundice
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Liver/Digestion
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Pimpinella anisum
Indications: Griping, intestinal colic, flatulence.
External: lice, estrogenic effects, increase milk & blibido, faciliate birth
Contraindications: Photosensitizing; anticoagulant
Affinity: Digestion/Sexual Organs
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Phytolacca Americana
Indications: Effector, elimination, lymph
Contraindications: Large Doses
Affinity: Rheumatism
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Scorphularia nodosa
indications: Skin, alterative, cleansing; Chronic skin disease
Contraindications: Tachycardia; Potentiate cardiac glycosides
Affinity: Skin
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Leptandra virginica
Indications: Liver congestion, cholecystitis, jaundice
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Constipation –> Liver
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Hamamaelis virginiana
Indications: One of best astringent for ext, hemorrhoids, bruises, varicose veins, diarrhea and dysentery
Contraindications: None
Affinity: Bleeds/ulcers
Indications, Contraindications & Affinity
Zanthoxylum americanum
Indications: Acts as cayenne but slower, rheumatism and skin, circulation
Contraindicated: In anticoagulent therapy
Affinity: Circulation