H STQ Flashcards
(1) An application for a large proposed development has been received by the planning
department. The location of the proposed development is in an area where many of the
residents are at or below the poverty level. The development could displace some of
these residents. In addition to the required mailed and newspaper notice, what other
actions by the planning department to involve the community would be MOST
I. Identify the area’s community leaders and enlist their assistance in creating public
participation venues.
II. Post notices of the application at locations frequented by the area’s residents, such as
grocery stores, post offices, churches, etc.
III. Encourage the local newspaper to publish stories about the application.
IV. Create a page on the planning department’s web site that describes the application.
A) I & II
B) I & IV
C) II & IV
The correct answer is “A”
The key to this question is the “at or below poverty level”. It is unlikely that using the newspaper or
having a page on the website is going to reach very many of the residents who are probably living
on the subsidence wages or assistance. Community leaders and posting at frequented local sites
would be most effective.
(2) The city council has directed the planning director to recommend techniques that
will help fund new capital facilities necessitated by new growth without draining the
city treasury in a manner consistent with managing growth. The council appears
interested in exploring ways of shifting the costs of providing public facilities to
developers. There is some confusion about the nature of these techniques, their
feasibility, and their legal permissibility. You are expected to clarify things. Which of the
following statements is correct?
A) Both land dedication requirements and fees-in-lieu-of-dedication requirements are types of
exactions that lend themselves to both on-site and off-site applications.
B) An impact fee system is constitutionally sufficient if the city can show that the fees it charges
are such that each developer bears no more than its proportionate share of the costs of
providing public facilities needed to serve new growth, and the public facilities funded with
the fees are provided in such a way as to be available for use by all city residents.
C) Developers in jurisdictions that use impact fees generally favor dividing the jurisdictions into
service areas (within or for which the funds must be spent) that are smaller and more
numerous. Public works directors, operating departments, and finance directors favor fewer,
larger districts.
D) Experience has shown that a local government that has established a system of impact fees
can expect these funds to be sufficient to fund entirely those public facilities for which they
are earmarked; supplemental capital improvement funding from other revenues is typically
not needed.
The correct answer is “C”.
The fees that developers pay are then more likely to be used for facilities located closer to their
projects, thus providing more direct benefit to those who will purchase property in or use their
projects. Finance directors, public works directors, and representatives of operating departments are
more likely to be interested in flexible arrangements that allow funds to be spent for a variety of
projects in a larger district. It is also true, however, that funds may accrue and be expended more
quickly for projects in larger districts. Developers are also interested in faster project funding. Land
dedication requirements do not lend themselves to off-site applications because there is no
guarantee that the developer will own or control suitable sites for dedication at other locations.
Public facilities funded with the fees must provide sufficient benefit for the residents or users of the
development or, viewed differently, defray the costs that new development would otherwise impose
on government. Impact fees must almost inevitably be supplemented by other revenues.
(3) North-South Partners have submitted a site plan for a recreational complex that will
include a fitness center, a swimming pool, other sports facilities, a restaurant, and a
club venue for live entertainment. The city is interested in requiring the developer to
provide a special access road, certain improvements on perimeter roads, certain
intersection improvements, and some off-site traffic lights and related facilities, at least
to the extent the law permits. The legal principles from which one of the following cases
are the most applicable?
A) Nollan v. California Coastal Commission
B) Citizens to Protect Overton Park, Inc. v. Volpe
C) Construction Industry Ass’n of Sonoma County v. City of Petaluma
D) Dolan v. City of Tigard
The correct answer is “D”.
The key questions here concern the principles concerning developer exactions. The Overton Park
case concerns the location of highway corridors. Petaluma concerns the use of a growth
management program establishing permit quotas. Nollan concerns the relationship between a
government permitting requirement and a permissible governmental objective. That’s not an issue
here because arranging for road-related improvements as a condition of development permission is
undoubtedly within the scope of a local government’s power. Dolan concerns the extent to which
the requirements are appropriately related to the scope and impact of the development project.
(4) The Planning Director of a major metropolitan planning department has previously
talked to one of his senior planners about his less than acceptable work performance.
Over the next two months the problem seemed to be getting worse, not better. Again,
the Director informally mentioned his concerns to the employee. The problem persists.
What is the next action the Planning Director should take?
A) Talk to employee informally one more time.
B) Talk to the employee with a witness.
C) Compare the employee’s performance to other employees in the same position.
D) Meet privately with the employee and go over his job description and the department’s
The correct answer is D)
(5) Bart recently added an attached garage to his existing single-family house. Now it
turns out that the garage violates the ordinance’s side-yard setback requirement. If Bart
now applies for a variance, the board of adjustment should deny it for which of the
following reasons?
A) Because use variances are illegal in most states.
B) Because any hardship Bart claims was self-imposed.
C) If the planning staff is in the process of developing proposed ordinance revisions which will
alter the side-yard setback standard in this district.
D) Because owners of property abutting Bart’s signed a petition opposing the application.
The correct answer is “B”.
(6) Siting landfills and other waste handling facilities has become increasingly difficult
due to public opposition stemming from real and perceived health risks from waste
management operations such as incinerators, landfills, and/or recycling facilities. All of
the following are true about planning for waste handling facilities EXCEPT?
A) The planning and regulatory process should address issues of Environmental Justice.
B) Land disposal is the most desirable means of managing solid and hazardous waste.
C) The location of waste management facilities should be part of a comprehensive planning
process that includes opportunities for meaningful citizen input and consensus.
D) Ethical planners will enable the whole community, including low income and minority
populations, to participate in siting waste management facilities.
The correct answer is “B”.
Land disposal is the LEAST desirable means of managing solid and hazardous waste. The other
answers are correct.
(7) Assume that you are the director of a local planning agency, and that you recognize
the interdependency of the chief executive, the planning agency, operating departments
and independent boards and commissions. In a hypothetical situation, a proposed
expansion of a county airport and adjacent industrial areas is in opposition to the
planning agency’s proposal for a regional park location. The planning agency believes
there are unique circumstances and sound reasons for preferring the regional park
proposal along with future relocation of the airport to another site in the county. Which
of the following strategies would likely place you, as the planning director, in the least
effective coordinating role in resolving the conflict?
A) Attempting to have the planning agency solely responsible for additional studies and
B) Directing planning agency staff to discontinue all studies of this issue and direct all inquiries
regarding this matter to the director
C) Recommending the study control be given to the staff of the chief executive’s office
D) Soliciting support of other departments and agencies for the planning agency’s regional park
The correct answer is “C”.
(8) The City of Norwell is an incorporated municipal government within the state. The
following passage is contained in the specific state’s zoning enabling legislation: “Any
increase in area, frontage, width, yard or depth requirements of a zoning ordinance shall
not apply to a lot for single- and two-family residential use which at the time of
recording or endorsement, whichever occurs sooner, was not held in common ownership
with any adjoining land, conformed to then existing requirements, and has less than the
proposed requirement but at least 5,000 square feet of area and 50 feet of frontage.”
All development proposals conformed to zoning at the time of any subsequent zoning
changes. However, a multi-family structure on a one-acre lot filed for approval after
residential zoning increased to two acres. It:
A) Is protected from zoning change
B) Is not protected from zoning change
C) Requires special permit for protection
D) Insufficient information to answer question
The correct answer is B)
A multi-family structure is typically defined as a structure containing three or more dwelling units.
The enabling legislation provides protection to two-family dwellings. Based upon the provided
information, the multi-family structure is not protected from the zoning change.
(9) As planning director for a large industrial community, you are concerned about the
possibility that a chemical manufacturing plant in your city may be producing new
chemicals that could threaten the city’s drinking water supply. The owners of the plant
have refused to cooperate with your request for information on the toxicity of the new
chemicals. Which of the following is a good source of information on the threats posed
by the chemicals?
A) The Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA)
B) The Clean Water Act (CWA)
C) Federal Insecticide, Fungicide and Rodenticide Act (FIFRA)
D) Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA)
The correct answer is D)
The TSCA regulates the use of new and existing chemical substances and mixtures. Manufacturers
of new chemical substances must notify EPA through the submittal of a pre-manufacture notice at
least 90 days prior to commencing manufacture or import of the substance for non-exempt
commercial purposes.
(10) An electric company is interested in building a power plant on several thousand
acres of waterfront property owned by the county that the firm has in escrow. The
general plan designates the area “Open-Space”. The electric company files a plan
amendment to re-designate the land “Heavy Industrial”. The planning director, a
“Certified Planner”, is not in support of the amendment, feeling that the property should
remain a community amenity. The county commissioners disregard the director’s
recommendation for denial and approve the amendment noting that there is an energy
crisis. A neighborhood group files a lawsuit against the county. The planning director
provides copies of public information to the group’s attorneys. Later, he testifies in court
about the value of the property as a community amenity. Concerning the director’s
actions all of the following statements are true except?
(A) The director acted to protect the natural environment.
(B) It was unethical for the director to testify in court.
(C) The director provided copies of public information pursuant to disclosure laws.
(D) The director was concerned about for the long-range consequences of the land use change.
The correct answer is “B”.
Testifying in court is not unethical. One may make the assumption that the director was summonsed
by subpoena.
(11) In planning for new development, demands on infrastructure must be considered.
Planners should consider which of the following?
I. Demand for water under worst case fire scenario
II. Typical demand for water
III. Use of roads near the site
IV. Depth and velocity of flow in sewer mains
A) I & II
C) II & IV
D) I, II, III & IV
The correct answer is “D”
Planners estimate the demand for water under various conditions, use of sewer facilities, and use of
roads when planning for new development.
(12) The Mayor established a citizen’s advisory group to provide recommendations to
the Town Council on the siting of new religious institutions within the rural community
that includes an agricultural reserve area. The planning staff has been asked to help
support the advisory group on the requirements and restrictions allowed under the
federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA). Which of the
following draft recommendations would you identify to discuss with the citizen’s
advisory group as potentially being problematic under RLUIPA:
I. Exclude all religious institutions from the central business district
II. Establish a minimum 1,000-foot buffer requirement between nonagricultural, nonresidential
uses in an agricultural district “to protect, preserve, and enhance the rural character and
lifestyle of existing low-density areas and agricultural use”
III. Establish a conditional use approval process for religious institutions
IV. Require religious homeless shelters to comply with the town’s building code
(A) I
(C) I, III
(D) I, II, III, IV
The correct answer is (B)
RLUIPA cautions local governments not to “substantially burden” a religious land-use applicant’s
right to free exercise. To date, the courts have generally found that the government did not
substantially burden the religious land-use applicant in three broad categories where:
1. General zoning and land-use restrictions apply to everyone.
EXAMPLE: Establishing a minimum 1,000-foot buffer requirement between nonagricultural,
nonresidential uses in an agricultural district “to protect, preserve, and enhance the rural
character and lifestyle of existing low-density areas and agricultural use”
2. Churches are excluded from some districts.
EXAMPLE: Excluding all religious institutions from the central business district
3. General review processes apply to everyone.
EXAMPLE: Requiring religious homeless shelters to comply with the town’s building code
(like everyone else)
LEGALLY PROBLEMATIC: Establishing a conditional use approval process for religious institutions
(thereby treating them differently)
SOURCE: APA’s Religious Institutions; “Zoning Practice” (October 2010); APA’s Religious
Institutions; “Zoning Practice” (September 2008); APA’s Planning and Urban Design Standards
(2006); p. 586
(13) A mayor has informed a planning director that there is currently no documentation
process for the planning department’s achievements. In response to this situation, the
planner should do which of the following?
A) Establish a public relations campaign
B) Hold a series of meetings with the city council
C) Implement a program-monitoring system
D) Commit to sending quarterly reports to the mayor
The correct answer is “C”
Monitoring is an essential step in the planning process. It documents progress and provides a
mechanism for collecting feedback and revising the plan as needed. The other three methods, while
not precluded, are not an integral part of the planning process.
From: The Practice of Local Government Planning, 1988; p. 11.
