Hearing Flashcards
The human ear can hear between ____ Hz and a sound pressure during conversation of ___dB
20 to 20,000 Hz
Sound frequency = Hz; Sound Pressure = dB
Conversational Speech = 60dB
Limit to prevent occupational HL = 85dB
_____ plays a role in sound localization and sound collection
Outer Ear
The perilymph is seen in the scala ____ and scala _____ which is high in ____ (Na, K)
Scala vestibuli, Scala tympani, High in Na
Endolymph - Sccala media, high in K
The sequence of the auditory ossicle up to its insertion. All these play a role in impedance matching
Malleus, incus, stapes, oval
The depolarization of inner hair cells (in the scala media) is caused by the influx of _____.
Remember, the scala media has endolymph that is high in K compared to ICF
Outer hair cell characteristics
- Motor protein is prestin
- Depolarization = (shortens or lengthens outer cell)
- Hyperpolrization = (shortens or lengthens)
- Damage results to reduced sound clarity
Depolarization shortens outer hair cells
Hyperpolarization lengthens outer hair cells
The three perpendicular semicircular canals detect ____ acceleration
Horizontal acceleration - Utricle
Vertical acceleration - Saccule
Depolarization in the hair cells of the vestibular system happens when the sterecilia (short) bends ____ (toward, away) the kinocilium (long)
Depolarization - towards kinocilium
Hyperpolarization - away from kinocilium
Postrotatory Nystagmus is due to continued movement of endolymph on the SCC which occurs in ___ (same, opposite) direction of the head rotation.
Remember, Nystagmus - same direction as head rotation
Human ear can hear ____ Hz
20-20,000 Hz
conversational speech ___ dB
60 dB
___ is the limit to prevent occupational hearing loss
85 dB
___ dB triggers attenuation reflex
> 120 dB
reflex contraction of the stapedius and tensor tympani is called ____
attenuation reflex
[part of the ear]
sound localization and sound collection
outer ear
The auditory ossicles insert to the __ window
[part of the ear]
plays a role in impedance matching
auditory ossicles
the contraction of the tensor tympani and stapedius at >120dB pulls the
Malleus __ (inward/outward)
the contraction of the tensor tympani and stapedius at >120dB pulls the
stapes __ (inward/outward)
in attenuation reflex,
the malleus is pulled ___ (inward/outward)
while stapes is pulled ___ (inward/outward)
malleus pulled inward
stapes pulled outward
[part of the ear]
the scala media contains __ lymph
[part of the ear]
the scala vestibuli contains ___ lymph
[part of the ear]
the scala tympani contains ___lymph
the endolymph is high in what ion
the perilymph is high in what ion
proper sequence of the auditory ossicles
malleus, incus, stapes
[hearing physio: depolarization/hyperpolarization]
Potassium entering the inner hair cell
[hearing physio: depolarization/hyperpolarization]
bending of cilia on one direction
[hearing physio: depolarization/hyperpolarization]
bending of cilia to the opposite direction
the bending of the cilia on one direction causes the oscillating potential called
cochlear microphonic potential
[hearing physio: depolarization/hyperpolarization]
the shortening of the outer hair cells
the motor protein of the outer hair cell is called
damage to the outer hair cells can lead to reduction of amplitude leading to:
reduction of sound clarity
the oval and round window responds to ___ frequency sounds
the helicotrema responds to __ frequency sounds
low frequency sounds
occupational hearing loss is usually associated with ___ frequency sounds
high frequency sounds
age-related hearing loss is usually associated with ___ frequency sounds
low frequency sounds
[central auditory pathways]
lesions of cochlea of one ear leads to
unilateral deafness
[vestibular system]
____ detects angular acceleration
semicircular canals
[vestibular system]
__ detects the position of head in space
otolith organs
[vestibular system]
___ detects horizontal (linear) acceleration
[vestibular system]
detects vertical (linear) acceleration
[vestibular system]
the receptors are also called
hair cells
[vestibular system]
single long cilium of hair cell
[vestibular system]
smaller cilia of hair cell
stereocilia bends towards kinocilium
stereocilia bends away from kinocilium
[when you rotate your head to the left]
the endolymph moves to the ___ (right/left)
[when you rotate your head to the left]
the ___ (right/left) stereocilia moves towards the kinocilium
[when you rotate your head to the left]
the right stereocilia moves ___ (towards or away) the kinocilium
[when you rotate your head to the left]
the ___ (utricle/saccule) detects this movement
utricle = horizontal acceleration
[when you rotate your head to the left]
the ___ (semicircular canal) is activated
[when you rotate your head to the left]
there is hyperpolarization in the ___ (right/left) stereocilia
remember, when you turn left, the left stereocilia bends towards the left kinocilium. left depolarization.
Right stereocilia moves away from the right kinocilium. right HYPERpolarization
when you tip the head sidewise, there is a ___ (veritcal, rotatory, horizontal)
rotatory nystagmus is produced when the head is tipped
a nystagmus that occurs in opposite direction of the head rotation
postrotatory nystagmus
turning to the left causes right sided nystagmus
postrotatory nystagmus