Questions (14) through (17) pertain to the following scenario:
Having recently completed a major rezoning project undertaken to implement your municipalities
revised Comprehensive Plan, you were pleased but surprised by an employment offer as a project
planner from John Developer, a well-known local builder with strong personal ties to the city’s
mayor. You take the job. Mr. Developer owns 2 parcels for which you are now designing projects: a
1.2 acre parcel of land zoned for multi-family residential (9-16 du/ac) adjoining an arterial street
and, nearby but not adjacent to an abandoned railroad r.o.w. (35’ wide by 620’ long) through the
center of a large block of 100+ year old single family homes on 1/2 acre and larger lots. The first
site is in the area that was recently rezoned and Mr. Developer strongly supported your earlier
rezoning recommendation. The half-acre minimum zoning on the second site was not changed
(14) Assuming that Mr. Developer’s project will be served by a dead end street 50 feet
wide and 240 feet long, what is the maximum number of dwellings that can build on his
1.2 acre parcel?
A) 11
B) 14
C) 15
D) 16
The correct answer is “B”
The calculation is: 1.2 ac. x 43560 sf/ac = 52,272 sf – (50 ft x 240 ft) = 40,272 sf
40,272 sf / 43,560 sf/ac = 0.925 ac
0.925 ac X 16 du/ac = 14.79 du
14.79 is rounded down to 14 permitted dwelling units.
(15) The railroad right-of-way flares out at one end just enough to meet the minimum
lot width requirement of 50 feet for existing lots. However, you discover that the
historic home you propose to move on to the site would encroach into the required side
yard by about 6 inches. You:
A) Don’t tell the new city planner because anyone could be off by 6 inches.
B) Tell Mr. Developer to ask the Mayor for a variance.
C) Apply for a variance because there is a hardship pertaining to the lot.
D) Shave 6 inches off of the house.
The correct answer is “C”
The width and shape of the lot may be considered a hardship that is unique to this particular piece
of property and thus grounds for the granting of a variance.
(16) If you were to apply for a variance for the above move-on house, on what grounds
would you claim that a variance should be granted?
I. The unusual shape of the site precludes designing a new home which would meet yard
II. The move-on home has been declared historically significant by the city and must be saved
at any cost.
III. The proposed variance constitutes only a minor encroachment and will not alter the
character of the neighborhood.
IV. Both the area of the site and its proposed development are consistent with that of other lots
in the immediate vicinity.
A. I only
B. II, III and IV only
C. III and IV only
D. I, II, III, and IV only
The correct answer is “C”
It would be difficult to prove that it is impossible to design a house for this lot and, in and of itself,
difficulty in meeting zoning requirements is not adequate for the grant of a variance, so I is not
correct. Response II is not grounds for grant of a variance because it does not pertain to the
property involved. Responses III and IV reflect required findings for the grant of a variance, so
answer C is the correct one.
(17) Both projects are on the same hearing agenda. You should:
A) Ask Mr. Developer to make the presentations because it would be improper for you to do so
B) At the hearing, ask for a continuance of the move-on project so that it can receive your full
attention at a later date.
C) Prepare carefully for both cases, recognizing that your integrity is likely to be an issue.
D) Both A and C
The correct answer is “C”
There is no reason that both cases cannot be heard at the same time.
(18) Although “mobile home parks” are allowed in the town’s R-A district, all parks that
are non-conforming with respect to any of the current mobile home park development
standards for that district must conform within seven years. This type of requirement is
an illustration of:
A) A temporary taking.
B) The abatement of a nuisance.
C) Equitable estoppel
D) Amortization.
The correct answer is “D”.
(19) The City of Lancaster recently completed a comprehensive inventory of the
vegetative resources within its corporate boundaries. The inventory uncovered the
presence of three rare and endangered plant species, according to the state office of
natural resources. Which of the following techniques would be best suited for
protecting these species from encroaching development?
A) Overlay zoning district
B) Prohibition of various uses and structures
C) Subdivision road construction standards
D) Downzoning
The correct answer is A)
Of the four choices, the most appropriate technique for protecting the rare and endangered species
is the adoption of an overlay zoning district. The district would overlay the Town’s existing zoning
map and regulate specific areas for the protection of the plant species. The overlay approach is
more refined, and thus more appropriate than simply prohibiting specific uses in the zoning
ordinance without benefit of an overlay map.
(20) The City of Westchester is experiencing rapid division of its undeveloped parcels.
As planning director, you have been asked to draft revisions to the comprehensive plan
that would lay the foundation for slowing the city’s growth. The Mayor has asked you to
determine the most appropriate technique for reducing the number of lots that can be
built upon within any 12 month period. You would most likely recommend the following
growth management technique:
A) Transfer of development rights
B) Cluster development
C) Subdivision phasing
D) Building permit moratorium
The correct answer is C)
Subdivision phasing allows Westchester to limit the number of lots within a subdivision that are built
upon in any specified period of time. This is a useful technique within specific areas of a community
in that it allows the city time to prepare for the impacts/needs of future growth. Note that
subdivision phasing regulations do not necessarily limit the total number of lots built upon city-wide.
Rather, this technique focuses on particular regions or areas of the City where growth control is
desired. For example, if development within certain roadway corridors is exceeding the goals of the
comprehensive plan, subdivision phasing may be an appropriate technique for slowing growth
patterns along those corridors.
(21) A senior planner is preparing a report for a proposed General Plan Amendment to
facilitate an “affordable” multiple family project inside the Central Business District. The
hearing notice generated moderate community protest over the proposed change. Some
council members are leaning toward approval since the community needs affordable
housing, but are concerned about how to justify their affirmative votes. Under these
circumstances which of the following represents the BEST recommendation for staff to
A) A recommendation for “denial” would protect the Council from further public dissent.
B) A recommendation for “approval” supported by a discussion of the current housing shortage
and the need for affordable housing.
C) A recommendation for “denial” indicating that approve of residential uses in a commercial
area would be poor planning.
D) A recommendation for “approval” supported by describing ways new residential areas in the
CBD would have positive effects on the vitality of the downtown.
The correct answer is “B”.
Although answer “D” could also be correct, the urgent need for housing, and especially affordable
housing, would provide the Council with the best reason for approving the land use change
(22) Mark was asked by the local Chamber of Commerce to present his views on
economic development versus environmental protection, a topic of great debate in the
community. As planning director, Mark has developed a reputation of being an
environmentalist, often at odds with the Chamber. Moreover, Mark’s job is in serious
danger as the planning board lost three of Mark’s strongest supporters in yesterday’s
election, a week after he agreed to speak before the Chamber.
Before the election, Mark had intended to focus on environmental protection from a
naturalist’s viewpoint. Now, with his job in jeopardy, Mark has decided to shift his focus
to the economic benefits of environmental protection. Which of the following best
characterizes his decision?
A) In violation of the AICP Code of Ethics
B) In violation of the AICP Ethics Advisories
C) Not in violation of an AICP Code or Advisory
D) Both A) and B)
The correct answer is C)
Mark is not in violation of any AICP Code or Advisory, and is using good judgement, given his
audience and his delicate relationship with the community.
(23) The Town of Santa Clara is experiencing unusually rapid subdivision of its
remaining coastal properties. The Town Council has requested that as planning
director, you prepare a memorandum outlining whatever options the town has to ensure
that public access to the coast is retained, even after the remaining parcels are
subdivided and built upon. Your memorandum is likely to include a discussion regarding
which of the following “tests”?
A) Taking without compensation test
B) Rational nexus test
C) Fair share test
D) Affordable housing test
The correct answer is B)
Your memorandum is likely to include a discussion of the rational nexus test. This test requires a
rational or logical connection between a regulation and its goal or intent. Highlighted in Nollan v.
California Coastal Commission, the rational nexus test evaluates the connection or nexus between a
regulation requiring public access to the water and the Town’s goal of ensuring public access to the
coast for present and future generations.
(24) Port Elizabeth is situated on a bay not more than a few miles from the ocean. The
town has a long but undistinguished history as a small manufacturing port and fishing
village. More recently, its harbor has attracted those interested in water sports and
some entrepreneurs interested in capitalizing on the town’s increasing tourist trade. The
town board has become image-conscious and has come to the view that improving the
community’s appearance makes for good business. One priority is to revise the
provisions of the old sign regulations so as to prohibit billboards throughout town. The
board is also interested in working up regulations for the waterfront district that would
require each applicant for a building permit for a commercial building in the waterfront
district to submit architectural and building plans so that the planning board may
determine whether the proposed development is “compatible with the character of
commercial structures located within the waterfront district.” Which one of the
following statements is true?
A) Standards for reviewing architectural plans or exterior building changes based on
“compatibility” or “congruity” may be called “contextual” standards and can be applied by
referring to the character of the physical environment of the neighborhood.
B) Because of the sensitive nature of architectural review, because of the subjective nature of
judgments about community appearance, and because regulation solely for aesthetic
purposes has only rather recently been found by the courts to be within the scope of the
police power, local government architectural review must be conducted only by the local
legislative body.
C) In order to ensure that the systems for allowing architectural review by an architectural
review board or historic preservation commission do not amount to an unconstitutional
delegation of legislative authority, the emerging trend is for courts to require legislative
boards to adopt more precise, concrete standards to guide and limit the approving board’s
D) Recent court cases have expanded the application of the right of free speech to outdoor
advertising with the result that although a city may restrict newly-erected commercial offpremises advertising signs, it is not permissible to ban entirely such signs within a city’s
The correct answer is “A”.
However, many appearance standards are written so that they apply to individual buildings or sites
without any direct reference to the character of neighboring properties. For “B”, all of the
propositions are true, but that does not mean that architectural review must be conducted by the
legislative body. It may be conducted by an administrative board if proper safeguards are used. For
“C”, the emerging trend in administrative law is to emphasize procedural safeguards to protect the
applicant and to deemphasize the need for specific decision-making standards. For “D”, although the
free speech doctrine does apply to commercial advertising, city-wide bans on commercial offpremise signs have been upheld.
(25) The mayor is asking you, the Planning Director, to implement a new Smart Growth
program for the community. Your recommendations would likely focus on development
in which of the following areas?
I. Grayfields
II. Greenfields
III. Compositional zoned areas
IV. Zombie subdivisions
A) I
B) I & II
C) I & IV
The correct answer is “C”
Grayfields describe economically obsolescent, outdated, failing, moribund and/or underused real
estate assets or land, such as vacant malls. Zombie subdivisions are unfinished subdivisions, often
with utility pipes poking up, driveways and sidewalks to nowhere, and tidy homes surrounded by
acres that nature is reclaiming. Both of these areas are prime candidates for additional Smart
Growth development as much, or all, of the needed infrastructure is already in place. Greenfields,
however, are undeveloped land in a city or rural area either natural, being used for agriculture, or
open space, usually absent the needed infrastructure needed for extensive development.
Compositional zoning relates to the pressures and temperatures effects associated with volcanoes,
or crystalline melting equilibrium known as concentric zoning.
(26) The County Administrator calls you, the Planning Director, to his office to discuss
the emerging safety issues surrounding the proliferation of digital billboards along
major thoroughfares in the county that are increasingly experiencing major accidents
due to distracted drivers. Among the safety solutions you consider, you should include
regulations addressing:
I. The restriction of the most distracting subject of messages that can be displayed.
II. The prohibition of digital billboards along major roads in the community.
III. The control of billboard luminance.
IV. The control of message sequencing.
A) I & II
The correct answer is “D”
The first two answers risk the likelihood of raising First Amendment industry challenges (whether
successful or not). However, study after study provides evidence of driver distraction being created
by digital billboards (except for industry funded studies which indicate that they do not increase the
number of crashes). The third and fourth answers both are reasonable approaches to help address
these distractions.
(27) The head of a division in a public planning agency has a professional staff person
whose job performance is not satisfactory. The division’s head has casually mentioned
the problem to the person previously, but now feels that the problem should be
discussed formally in order to correct the situation. At the first formal meeting between
the two, all of the following should be discussed EXCEPT:
A) The person’s interest in the job
B) The person’s perception of the problem
C) A suggestion that together they prepare job objectives for the person
D) A comparison of the person’s performance to that of other employees
The correct answer is “D”
An employee’s performance should be evaluated in comparison with standards, goals and targets,
not in comparison with other people.
(28) The planning director of a small city wants to get as much public input as possible
on a city-wide study. Which of the following would be the LEAST effective method of
stimulating public participation?
A) Contacting neighborhood leaders, advising them of the study, and asking them to report
neighborhood reaction
B) Completing the study, printing the final report, and asking for public comments on it
C) Preparing press releases that give the general scope of the study and asking for comments
from the general public
D) Offering to address interested neighborhood or other civic groups on the subject of the
The correct answer is “B”
Public input must be a part of the process of creating a city-wide study, not an afterthought. By the
time the final report is printed, there is no MEANINGFUL opportunity for input.
(29) City A has received an application that requires property owners within a certain
radius from the boundaries of the application’s property to be noticed. The application’s
property is located on the municipal boundaries that separate City A and City B. Which
of the following would be the MOST appropriate noticing process?
A) Notice only the properties within City A
B) Notice all properties within the prescribed noticing radius
C) Forward the application to City B; let their staff decide if noticing of City B property owners
should occur
D) Forward the application to City B’s staff and ask for their comments
The correct answer is “B”
Although the letter of the law might support limiting noticing only to City A properties, it would be
presumptuous to assume that any impact on City B properties will not occur. Also, relying on City B
staff may eliminate City B property owners’ notification and participation.
(30) An ad hoc residents’ group has formed in opposition to a planning matter; the
group claims to represent over 90% of the properties affected by the planning matter.
What action should a professional planner take when this group participates?
A) Assume that the ad hoc group speaks for the majority of the community and focus on their
comments when making a recommendation
B) Ascertain which property owners are not part of the ad hoc group and urge them to form a
similar ad hoc group
C) Treat the ad hoc group’s comments and position as one of many interested parties’ input
D) Investigate the ad hoc group’s membership to determine if they really represent who they
claim to represent
The correct answer is “C”
The responsibility of the professional planner is to identify facts from opinions and therefore should
not assume that the weight of numbers is a determining factor for a professional planner’s
(31) A consulting planner has been asked by a private consultant to work for them and
provide an opinion on a development that the planner previously oversaw from the
public perspective. What is one thing the planner should do?
A) Decline the consulting assignment
B) Disclose the prior work and receive written permission to proceed
C) Publish a statement of intent in the local newspaper
D) Discuss the issue with colleagues in the planning office
The correct answer is “B”
Rule 3 of the code requires this if this work could result in a changed opinion: “We shall not accept
an assignment from a client or employer to publicly advocate a position on a planning issue that is
indistinguishably adverse to a position we publicly advocated for a previous client or employer within
the past three years unless (1) we determine in good faith after consultation with other qualified
professionals that our change of position will not cause present detriment to our previous client or
employer, and (2) we make full written disclosure of the conflict to our current client or employer
and receive written permission to proceed with the assignment.”
(32) The planning director is asked to play in a charity golf tournament sponsored by
the local Chamber of Commerce. The director should:
(A) Decline the invitation
(B) Ask the mayor for permission to play
(C) Accept the invitation
(D) Discuss the situation with the AICP Ethics officer
The correct answer is “C”
As many local business leaders will be at this event, and as participating in charity events typically
involves making a contribution to support the charity, it does not represent a conflict of interest (as
opposed to accepting a private invitation to a non-charity subsidized golf round from one specific
business leader, which would represent a likely conflict of interest).
(33) As the new planning director for a small community, you are about to commence
with a wholesale revision to the Town’s outdated comprehensive plan. Unsure as to who
the “players” are in town, you propose a meeting with the planning commission and the
Mayor in executive session before inviting the public to participate in the process. Under
state law, an executive session for this purpose is not permitted. The most logical
explanation for this prohibition is based on principles of:
A) Equal protection
B) Substantive due process
C) First amendment protections
D) Procedural due process
The correct answer is D)
Procedural due process, as embodied in the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution,
provides protection against unfair process where an individual’s life, liberty, or property is
concerned. If the state statute prohibits the type of meeting discussed via an executive session, the
most likely explanation is that the legislature has determined that the public’s right to be informed of
this type of meeting outweighs any public benefit of allowing officials to meet literally in secret.
Other procedural due process protections include right of notice, right to be heard during a public
forum or meeting, and various appeal options generally established by state law.
(34) The planning commission is considering a change to a local zoning regulation. A
commission member has asked you whether he may interview local business
representatives about their thoughts and concerns on the proposed change outside of
the public hearing process. Your advice concerning the member’s legal obligation is:
A) Do not discuss the proposed zoning change with anyone unless it is during the public
B) You may discuss the proposed zoning change outside of the public hearing as long as you
repeat the substance of those conversations during the public hearing
C) You are free to discuss the proposed zoning change with anyone, either during or outside of
the public hearing
D) You may discuss the proposed zoning change outside of the public hearing as long as you
provide a written summary of all conversations
The correct answer is C)
Because adopting a zoning change is a legislative action, the member is free to discuss the matter
outside of the public hearing process. While it would be helpful to the public to summarize the
substance of those conversations during the public hearing, either orally or in writing, it is not legally
required. In an alternative situation, discussions about pending adjudicatory matters must be
conducted during the public hearing process.
(35) On June 1, 1990, the Carlisle City Council rezoned 1,000 acres of land in the city
from industrial to residential due to their understanding that the 1,000 acres lie within
the recharge area to the city’s public drinking water wellfields. Mr. Smith owns 250
acres within this tract, 50 of which contain light manufacturing facilities. The remaining
200 acres owned by Mr. Smith are vacant. On September 15, 1990, Mr. Smith filed a
series of building permit applications for new industrial developments within his 250
acres. The building official will most likely do which of the following?
A) Approve his applications, subject to compliance with building codes
B) Deny his applications and require a special exception
C) Deny his applications
D) Refer his applications to the planning board
The correct answer is “C”
On June 1, 1990, Mr. Smith’s land was rezoned from industrial to residential. Applications for
building permits for industrial development on residentially-zoned land would be denied.
(36) As the planning director for a large urban community, you are interested in the
risks posed by the chemical manufacturing plant located in the abutting city. What is
the federal law regulating the chemical plants use of hazardous materials?
A) The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act
B) Resource Conservation and Recovery Act
C) Safe Drinking Water Act
D) Clean Air Act
The correct answer is “A”
The Emergency Planning and Community Right to Know Act regulates 366 toxic, reactive, volatile,
dispersible and flammable chemicals that can cause serious irreversible health effects from
accidental releases.
(37) A new large-scale retirement community that includes an 18-hole golf course is
being planned in the sandy inlet area along the coast. The project will require the filling
of the marsh areas near some of the estuaries and lakes that will be incorporated into
the project. Considerable land will be cleared for the construction of the dwelling units,
the clubhouse and related areas and the course. Unfortunately the timbering operations
will substantially impact the habitat of a bird that is an endangered species. Which of
the following statements is not correct?
A) If the head of a state coastal zone management program that qualifies under the federal
Coastal Zone Management Act objects to the project, the Army Corps may not issue a
section 404 permit unless the U.S. Secretary of Commerce overrules the state on the
grounds that the proposed activity is consistent with the federal coastal zone management
program or is necessary in the interest of national security.
B) Under the EPA guidelines that the Army Corps administers when considering whether to
issue a section 404 permit, it may presume that other practicable alternatives are available
to the landowner unless it receives compelling proof to the contrary.
C) Although the Endangered Species Act generally prohibits parties from harming or otherwise
“taking” a species officially listed as endangered, the developer may be able to qualify an
incidental-take permit (ITP), which requires the developer to prepare a habitat conversation
plan (HCP) that minimizes and mitigates the take to the maximum extent possible.
D) If an environmental impact statement is prepared for the project under the National
Environmental Policy Act, and the study finds that adverse environmental impacts will occur,
any federal permit that applies to the project must be withheld.
The correct answer is “D”.
Section 404 permits are subject to consistency determinations under the Coastal Zone Management
Program. Statement B is also correct, at least to the extent that it appears to be true that the
proposed project is not water-dependent. Statement C is also true. Statement D is incorrect
because even if adverse environmental impacts may be identified, those factors do not necessarily
change the legal authority used by a federal agency in approving or disapproving a project.
(38) Prior to public hearing a member of the Town Elders believes he may have a
conflict with respect to a matter before the Elders. Of the following, which represents
the best action for the Elder to take?
(A) Remain in his seat and participate in the discussion including asking questions, but do not
vote on the matter.
(B) Leave the room during the hearing on the particular matter.
(C) Leave the chamber prior to the hearing.
(D) Remain in his seat but do not participate in the discussion, do not ask questions, and do not
vote on the matter.
The correct answer is “C”.
An elected official must make public disclosure of all ”personal interests” they may have regarding
any decision to be made in the planning process in which they serve. “Personal interest’’ must be
broadly de-fined to include a spouse, family member or person living in their household. An elected
official must abstain completely from direct or indirect participation as an advisor or decision-maker
in any matter in which they have a personal interest. The member needs to leave the room entirely
in order to remove any possibly of a challenge based on the member’s “silent” participation through
body language, facial expressions, etc.
(39) You are the principal planner in charge of a program to develop a new general plan
for your city. Recognizing that citizen participation is an important part of the planning
process, you suggest that a citizen’s advisory committee be formed. Of the following
which should be on this committee?
I. Business and professional people.
II. Children and elderly folks.
III. Bankers and developers
IV. Renters, low income, and minority people
(A) I and III
(B) II and IV
(C) I, III and IV
(D) All of the above
The answer is (D)
All citizens should be invited to participate in a comprehensive planning program. Committees
should ideally consist of a cross section of the community and may include senior citizens, children
and socially disadvantaged persons.
(40) The City Council appointed a 12 member Citizens Steering Committee to advise the
Council on an Adult Use Ordinance. It is the senior planner’s job to represent the city as
the sole staff person on the committee. To help facilitate the effectiveness of the
committee which of the following should she do FIRST?
I. Assume the role of committee chairperson
II. Advise the committee to select a chairperson from their own ranks
III. Make a list of discussion topics and tell the group what they should talk about.
IV. Come to the initial meeting and then just drop by every-once-in-a-while on meeting dates to
make sure things are running okay.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) II and III
(D) IV only
The answer is “B”.
The first action to take is to give power and leadership to the Committee by advising the members
of the group to select a chairperson from their own ranks.
(41) One of the River Knoll zoning districts calls for single-family residential lot sizes to
be a minimum of five acres in area. A developer owns a sizable undeveloped tract of
land in the town that is so zoned. The land in the vicinity has been developed for high-
value, large-lot, single-family residential development. The town has refused the
developer’s request to rezone the land to any other district. The developer brings suit
against the town claiming an unconstitutional taking of land without compensation. The
principles of which one of the following cases are most likely to be relevant to the
outcome of the case?
A) Tahoe-Sierra Preservation Council, Inc. v. Tahoe Regional Planning Agency .
B) First English Evangelical Lutheran Church v. County of Los Angeles
C) Penn Central Transportation Co. City of New York
D) Lucas v. South Carolina Coastal Council
The correct answer is “C”.
It appears that the developer has not been deprived of all beneficial uses of the property. Therefore
the holding in Lucas is inapplicable. The Penn Central case implies a balancing of factors: (1) the
character and extent of the regulation; (2) the extent to which the regulation interfered with
investment-backed expectations; and (3) the impact of the regulation on the property owner. That
analysis would appear to be relevant here. First English concerns the nature of the remedies that
are available to the owner of the property that has been “taken.” Tahoe concerns moratoria.
(42) The Town of Lakewood is an incorporated municipal government within the state.
The following passage is from specific state zoning enabling legislation: “The permit
granting authority may impose conditions, safeguards, and limitations both of time and
of use, including the continued existence of any particular structures but excluding any
condition, safeguard, or limitation based upon the continued ownership of the land or
structures to which the variance pertains by the applicant, petitioner, or any owner.”
According to the preceding paragraph, Lakewood may not include as a condition of the
grant of a variance which of the following?
A) That the applicant reduce the density of the proposed project
B) That the applicant remain the title holder to the parcel in question
C) That the applicant develop a groundwater monitoring program
D) All of the above
The correct answer is B)
The paragraph explicitly states that the variance cannot be conditioned on continued ownership by
the applicant, petitioner, or any owner.
The next two questions (43 & 44) refer to the following information.
The desirability and feasibility of a proposed shopping center are to be evaluated. The primary
concerns are that conditions of the city zoning ordinance be met and that the project be a profitable
venture. The developer owns a 30-acre parcel and proposes to construct a 250,000-square-foot
leasable area with 1,300 on-site parking spaces. The shopping center will serve a trade area that
contains 20,000 households. The average household disposable income is $12,000. The shopping
center will have a 50:50 split of square footage between convenience and shopper’s goods.
(43) Which of the following would be appropriate in a shopping center of this size?
A) A major grocery and a drug store as prime tenants
B) Either a department or discount store as the anchor tenant
C) Three department stores of approximately the same size
D) A series of smaller stores rather than an anchor tenant
The correct answer is “B”
(44) If an average of 400 square feet is needed to accommodate each parking space and
associated driveways, what would be the approximate acreage of the blacktop area of
the site?
A. Less than 10 acres
B. Between 10 and 15 acres
C. Between 15 and 20 acres
D. More than 20 acres
The answer is B)
1,300 parking space x 400 sf/parking space = 520,000 sf
520,000 sf/43,560 sf per acre = 11.9 acres
(45) A planning commission member tells you that she has a conflict of interest with
respect to an adjudicatory matter before the commission. She is seeking your advice
about the level to which she may participate in the matter. You should advise her to:
A) Remain in her seat and participate in the discussion, including asking questions, but do not
vote on the matter
B) Remain in her seat but do not participate in the discussion, do not ask questions, and do not
vote on the matter
C) Leave her seat prior to the hearing and sit in the audience
D) Leave the room during the hearing on the particular matter
The correct answer is “D”
A commission member with a conflict of interest in a particular matter cannot participate, to any
extent, in that matter. This means that the member cannot participate in the discussions, ask
questions, or vote on the matter. While it may be sufficient for the member to leave her seat and sit
in the audience, it is recommended that the member leave the room entirely in order to remove any
possibility of a challenge based on the members “silent” participation through body language, facial
expressions, etc.
(46) The Town of Fresno is an incorporated municipal government within the state. The
following passage is from specific state zoning enabling legislation: “Except where local
ordinances shall expressly permit variances for use, no variance may authorize a use or
activity not otherwise permitted in the district in which the land or structure is located;
provided, however, that such variances, properly granted prior to January 1, 1978 but
limited in time, may be extended on the same terms and conditions that were in effect
for such variance upon said effective date.”
What does the preceding paragraph allow Fresno to prohibit?
A) Area variances
B) Use variances
C) Special permits
D) Cluster subdivisions
The correct answer is “B”
This paragraph requires that Fresno expressly permit use variances if they are to be granted.
(47) You are a planner in a city that has recently opened a new shelter for homeless
people. The shelter opens each evening during the winter and provides a place for
people to sleep during the night in dormitory-style rooms with cots. Some community
members would like the shelter closed because they feel that the large number of
people who congregate on the sidewalks near the shelter as they wait for it to open
pose a threat to public safety. Your planning director decides to address these concerns
by classifying the shelter as a hotel. The planning director knows that the zoning
ordinance specifies that a hotel must provide private sleeping quarters, which the
shelter does not. By classifying the shelter as a hotel, the planning director is taking
steps to close the shelter based on the ground that it is in violation of the zoning
ordinance. What might you do first?
A) Discuss the situation with the AICP Commission.
B) Gather additional information about the situation to be sure you fully understand it.
C) Find alternative locations for the shelter.
D) Discuss the situation with the City Administrator.
The correct answer is “B”
You would want to first gather additional information about the situation to be sure you fully
understand it. You might find out if alternative locations for the shelter are feasible and if the shelter
operators are aware of these alternatives. For example, you might locate a space where people may
wait indoors until the shelter opens. You also might talk to the planning director about the situation
so that you understand the reasoning behind the decision. You base your next move on your
(48) It was determined that all work activities of the departments would be examined
from the perspective of the client to determine if current procedures may be
intimidating, confrontational or otherwise impose unnecessary constraints on the
customer. From this research it became clear that a number of current practices and
procedures could generate a negative response from customers. Which of the following
might create a negative response from customers?
I. Prompt return of telephone calls.
II. Offering a Development Review Committee process.
III. Conducting personal business at the public counter.
IV. Asking customers to wait up to five minutes for service.
A) I and II
B) II and III
C) III and IV
D) III only
The correct answer is “D”.
(49) The department heads jointly organized and executed a citizen’s survey to solicit
input about customer satisfaction at city hall. To reach the maximum number of citizens
a one page survey was included in the water bills of several thousand homeowners
residing in the city. Over 1000 response cards were returned. Which of the following
improvements to customer service did the majority of these everyday citizens select?
I. A faster processing time for entitlements.
II. Setting up a public information desk.
III. Establishment of a central permitting system.
IV. Development of informational flyers about city hall, the function of various departments, and
a layperson’s guide to public meetings.
A) I and III
B) II and IV
C) I and IV
D) III and IV
The correct answer is “B”.
(50) The principal of a one-man consulting firm has been asked to submit a proposal to
assist the development service staff of a rural city with the preparation of a new
Community Plan. The planning consultant is currently overbooked with projects and
does not know how he will handle the additional work if he is selected. He is concerned
that he may be unable to carry out his responsibilities on time and worries about the
quality of work he would produce in-between other contractual obligations. The
contract is eventually awarded to his firm. Which of the following is the BEST course of
action for the consultant?
A) Agree to execute the work assuming that his schedule will look better next month when
several projects are scheduled to be completed.
B) Hire a temporary assistant to work on existing projects to free up time to take on the new
C) Determine that he cannot provide diligent service to any of his clients if he assumes more
work and respectfully refuse the offer.
D) Ask the planning director if the project can wait until he has time to work on it
The correct answer is “C”
Although the consultant may be able to temporarily employ an assistant to help out, typically, clients
feel they have hired the consultant’s expertise (not the firm’s). It is not reasonable to expect a
client to accept the late entry of a new person. Likewise, the consultant should not expect a project
to be delayed while he/she finishes other projects. If the consultant cannot perform the work the
contract must be turned down.
(51) You are a newly hired planner involved in the process of preparing a new
recreation plan for your community. Your supervisor, an AICP planner, learns that the
City Council is anxious to take action on a recreation plan, and therefore, you are
instructed to prepare the plan without scheduling any time for public participation or
public comment. Suppose you learn that there is a regulation in place and that this is
clearly a violation of the regulation. What might you do next?
A) Discuss the situation with your Supervisor.
B) Schedule a public workshop to discuss the recreation plan.
C) Report the situation to the Planning Director.
D) File a charge of misconduct with AICP.
The correct answer is “A”
When you learn that a violation has occurred, bring it to the attention of your director or supervisor.
If you learn that the violation has occurred unintentionally, suggest remedies, such as delaying
action on the plan until there is adequate time for a participatory process, scheduling a number of
participatory events quickly, publicizing the events well, and revising the plan accordingly. It might
be a good idea to discuss the situation with a more experienced planner. If the violation has
occurred and you discover that the violation has occurred intentionally, this is a very serious
situation because as planners we shall not accept an assignment from an employer when the service
to be performed involves conduct that we know to be illegal.
(52) You are a planner in a community with a new sign ordinance that prohibits banners
from being strung across the road. The ordinance was adopted in response to several
unattractive advertising banners that had frequently been strung across local roads and
often become entangled with electrical wires. On your way to work one morning, you
see that a community group has strung a banner across the main street that advertises
an upcoming charity event that will generate thousands of dollars for needy families.
You know that the money is greatly needed and that local officials and residents support
the event. What might you do in the short term?
A) Stop and immediately tear down the banner
B) Ignore the banner until after the charity event
C) Contact your legal department to start a Notice of Violation
D) Contact the community group to discuss the violation
The correct answer is D)
Since it is your duty to enforce the ordinance immediately, you might want to think of some
alternatives to suggest to the event organizers, such as stringing the sign between two buildings on
the same side of the road. However, note that such a solution might have undesirable ramifications,
such as a proliferation of signs being strung between buildings. Another way to confront the
situation honestly would be to encourage the community group to apply for a variance. If a variance
were granted, then there would be no question about allowing the banner to remain in place.
(53) You are a planner for a city planning department and you have an old friend who
runs a planning consulting firm in the same city. Your friend submits a competitive
proposal to work as a consultant for your department to you on Friday and while in your
office, asks you to be her guest for dinner at a very fancy restaurant on Saturday
evening. What should you do if you actually have no influence about awarding the
A) Go to dinner, as there is no conflict of interest
B) Go to dinner, but pay for your own dinner
C) Go to dinner, but make sure not to discuss the proposal
D) Decline going to dinner
The correct answer is D)
You should worry about the appearance of a conflict of interest, even if the invitation for dinner is
not intended to enhance your friend’s chances of being awarded the contract (Rules of Conduct 5, 8,
19). Because you have no influence about the decision to award the contract, which would include
having no professional contact with the decision-makers, you might have dinner with your friend,
but it might be safer to postpone the dinner until after the contract has been awarded.
(54) The owner of a restaurant contacted the director at her office and invited her to
lunch. At lunch he asked the director to allow sidewalk table service for his business,
which is prohibited by ordinance, arguing that this would help revitalize the downtown.
How should the director respond?
A) Grant him ministerial approval.
B) Advise him that outside service is prohibited.
C) Tell him that sidewalk service is not currently allowed, and then outline the process to seek
an ordinance amendment.
D) Leave immediately to avoid any appearance of an ethics violation.
The correct answer is “C”.
(55) A planning manager is facilitating a community Visioning program as an important
component of updating the city’s general plan. To ensure the implementation of the
community “Vision” and associated goals, the planning staff collaborated with a citizen’s
committee to determine a valid set of performance standards against which the Vision’s
relative success can be evaluated. Of the performance standards on the committee’s list
indicated below, all would be effective standards EXCEPT?
A) Planning for neighborhoods to be designed to meet the daily needs of residents.
B) Approving design guidelines in the Zoning Code for the development of safe and well
designed neighborhoods.
C) Determining a “target” number of residential units within a quarter-mile walking distance of
a neighborhood shopping area in the city’s Housing Element.
D) Adopting policies in the general plan that promote a strong, vital, pedestrian-oriented and
dynamic downtown area.
The correct answer is A).
Remember this is an “EXCEPT” question. Answers B, C, and D possess the authority of “adopted
policy” and as such will serve as more effective performance standards. These “policies” and/or
adopted “ordinances” must be followed and can be more efficiently monitored. Answer A is passive,
vague and not enforceable.
(56) You are responsible for recommending contracts to the city council. Your
immediate supervisor has asked you to prepare a recommendation for a large contract
for an individual you know is a good friend of your supervisor. After reviewing the
contract, you conclude that the contract amount is not commensurate with the scope of
work provided. You believe the contract is a waste of taxpayer dollars if it were to be
granted. What might you do first?
A) Discuss the assignment with the City Administrator
B) Ask to be reassigned to another project
C) Verify the data and analysis and submit your report for approval by the Supervisor
D) Recommend approval of the contract
The correct answer is C)
The first thing to do might be to carefully review the data and procedures used in the analysis for
accuracy and completeness. You should document everything during this entire process such as the
date and nature of your supervisor’s request and the sources of data used to draw the conclusion
that the consultant’s price is too high. Then write your report and submit it to your supervisor.
(57) A planning director receives a donation of a large turkey from a consultant prior to
the holidays. The best course of action in this case is to:
(A) Send the turkey back to the donor without explanation
(B) Accept the turkey without acknowledgment
(C) Donate the turkey to a local food bank and ask the donor not to send anything next year
(D) Give the turkey to a staff member
The correct answer is “C”
While “A” also seems correct, it should not be the intention of the director to damage good will, but
instead to explain the code and what the director did with the donation.
(58) The downtown merchants have approached the director for assistance. What
actions could she take to help them in their initial efforts to revitalize the downtown
I. After meeting with the group, she prepared a report to the Council recommending that a
Citizen’s Steering Committee be created to help organize redevelopment efforts.
II. She gathered information about employing an advertising company that would be able to
evaluate the downtown and recommended a promotional strategy for revitalizing the area.
III. The director informed the merchants that an economic “natural-selection” process is
occurring and that the vitality of the CBD is simply going to fade away.
IV. The director suggested the organization of an annual antiques festival in the downtown and
a storefront improvement program for the downtown business owners.
A) I and II
B) II and III
C) II, III, and IV
D) I, II, and IV
The correct answer is “D”.
(59) A small metropolitan planning agency has determined to implement a program to
obtain infrastructure financing through approval of an impact fee ordinance. To
successfully initiate this program a number of objectives must be established and
achieved. Which of the following objectives needs to be achieved FIRST?
A) Seek legal counsel to prepare a legally defensible impact fee ordinance.
B) Develop a computer-based impact measurement program.
C) Prepare a public relations program that includes a simple, non-technical issues report and
briefings for the planning commission and governing board; in addition, obtain the cosponsorship of the chamber of commerce for a one-day conference.
D) Develop benchmark data on the infrastructure costs of development using nationwide and
locally generated data.
The correct answer is D)
This question evaluates your ability to identify the proper sequence of actions in a typical planning
program: “First your socks, then your shoes”. Other objectives identified in answers A, B and C
would follow the development of benchmark data.
(60) A public notice in the newspaper soliciting comments from residents and
merchants as part of an economic development venture to revitalize a large and aging
Central Business District (CBD) drew only three participants to the town meeting. The
Mayor criticizes the City Planner for the poor turnout blaming it on her “invisible”
announcement hidden in the “legal notices”. Additionally, the mayor reprimands the
staff for writing the notice in complicated “legalese” and not translating it into
languages common in their multilingual community. The Council subsequently directs
staff to return in one month with recommendations for a more effective plan for citizen
input. Which recommendation would be MOST EFFECTIVE for generating adequate
citizen participation?
A) Contract with a consulting firm to develop a multi-faceted public information program.
B) Utilize a combination of media to make announcements including: newspapers, magazines,
radio, television, videos, billboards, posters, signs, direct mailings, brochures, newsletters,
flyers, presentations, exhibits, and public service announcements.
C) Utilize surveys to solicit direct input from downtown merchants and residents.
D) Produce a power-point presentation to be shown at key locations in the downtown area.
The correct answer is A)
The revitalization of the CBD is of paramount importance in communities across the country.
Fostering the input and support of the merchants and residents of the downtown area is too
important to be driven by experimentation. Planners are not experts in public relations. Firms that
possess such an expertise should be employed if possible
(61) A planning manager of a mid-sized city planning division is actively pursuing a
program to motivate her planning staff to create a better work environment and
improve productivity. Which of the following motivation techniques used by the
manager represent the BEST way to motivate her staff?
A) Improve working conditions.
B) Raise salaries.
C) Provide the staff with challenging work in which they assume responsibility.
D) Shuffle tasks.
The correct answer is “C”
(62) A principal planner is responsible for overseeing and supervising the development
of a new development code by a consultant. The consultant is not performing as agreed
to in the contract. Deadlines are not being met and the work product is substandard.
The planner has not discussed his concerns with the consultant in the past hoping that
things would improve. They have not and now he feels that he must take action. Which
action represents the BEST way to initially handle this situation?
A) Terminate the contract.
B) Write the consultant a letter outlining your concerns.
C) Call the consultant personally and discuss your concerns. Follow up with a letter outlining
your concerns.
D) Withhold further payment until the consultant straightens-up.
The correct answer is “C”
(63) You work as a city planner in Town X. You recently accepted additional planning
employment in Town Y, which is about 15 miles away and in the next county. Towns X
and Y are similar in many respects. As a consultant for Town Y, you recommend a 50-
foot buffer around a lake to protect water quality. Town Y is about to take action on this
recommendation. However, in town X there are no buffer regulations and substantial
residential development has been proposed to include construction to within 10 feet of
a lake. The mayor and the council are very supportive of the proposed development, but
a lake conservation group is demanding a buffer of at least 50-feet around the lake. You
should do all of the following except:
A) Notify both towns of your current employment
B) Get in-advance approval in writing from Town X for your potential moonlighting with Town Y
C) Prepare separate reports for Town X and Town Y with separate recommendations regarding
the buffers
D) Consider resigning from the Town Y employment due to a conflict of interest
The correct answer is C)
First, understand that the moonlighting should have been clearly explained to the primary and
secondary employers and approved in writing. Full written disclosure to both towns prior to
accepting work in Town Y should have said that there might be conflict. Planners should try to
foresee consequences, and this situation is a logical consequence of working in two very similar
communities. Even with full written disclosure before beginning to work for Town Y, as soon as the
potential for conflict became apparent, you should have furnished a second written disclosure to
both employers and received written permission to proceed. However, a planner should not
advocate for two opposing positions simultaneously. So unless there is a very real difference
between the two situations, such as a different geologic structure of the lakes, you should remove
yourself from doing one job or the other. To continue in both positions and allow the conflicting
recommendations to proceed will likely diminish your reputation and effectiveness in both
(64) As a partner in a new consulting firm, you have been charged with determining the
type of corporation your firm will elect. You are leaning toward the election of an “S”
corporation. What is one of the distinguishing facets of an “S” corporation?
A) It is tax-exempt
B) It is limited to corporations of 25 or fewer full-time employees
C) The corporation’s profits are “passed through” to the shareholders
D) All of the above
The correct answer is C)
An “S” corporation does not usually pay tax on any of its income, but rather passes through profits
(and losses) to its stockholders in proportion to their stock holdings in the corporation
(65) You are a planner in a city that has recently opened a new shelter for homeless
people. The shelter opens each evening during the winter and provides a place for
people to sleep during the night in dormitory-style rooms with cots. Some community
members would like the shelter closed because they feel that the large number of
people who congregate on the sidewalks near the shelter as they wait for it to open
pose a threat to public safety. Your planning director, an AICP planner, decides to
address these concerns by classifying the shelter as a hotel. The planning director
knows that the zoning ordinance specifies that a hotel must provide private sleeping
quarters, which the shelter does not. By classifying the shelter as a hotel, the planning
director is taking steps to close the shelter based on the ground that it is in violation of
the zoning ordinance. Suppose you have reviewed the situation carefully and believe
that the director made an unethical decision. What might you do?
A) Report the situation to the local media.
B) Write up a report with all the facts for the staff report.
C) Discuss the situation with the AICP Commission. @@@ - formal opinion
D) Investigate filing a charge of misconduct with AICP.
The correct answer is D)
You might decide to file a charge of misconduct with the AICP Ethics Officer (Procedure 5). This
course of action will probably result in a tense work environment and should only be followed after
careful consideration. As the director is a member of the AICP, then you could also discuss the
situation with the AICP Ethics Officer (Procedures 2 and 3), but not with the AICP Commission.
(66) An oil company is interested in building a refinery on several thousand acres of
waterfront property that the company owns. The general plan classifies this area as
recreational and residential. The oil company files a re-zoning application to change this
area to a heavy industrial classification. The planning director opposes the rezoning
amendment stating that the scenic area is a valuable natural resource. Assume that the
planning agency acted legally in all respects (proper notice, etc.). However, the county
commissioners approve the amendment. A group of residents who live near the
proposed refinery site take the case to court and subpoena the planning director to
testify. The planning director provides some information to the citizens’ group as they
prepare their case and also testifies truthfully in court about the value of the property to
the community. Under the AICP Code of Ethics, all the following are true about the
behavior of the planning director EXCEPT:
A) The director was acting in an ethically responsible manner in trying to protect the integrity of
the natural environment.
B) The director should not have testified in court. The Code of Ethics requires planners to
accept the decisions of their employers.
C) The director served the public interest by providing information to citizens preparing their
D) The director exhibited a concern for the long-range consequences of the proposed land use
The correct answer is B)
Members of AICP must comply with the law, including complying with a likely subpoena.
The next two questions (67 & 68) refer to the following information.
Diane is the planning director for a small, rapidly growing suburban community. At a public hearing
last evening for a large subdivision, three of the seven members of her planning board walked out
during the hearing, claiming that the subdivision plan was “an insult to the community.” The
chairman of the planning board continued the hearing until the next month. The board was unaware
that Diane had been trying, through a series of meetings and working sessions with the applicant, to
negotiate a more sensitive and acceptable plan for the town.
(67) What should Diane’s next action be with regard to this application?
A) Meet with the developer as soon as possible to apologize for her board’s behavior
B) Refuse to meet with the developer until immediately before the next scheduled discussion of
the plan
C) Contact the chairman of the board as soon as possible to discuss how to proceed with the
D) Discuss the situation with the full board at the next regularly scheduled meeting
The correct answer is C)
Diane is responsible for ensuring that the developer receives a fair hearing and the town is
protected against improper subdivision plans. A meeting with the chairman would be her most
appropriate action in this situation.
(68) Contacted by a reporter for the local newspaper the morning following the incident,
Diane was asked to comment on the actions of the board members who walked out of
the meeting. How should Diane reply when asked, “Are you embarrassed by their
A) No, the members were simply expressing their feelings about the plan
B) No
C) Yes, their actions blemish the community
D) No comment
The correct answer is D)
Diane was certainly embarrassed by the board members’ actions, but gains little by expounding on
her opinions to the local press. The “no comment” option, while difficult, seems the most prudent
(69) The Planning Director for Geneva asks you put together a new general plan for the
city. Some of the following steps you’d propose to undertake would occur in the
following order:
I. Preparing plan
II. Collecting data and analysis
III. Identifying issues and stakeholders
IV. Stating Goals, Objectives and Priorities
(A) II, IV, III, I
(B) I, II, III, IV
(C) III, IV, II, I
(D) III, II, IV, I
The correct answer is “C”
Often, the planning process consists of the following steps and order:
1. Identify Issues and Options
2. State Goals, Objectives and Priorities
3. Collect and Interpret Data
4. Prepare Plans
5. Draft Programs for Plan Implementation
6. Evaluate Impacts of Plans and Implementation Programs
7. Review and Adopt Plans
8. Review and Adopt Implementation Programs
9. Administer Implementation Programs
See “The Planning Process” in APA’s Planning and Urban Design Standards (2006); page 3.
Also - http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Comprehensive_planning
(70) At a Smithville Village Board meeting you are prepared to make a presentation that
will support the basis for adding into next year’s capital budget, the necessary money to
construct a bridge over a railroad line. Currently the crossing occurs at-grade, and
separates your village from the neighboring town of Dunnville. Prior to the meeting the
Senior Planner of Dunnville arrives and pulls you aside. He begins to tell you that you
should not propose to put the bridge over the tracks because last month the Dunnville
Council approved a budget that allocated money to construct a tunnel under the tracks
on their portion of the street. Which of the following is the BEST option for you?
A) You decide to move forward with your plans for proposing the bridge on your side of the
tracks because it is the less expensive option.
B) During the discussion you suggest that you now feel a tunnel is the best solution to address
the rail crossing and ask for more time to restudy the issue.
C) You decide to ignore the planner from Dunnville and move ahead with your plans for the
bridge because you believe that you can work out your issue with the town of Dunnville at a
later date.
D) You are embarrassed, but you understand that you must consider the interrelatedness of
your decisions. Therefore, you report to the Council your “news” and ask that you have time
to work with Dunnville to construct the best option.
The correct answer is “D”
This question is meant to illustrate how all of our planning decisions are interrelated with not only
our City, but neighboring towns, the region, state, and so on. Answer A, may be true but we cannot
make decisions in a “bubble”. Answer B, touches on the fact that you must present the data you
believe to be full, and accurate, and clear, however, it is clear that your data is no longer considered
“full”. Answer C, would also have you presenting unclear and incomplete data to the council. This
question is trying to stress to you the following point in the Code, Section 1.C that we shall pay
special attention to the interrelatedness of decisions. Source: “Professional Practice Manual” by Les
Solin, AICP, American Planning Association, Washington, DC, Chicago, IL, 1997, page 4.
(71) A new wave of criminal activity is sweeping the community and costing the taxpayers millions in police services, court fees, and long term housing of criminals in jails.
The Board of Supervisors has decided to spend money on public education programs to
educate the citizenry in crime prevention, the evils of drug and alcohol abuse, and the
advantages of living clean. In addition, the Board has allocated a large portion of the
budget for drug addict and alcoholic rehabilitation. Weighting all things, the Board is
gambling that over time, the great expenditure of monies to prevent crime will not only
improve the quality of life in the community, but will also save the taxpayers millions in
the long run since less crimes will take place and fewer persons will be warehoused in
prisons. Which cost analysis technique did the Board utilize in making this decision?
(A) Cost-effectiveness Analysis
(B) Cost-benefit Analysis
(C) Cost-revenue Analysis
(D) Goals Achievement Matrix
The correct answer is (B)
Cost benefit analysis (CBA) compares what a community gains from the project benefits to what the
community must forego in order to achieve it (costs). If the benefits are greater than the costs, the
project is assumed to increase the community’s welfare since the community gains some things
which are valued more than the things it must give up. “2014-2015 Chapter Presidents Council
Study Manual for the AICP Examination of the American Institute of Certified Planners” Published by
Chapter Presidents’ Council American Planning Association, “Cost Benefit Analysis”, page 199.
(72a) You are the planning director of a medium-sized suburban community and you are
in the process of developing a neighborhood plan for one of the historic neighborhoods
in your community. Several stakeholders identify recycling efforts as a major concern
within the neighborhood. They propose a slate of policies addressing their concerns. As
the planning director, you would:
A) Continue with development of the neighborhood plan as the primary focus of the ongoing
planning effort.
B) Direct your staff to identify current land development regulations that could help the
neighborhood deal with recycling efforts in the ward.
C) Direct your staff to analyze and discuss the merits of the proposed policies with you within
the next two weeks prior to the next neighborhood meeting on the plan.
D) Talk with the ward representative about the proposed policies.
The correct answer is “C”.
(72b) The County Manager asks you, as Planning Director, to implement a new Smart
Growth program for the county. Your program would include considerations of the
I. Efficient use of land and infrastructure
II. Well defined community edges, such as agricultural greenbelts, wildlife corridors or
III. Vital small towns and rural areas
IV. Creation of a sense of place
(A) I, II
(B) I, II, III
(D) I, II, III, IV
The correct answer is (D)
Core principles of Smart Growth include:
A. Efficient use of land and infrastructure
B. Creation and/or enhancement of economic value
C. A greater mix of uses and housing choices
D. Neighborhoods and communities focused around human-scale, mixed-use centers
E. A balanced, multi-modal transportation system providing increased transportation choice
F. Conservation and enhancement of environmental and cultural resources
G. Preservation or creation of a sense of place
H. Increased citizen participation in all aspects of the planning process and at every level of
I. Vibrant center city life
J. Vital small towns and rural areas
K. A multi-disciplinary and inclusionary process to accomplish smart growth
L. Planning processes and regulations at multiple levels that promote diversity and equity
M. Regional view of community, economy and ecological sustainability
N. Recognition that institutions, governments, businesses and individuals require a concept of
cooperation to support smart growth
O. Local, state, and federal policies and programs that support urban investment, compact
development and land conservation
P. Well defined community edges, such as agricultural greenbelts, wildlife corridors or greenways
permanently preserved as farmland or open space.
See the 2012 APA Policy Guide on Smart Growth:
(73) A City Planner is responsible for supervising a staff of twelve (12) professional
planners. It is her desire to improve the working environment for her professional staff.
Which of the following represents the best way to achieve this organizational goal?
(A) Authorize a new work schedule that permits the staff to work 4 ten-hour days, with 2 threeday weekends each month.
(B) Reprimand poor performance in private not at staff meetings.
(C) Make every effort to match staff skills and interests with required tasks that have the
potential to promote advancement.
(D) Attend union meetings and support the staff’s petition for annual salary increases.
The answer is “C”.
Employees are typically more satisfied when performing work that matches their skills and interests
and when there is an opportunity for future advancement through diligent service.
(74) A special permit to allow a group home in a single-family neighborhood for disabled
individuals has been submitted to the development services department. The public
notice has generated a number of angry phone calls from residents who intend to come
to the public hearing in mass to speak against the proposed use. The planning director
has met with a number of unhappy residents both individually and as a group and has
been unable to squelch the growing resistance. It is hard for her to understand why
there is no support for the home when the need is so obvious. Prior to preparing her
staff report she receives phone calls from several Council members expressing concern
that the issue is becoming a political hot potato. Yet, there is really no reason to
recommend denial of the special permit. Faced with this dilemma which of the following
represents the BEST course of action?
I. Contact each council member prior to the hearing and personally provide background information, including the potential legal ramifications should the project be denied.
II. Prepare a detailed report outlining the need for homes for the disabled, summarizing
research on the impacts of community residences showing that they generate no adverse
impacts on neighborhoods as long as they are licensed and not clustered on a block, and
recommending conditional approval.
III. Prepare a comprehensive report recommending a moratorium on group homes to provide
time for staff to prepare an amendment to the zoning ordinance that would provide a
“definition of a family” that would disallow more than 3 unrelated persons to occupy a
dwelling unit.
IV. Notice and personally facilitate a town meeting to provide information about the proposed
home to the residents and media to better in-form them and to reduce the potential for
contentious arguments before the City Council at the public hearing.
(A) III only
(B) I and III
(C) II, III, and IV
(D) I, II, and IV
The correct answer is “D”.
Aside from public outcry and concerns by the council, the director does not have justifiable reasons,
legal or otherwise, to recommend denial of the special permit. In fact, there may be legal reasons to
support approval of the application if the home is properly permitted and will house a specific
number of individuals. The scenario does not speculate on the outcome of the hearing. Community
pressure may win out and the decision-makers could determine to deny the permit. This is not the
director’s issue. Her job, both professionally and ethically, is to inform the decision-makers, assist
the public to better understand the project, work to satisfy legal requirements, and render a report
and recommendation that will allow an informed decision.
(75) The Disaster Mitigation Act of 2000 required local governments to address
potential hazards in a Hazard Mitigation Plan in order to remain eligible to receive
certain federal funds before and following federally-declared disasters. Your community
has integrated such a plan into the General Plan.
Now the Safety Element of the General Plan is expanded to cover the following:
I. Natural hazards
II. Man-made hazards
III. Fiscal responsibility for disasters
IV. A development retreat from low-lying coastal areas
B) I, II & IV
C) I & IV
D) I, II, III & IV
The correct answer is “B”
FEMA HMA of 2000 seeks to expand pre-disaster planning to precipitate the widespread loss of life,
damage to property, infrastructure and the environment. The Act does not assign any fiscal
responsibilities of disasters to any entity. Most local Safety Elements cover also man-made hazards.
However, local jurisdictions are not solely burdened with the fiscal responsibility for the impact
associated with disasters.
(76) You are a planner in a neighborhood that recently became increasingly diverse with
a significant influx of non-English speaking immigrants—what should you do first to
address this?
(A) Educate the old/existing population on ethnic diversity and its context in history (or
something like that)
(B) Hire a translator for your public meetings and planning efforts
(C) Post meeting notices in another language
(D) Do research on how urban planning is conducted in the countries of the diverse populations
The correct answer is “B”
The immediate need is to be able to effectively communicate with the neighborhood’s new, nonspeaking immigrants. The other answers can evolve from that action.
(77) You are the planning director in an up and coming mid-western community and a
Council member gives you a cutting edge transect-oriented, form-based code and
impact fee ordinance that was adopted by a city in a neighboring state and asks you to
emulate the ordinance in your community before the next round of plan amendments.
What do you do first?
(A) Direct your staff to draft a version for your review
(B) Check your state’s enabling legislation
(C) Discuss with your planners
(D) Discuss with your city manager
The correct answer is “B”
Here, the first appropriate step would be to review and check your state’s enabling legislation to
ensure you have your community has the legal authority to adopt impact fee and zoning ordinances
of the type. Subsequent steps might involve discussions with the city manager, followed by
discussion with your planners and ultimately directing the preparation of a draft version for review.
(78) You are about to present to the Planning Commission your findings about whether
to construct bus stop shelters along Main Street. During your presentation a
Commission member asks if you have involved public input into your recommendation.
You say that ”yes” you have contacted all businesses and residents within 250’ of Main
Street, and worked with the bus company. She then asks if you were able to involve
local groups that deal with homeless, shoppers that shop the street on weekends, and
persons that were physically challenged. You did not meet or notify these groups
because they did not have any formal organization. Which of the following is the BEST
option for you?
A) Because you contacted the formally organized groups you have fulfilled your obligations and
should move forward with the recommendation.
B) You sent out letters to properties within 250’ of Main Street, this should satisfy the
Commission members question.
C) You should attempt to meet with all groups that could be affected by the decision, and you
should try and involve the shoppers. This could be achieved by doing an on-street survey.
D) You should try and involve only those informal groups that show up to a meeting on a
weekday night at the Council Chambers.
The correct answer is “C”
Answer “C” is the BEST option for you to follow. The Planning Commission asked a good question
and you should involve as many people and as a diverse group of people when making a planning
recommendation. One way I think about these types of public participation questions is that your
aspirational role as a planner is to try and be as far up the “Ladder of Citizen Participation” as
possible. The more citizen involvement, or empowerment, that is possible in a public decision, the
See: http://lithgow-schmidt.dk/sherry-arnstein/ladder-of-citizen-participation.html
(79) A New England town believes it may be losing tax revenues due to old and possibly
inaccurate lot size information. With a limited budget, what is the best alternative
available to the town to recalculate their lot sizes relatively quickly and inexpensively?
A) Deed research combined with a lot-by-lot survey producing a new base tax map
B) Regeneration of the base tax map through deed research and GIS
C) Recalculation of lot sizes from existing tax maps
D) None of the above
The correct answer is B)
Many firms will perform deed research, and, combined with an aerial photography fly-over, redraw
tax maps. While this undertaking is not inexpensive, it can be done in a reasonable amount of time
and the cost of the project should be recouped in a few years through increased tax revenues,
depending on the level of error in the original tax maps. A lot-by-lot survey, arguably the most
accurate method to recalculate lot sizes, would be very time consuming and expensive.
Recalculation of lot sizes, the least expensive of the three methods, may catch original errors in
calculations but will not catch the dimension errors that may be inherent in the existing tax maps.
(80) You are a planner in Naperville, Illinois. You would like to take a part-time job in
the evenings working as a bartender. According to the APA Code of Ethics, which of the
following is the BEST course of action for you to take?
A) You do not have to tell your planning boss; just start doing the part-time work
B) You need to have written permission from your planning boss
C) You should ask for verbal permission from your planning boss
D) As long as the part-time work is outside of Naperville’s planning jurisdiction you do not have
to ask for permission
The correct answer is “A”
Bartending is not related to the field of planning. According to the AICP Ethics Code, in Section B.4.
- - ”We shall not, as salaried employees, undertake other employment in planning or a related
profession, whether or not for pay, without having made full written disclosure to the employer who
furnishes our salary and having received subsequent written permission to undertake additional
employment, unless our employer has a written policy which expressly dispenses with a need to
obtain such consent.”
(81) The planning director of a small community is recommending that the City Council
approve a staff initiated zoning ordinance amendment to provide specific criteria for
architectural review of projects. Which of the following would most likely be
emphasized in her staff report?
I. Specific criteria is necessary for adequate design review.
II. Adopting specific criteria for architectural review in the Municipal Code will provide the legal
foundation for conditioning and enforcement.
III. Specific review criteria will assure a better built environment.
IV. Specific criteria would help developers design projects acceptable to the jurisdiction.
(A) I and II
(B) II and IV
(C) I and III
(D) III and IV
The correct answer is “B”.
All the answers are true. The central issue though is a legal one – providing the legal foundation for
enforcement. The second most important goal would be to provide developers with guidelines to
reduce or eliminate the need for enforcement.
(82) You witness your boss, the Planning Director (AICP), doing something you feel is
clearly unethical. Which of the following options is the most appropriate course of
(A) You discuss the ethical matter with your boss first before proceeding
(B) You discuss it with planning coworkers before proceeding
(C) You obtain as much situational information about the matter as possible, and then file a
charge of misconduct with the Ethics Officer
(D) You discuss the matter with your Chapter’s Professional Development Officer
The correct answer is “C”
Of the options provided, the most appropriate course of action is to gather any further information
about the situation, and if still convinced the action was unethical, file a charge of misconduct with
the Ethics Officer. The other provided options are generally not viable options to undertake.
However, two caveats. First, it would usually be wise to undertake an option not provided here –
discuss (either informally or formally) the situation with the Ethics Officer before deciding whether to
file a charge of misconduct. Second, if the reasons are actually unclear why your boss undertook the
specific unethical action, it may be appropriate to further (and better) understand the rationale
behind his action, and this might involve some general discussion on the action’s background,
without discussing the potential unethical aspects of the situation. If you’re going to discuss the
ethical issue with other AICP planners, have that discussion with impartial, outside colleagues, but
realize they cannot provide the type of informal/formal advice the Ethics Officer is established to
address regarding the Code’s application.
(83) An engineering staff member is asking for your approval of a staff report stating
that a stormwater management area does not have to be located “on site” by the
developer of a residential development. The property is adjacent to an existing
stormwater management pond that is currently underutilized due to the fact that the
commercial property to the north, which was responsible for the oversized pond, was
not developed to its fullest potential due to the current economic climate, and it is likely
that the property will never be fully developed. Which is the BEST option for you to
A) You cannot give your support of the report because as a planner you must look at all long
range consequences
B) You must support the report because it is from an engineer and that person has a more
thorough understanding of the complicated mathematics that are required when calculating
C) You must not support the staff report until the engineer or the developer can provide you
with data that illustrates that the existing oversized pond can accommodate the proposed
residential development and the future commercial development as well.
D) You must support the report because the economic benefit of the tax dollars from the new
development will be most beneficial to the City.
The correct answer is “C”
Although answer “A” is considered correct, answer “C” is the BEST answer, because not only does it
show that you are looking at the long term consequences of the development and the stormwater
issue, but that you are also willing to work with the engineer to come up with alternate solutions, or
at the very least, see if the pond can handle both developments because it is not your area of
(84) As a senior planner with a metropolitan transportation authority, you have been
asked by the director to research issues related to the construction of a new runway to
accommodate wide-bodied aircraft at the city’s international airport. The director wants
to make sure you investigate related environmental justice issues. “Environmental
justice” refers to:
A) Discrimination in the job market
B) Discrimination in the housing market
C) Discrimination in any program receiving federal financial assistance
D) Discrimination according to race, religion, or income status in any program receiving state
financial assistance
The correct answer is C)
Environmental justice is defined by two key federal actions. First, Title VI of the 1964 Civil Rights
Act prohibits intentional discrimination on the grounds of race, color, or national origin under any
program receiving federal financial assistance. Second, in 1994, President Clinton signed an
Executive Order that directed all federal agencies to ensure that their policies and practices do not
have disproportionate adverse environmental or health impacts on low-income or minority
communities. As a planner directed to investigate issues of airport expansion, and assuming the
airport will rely, at least in part, on federal financial assistance, you should investigate whether the
runway construction will violate either the spirit or intent of both federal actions discussed above.
(85) A principal planner of a large metropolitan area is responsible for facilitating the
organization of a parks and open space advisory committee for the county.
Representatives from which of the following groups should be considered for the
I. Stockbrokers, bankers, real estate brokers
II. Landscape architects, private citizens, and law enforcement.
III. Chamber of commerce, building industry, farmers.
IV. Environmentalist group, small business operator, school district
(A) I and IV
(B) II and III
(C) I, II and IV
(D) All of the above.
The correct answer is “D
(86) State law allows the legislative body of your jurisdiction to develop and adopt a
General Plan update without soliciting public input outside the normal public hearing
process. Notwithstanding this legal oversight, the senior planner of a rapidly growing
city of 90,000 is concerned about the implications of excluding the public from all
phases of the planning process. She knows that many citizens in the community desire
more involvement in this important advance planning project. Which of the following is
the best course of action?
I. Write an editorial to the local newspaper expressing her concerns about the planning
II. Prepare a report to the City Council recommending that there be more citizen input into the
planning process
III. Convey your thoughts to the City Manager and seek her direction.
IV. Contact each council member and discuss her concerns with them.
(A) I and II
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) IV only
The correct answer is “C”
(87) You are the director for the regional planning agency that includes Riverside, San
Bernardino and Ontario, California, an area with a significant number of jobs in the
Education, Training, and Library sector. The three mayors approach you and want to
promote the area’s economic strengths. One way you decide to do this is an analysis of
educational location quotient, calculated as:
(A) Educational Services regional employment/state employment
Educational Services state employment/regional employment
(B) Educational Services regional employment/regional employment
Educational Services state employment/state employment
(C) Educational Services state employment/state employment
Educational Services regional employment/regional employment
(D) Regional Employment/State Employment
Educational Services regional employment/Educational Services state employment
The correct answer is “B”
(88) You are a planning manager who doubles as the economic development director for
a growing City with a population of 150,000. Working with the members of the
Community Development Committee, which includes representatives from the local
chamber of commerce and other civic-minded private citizens, you have drafted a basic
economic development program aimed at promoting economic health in the community.
All of the following are included in your program except:
(A) Preparing a feasibility study for the creation of a Research and Technology Park in the city.
(B) Developing strategies for keeping local consumers from traveling outside the city to shop.
(C) Promoting a policy to discourage large box retailers from locating in your community.
(D) Utilizing financing strategies to recycle local funds.
The correct answer is “C”
(89) The mayor asks the Planning Director to make planning decisions that promote job
growth in the local economy. A metric that you plan to use to forecast the resulting
economic growth in your community for specific planning decisions is a:
(A) Location Quotient
(B) Benefit-Cost analysis
(C) Multiplier
(D) Cost Effectiveness analysis
The correct answer is (C)
In general, an employment multiplier forecasts the amount of direct, indirect and induced jobs likely
to be created (or lost) in an area, associated with a particular project or industry.
See also - http://www.planning.org/planning/2009/dec/deeppockets.htm
(90) A planning director has been working on a community plan for nearly a year. This
project has involved substantial citizen input both through a steering committee and
neighborhood meetings. The community plan is scheduled to be considered by the City
Council in five days at an already noticed public hearing. The Planning Director learns
that his out-of-town mother has become seriously ill and is hospitalized. The Director
must take a couple of weeks off to care for her. What should he do about the community
(A) Delay consideration and adoption of the plan until he returns to the office.
(B) Turn the project over to his senior planner who has assisted in the development of the plan.
(C) Send flowers to the hospital but decline to leave the office at this critical time.
(D) Ask the city administrator to handle the project.
The correct answer is “B”
Good management practice is founded on the ability to “delegate” responsibility. If the director has
been delegating responsibility all along, the senior planner should have little trouble taking the
community plan to hearing because she will be familiar with the issue of the project, will have been
introduced to the committee members and neighborhood representatives, and will understand any
issues that may exists. Good management serves the public interest.
(91) A Pulp and Paper Mill is considering building a new mill on several hundred acres of
tree covered waterfront property they own in Timmons. The general plan shows this
land as a combination of some recreational and some residential. The Pulp and Paper
Mill files a plan amendment to re-designate the area they own to a heavy industrial
classification. The planning director strongly opposes the amendment on the basis that
the scenic area should remain a valuable natural resource for the public to enjoy.
However, the County goes ahead and approves the amendment. After this, a group of
nearby residents takes the case to court. The planning director provides the group of
residents with information that they use to help prepare their case. The planning
director also testifies in court about the value of the property to the community.
According to the AICP Code of Ethics, all the following is true about the behavior of the
planning director EXCEPT:
A) The director served the public interest by providing information to the group of residents
when they were preparing their case
B) The director did exhibit concern for the long-range consequences of the proposed plan use
C) The director should not have testified in court. The Code of Ethics requires planners to
accept their employer’s decision.
D) The director was acting under his/her ethical responsibility to protect the integrity of the
natural environment.
The correct answer is “C”
According to the AICP Code of Ethics, the director served the public interest by providing
information to the group of residents when they were preparing their case. The director exhibited
concern for the long-range consequences of the proposed plan use changes in his opposition, and
the director was acting under his/her ethical responsibility to protect the integrity of the natural
environment. It is likely that he would have been subpoenaed to testify by the residents. However,
the Director could ethically appear in court to speak about his planning recommendations against
the proposal, even if not subpoenaed. Of course, this latter action may have employment
(92) You are the planning director for the town of Wellington that has a major
equestrian community that is concerned with the long-term retention of sufficient areas
of suitable lands and associated industry to support the community. The Mayor is
proposing significant new development that may adversely affect the long-term
retention of lands for equestrian use. To ensure the sustainability of the equestrian
industry, you make sure your planners incorporate the following principle into all future
project reviews:
(A) New development is prohibited from affecting any lands or activities currently associated
with equestrian uses
(B) New development must compensate for any adverse impacts on the equestrian community
(C) New development is prohibited
(D) New development should meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability
of future generations to meet their own needs
The correct answer is “D”
The classic planning concept of sustainability derives from the term “sustainable development” that
was coined in the paper Our Common Future, released by the Brundtland Commission in 1987.
Sustainable development is the kind of development that meets the needs of the present without
compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.
(93) The Johnson Air Force base in Levy County is being increasingly impacted by new
surrounding development that is quickly conflicting with the military base’s primary
training mission, and creating potential safety issues. The County, in conjunction with
the Air Force Base Commander, decides to immediately begin planning to address base
compatibility issues, and undertakes those efforts by utilizing the following tools in the
following order (from first to last):
II. Amortization
III. Moratorium
IV. Military Overlay adoption
(A) I, IV, III, II
(B) I, III, IV, II
(C) III, I, IV, II
(D) III, II, I, IV
(93) The Johnson Air Force base in Levy County is being increasingly impacted by new
surrounding development that is quickly conflicting with the military base’s primary
training mission, and creating potential safety issues. The County, in conjunction with
the Air Force Base Commander, decides to immediately begin planning to address base
compatibility issues, and undertakes those efforts by utilizing the following tools in the
following order (from first to last):
II. Amortization
III. Moratorium
IV. Military Overlay adoption
(A) I, IV, III, II
(B) I, III, IV, II
(C) III, I, IV, II
(D) III, II, I, IV
(94) At the time of the last census, population of Centerville was 24,000. Since then,
they have issued 312 permits for construction of single family homes, 10 permits for
commercial businesses, and 2 permits for construction of multi-family developments
which will each have 62 dwelling units, and 40 dwelling units respectively. The average
size of a single family household in Centerville is 3.2 people per household. The average
size of a multi-family dwelling unit is 2.4. The average commercial business employs 1
person for every 250 square feet. Using the symptomatic approach, estimate the current
population of Centerville.
A) 25,243
B) 1,243
C) 25,003
D) 25,147
The correct answer is “A”
The symptomatic approach to calculating population utilizes changes in obtainable data that are
predictive of population changes as a whole (like building permits). In this example, single family
permits have resulted in 998 new residents, and multi-family permits have resulted in 245 new
residents, for a total increase of 1,243 new residents. Commercial permits are not particularly good
estimates of current population. Additionally, there is not enough information presented in this
question to use this figure as an estimate of new population.
(95) Tonight you are to present before City Council a report that speaks about the
economic impact a proposed land fill would have on the community. Your report
supports the land fill based upon the data that your staff has prepared and analyzed.
Prior to the meeting, a Council person approaches you. This particular Council person
was elected with the platform of not supporting the land fill. He asks that you go against
your findings because he sees the numbers differently. You know from all of your work
that this is not true and that it is a wrong way of looking at the data. Just before the
meeting starts, hundreds of protestors march in against the land fill. Which of the
following is the BEST option for you?
A) You realize the effect that this Council person could have on your career at the City, you
change your recommendation at the meeting to go against the data and the land fill.
B) You realize that the community is showing strong support against the land fill, and even
though your responsibility was to provide economic effects, you decide to change your
stance against the land fill.
C) You and your staff are responsible for providing the Council, with clear and accurate data,
they are the decision makers, you should continue to present your report as planned.
D) You are not sure now on what you should do, so you ask to pull the report from the agenda
and go back to the drawing board with your staff to alter the data to support not building
the land fill.
The correct answer is “C”
The BEST option is Answer “C”. Your task was to present a report based on economic facts that
showed whether there would be an economic benefit for the land fill to be located in the City or not.
Answer A would have you going against the data and therefore not presenting clear or accurate
data. Answer B would have you changing your stance based upon the hundreds of protestors that
showed up to show their support against the land fill. As stated earlier, your report was based on
economics, and it is up to Council to weigh all of the facts. Answer D, would have you changing your
analysis away from what the data clearly says, this obviously is the wrong thing to do in this case.
(96) Digital billboards have become all the rage in your municipality. As Planning
Director you ask your senior staff to revise your existing sign ordinances to address:
I. Message control
II. Amortization
III. Illumination
IV. No net increase policies
(A) I, II
(D) I, II, III, IV
The correct answer is (B)
Ordinances addressing message control will likely run into significant first amendment challenges,
and the billboard industry has been highly successful at restricting the use of amortization through
both state and federal legislation (e.g. the federal Highway Beautification Act, which was modified
many years ago under industry pressure to prohibit amortization and requires cash compensation for
billboard removal).
SOURCES: APA’s Smart Sign Codes; “Zoning Practice” (April 2008); and APA’s PAS QuickNotes #18:
Regulating On-Premise Signage (2009)
(97) Your small town needs to undertake an extensive citizen involvement process to
help develop a vision for the community and lacks the needed in-house expertise to
know how to effectively accomplish this. In your role as the Planning Director, you
determine that the best option available is:
(A) Define required services and carry out a two-step RFQ-RFP process
(B) Seek advice from the regional planning council
(C) Assign your best senior planner to educate himself in citizen involvement techniques
(D) Ask your local citizen groups for advise
The best answer is (A)
Although the regional planning council may be able to provide “advice” on how to effectively
accomplish a visioning process, it is often best to augment staff expertise through the hiring of
expert consultants where detailed technical or subject matter knowledge on a specific planning
process is required. Consultants are typically skilled at facilitating the extensive public outreach and
involvement required in major planning projects. Outside experts can also bring credibility and a
sense of objectivity to planning processes.
SEE: APA’s PAS QuickNotes #37: Hiring a Consultant: RFQs and RFPs (2012)
(98) The Department of Community Affairs is asked by the Lt. Governor to assist the
state’s three water management districts, DEP, DACS and the five counties involved to
help resolve the emerging water wars of central Florida through collaborative rationality
planning. Collaborative rationality involves:
I. Authentic dialogue
II. Diversity of interests
III. Independent learning
IV. Interdependence of interests
A) I, II, IV
The correct answer is “A”
Collaborative rationality is a stool that rests on three legs — diversity, interdependence, and
authentic dialogue (DIAD). Collaboratively rational processes are about engaging with other
members of a community to jointly learn and work out how to get better together in the face of
conflict, complex changing conditions and multiple conflicting sources of information. DIVERSITY:
The inclusion of all agents (i.e. full participation of all relevant stakeholders) is required for coherent
and novel patterns of action to emerge. INTERDEPENDENCE: The condition of interdependence
holds that agents must depend to a significant degree on other agents. That is, as is true in all
successful negotiations, each agent (or stakeholder) has something that the others want.
AUTHENIC DIALOGUE: Deliberations must be characterized by direct engagement so that the parties
can test to be sure that claims are accurate, comprehensible, and sincere, and everyone involved
must have equal access to all the relevant information and an equal ability to speak and be listened
The correct answer is “A”
Collaborative rationality is a stool that rests on three legs — diversity, interdependence, and
authentic dialogue (DIAD). Collaboratively rational processes are about engaging with other
members of a community to jointly learn and work out how to get better together in the face of
conflict, complex changing conditions and multiple conflicting sources of information. DIVERSITY:
The inclusion of all agents (i.e. full participation of all relevant stakeholders) is required for coherent
and novel patterns of action to emerge. INTERDEPENDENCE: The condition of interdependence
holds that agents must depend to a significant degree on other agents. That is, as is true in all
successful negotiations, each agent (or stakeholder) has something that the others want.
AUTHENIC DIALOGUE: Deliberations must be characterized by direct engagement so that the parties
can test to be sure that claims are accurate, comprehensible, and sincere, and everyone involved
must have equal access to all the relevant information and an equal ability to speak and be listened
The correct answer is (D)
Communities regulate markets and street merchants through zoning and business licensing or
through standards of behavior on public property in eight key areas:
1. Vending locations – e.g. sidewalk vending or street markets
2. Exemptions – e.g. obtaining waivers from neighboring businesses
3. Permit caps – e.g. vending permit caps
4. Vending area – e.g. brightline versus flexible locational standards
5. Space allocation – e.g. space allocation by governmental vs. designated authority
6. Restrictions on certain goods – e.g. food type restrictions (fruit/vegetable only)
7. Cart or display design – e.g. cart size, less often, cart appearance
8. Fees and taxes – e.g. license, permit costs (per sq. foot vs. flat fee)
SOURCE: APA’s Public Markets; “Zoning Practice” (February 2009)
(100) You are a Planner for Wainfleet, New York, and you are attending the Mayor’s
Annual Luncheon on the State of the City and you bump into a private developer that
you went to college with. She tells you about an exciting retail development and movie
theater complex that she wants to build in Wainfleet. She offers you the opportunity to
invest in the development. Which is the best option below for you to follow knowing
that the development will come before your department for review?
A) You should put the investment in your husband’s name and invest in the development.
B) You should disclose your investment with your boss, the director, and once they give their
approval you should invest.
C) Invest in the development and when it comes before your department for review, exclude
yourself from dealing with the project and have your staff make the recommendations for or
against the development.
D) Although it seems like an exciting opportunity you should decline the opportunity.
The correct answer is “D”
According to the APA Code of Ethics the best thing to do in this situation is to decline the
opportunity and say “no” to investing in this development. One of the main thoughts that the APA is
trying to make very clear to planners is to stay out of potentially unfavorable situations that could be
construed as being unethical. In answer A, you should remember that, as in this example, your
husband’s financial interests are also your own. In answer B, your Director or boss should not give
you permission to invest in this development. In answer C, your staff may recommend the
development or show some sort of favoritism because they know that you are involved in its success
or failure. Answer D, is the best on the four possible actions.
(101) A staff planner is responsible for preparing a report for a proposed General Plan
Amendment. If approved, the action would allow a multiple family use to be designated
near the Central Business District. There is moderate community protest over the
proposed change. The planner has been told by the City Administrator that the Council is
looking favorably toward approval of the request because the community needs
affordable housing. However, the Council is seeking compelling reasons to approve the
amendment to prevent bad press and political embarrassment. Understanding all this,
the planner decides to:
A) Recommend denial of the project to protect the Council from public outcry.
B) Include in the staff report a discussion about the need for affordable housing and the
requirements of state law to provide such housing and offer a recommendation for approval.
C) Recommend approval based on the right of the property owner to develop his land as he
sees fit. .
D) Recommend a series of alternative choices and let the Council make the final decision.
The correct answer is “B”.
The general, multiple purposes of a good staff report:
1. To factually describe the issue
2. To objectively describe why the issue is before the board or commission
3. To anticipate and answer questions likely to be asked at the hearing
4. To provide a professional recommendation
5. To inform officials and stakeholders on the issues of compliance, consistency, and
compatibility with adopted plans and applicable regulations
6. To build a public record and a legally defensible foundation—should litigation arise.
SOURCE: APA’s PAS QuickNotes #30: Getting the Most out of Staff Reports (2011)
(102) Your City’s citizens have developed a very strong anti-development sentiment in
opposition to much of the Planning Department’s proposed comprehensive plan changes
that would allow additional development within the community. As the Lead Planner,
you have been assigned to develop a strategy for assessing and addressing the concerns
of the community’s residents opposing new growth. Nationally, the typical top two
reasons Americans oppose development in their communities appear to be:
I. Too Much Traffic
II. Protecting Home Value
III. Protecting the Environment
IV. Protecting Community Character
(A) I, II
(C) I, III
(102) Your City’s citizens have developed a very strong anti-development sentiment in
opposition to much of the Planning Department’s proposed comprehensive plan changes
that would allow additional development within the community. As the Lead Planner,
you have been assigned to develop a strategy for assessing and addressing the concerns
of the community’s residents opposing new growth. Nationally, the typical top two
reasons Americans oppose development in their communities appear to be:
I. Too Much Traffic
II. Protecting Home Value
III. Protecting the Environment
IV. Protecting Community Character
(A) I, II
(C) I, III
(103) Your coastal county has suddenly been experiencing explosive growth, coupled
with the current inability of your local government to fund needed infrastructure to
support that new growth. However, because of the ongoing gentrification and rising
house prices, your community has also been experiencing significant difficulties with
the availability of housing for senior citizens, students, and unmarried public workers
(i.e. teachers, fire fighters, police, etc.). The Planning Director has been directed to find
a solution to these issues, and she assigns you to bring her back recommendations on
how to resolve these issues within the next two weeks. Among your recommendations
would be analyses of the following tools:
I. Requiring new development to be totally responsible for all needed infrastructure
II. Allowing accessory housing
III. Constructing exclusionary public housing
IV. Passing new development impact and linkage fees
(A) I, IV
(B) II, IV
(C) I, III, IV
(D) I, II, III, IV
The correct answer is (B)
Option “I” may violate the dual nexus tests of Nollan and Dolan by requiring new development to be
TOTALLY responsible for ALL needed infrastructure, which may exceed the “rough proportionality”
of their impacts (e.g. a project may be projected to only impact 5% of the roadway capacity of a
new roadway improvement). Option “III” may be illegal.
FOR MORE INFORMATION - see: APA’s Accessory Housing: “Zoning Practice” (July 2012); APA’S PAS
Report 561: Fiscal Impact Analysis: Methodologies for Planners (2010); p. 5; Local Planning:
Contemporary Principles and Practice (2009); p. 380
(104) A senior planner is responsible for presenting a staff report before the planning
commission. Which of the following would be the most important thing to accomplish in
her oral presentation?
A) Discuss options and staff recommendations.
B) Present no more than five major points.
C) Loosen up the panel with humor.
D) Address the needs of special interest groups first.
The correct answer is A)
The general, multiple purposes of a good staff report:
1. To factually describe the issue
2. To objectively describe why the issue is before the board or commission
3. To anticipate and answer questions likely to be asked at the hearing
4. To provide a professional recommendation
5. To inform officials and stakeholders on the issues of compliance, consistency, and
compatibility with adopted plans and applicable regulations
6. To build a public record and a legally defensible foundation—should litigation arise.
SOURCE: APA’s PAS QuickNotes #30: Getting the Most out of Staff Reports (2011)
(105) Your client has asked you to investigate the risks involved in the acquisition of a
large rental housing project. She is concerned with the overall after-tax value of the
acquisition. As her advisor, you are likely to recommend, as one of the first steps, that
A) Prepare an income statement for the project
B) Prepare a cash flow statement for the project
C) Analyze the pre-existing rental contracts to project cash flow
D) Both A and B
The correct answer is “D”
With the preparation of both an income statement and a cash flow statement (commonly called a
“set up”), the prospective real estate purchaser can accurately measure the value (and risks) of the
acquisition. The key distinction between the two statements is that the income statement projects
either net or gross income over a period of time, while the cash flow statement projects the timing
of incoming payments. The importance of the later, of course, is that even with a positive income
statement, poor cash flow can prove fatal to any business.
(106) You are a planner for the City of Aurora, Illinois. The Planning Department has
worked closely with the School District in completing a projection of school aged
children until the year 2020 based upon current zoning. You were on the team, and in
fact, you did a lot of the input for the cohort survival method technique.
On Friday, a local developer submits a plan for constructing a large development on 20
acres of currently vacant land in an undeveloped and un-annexed area of the City. The
land is currently zoned R-1. The developer’s proposal is for multi-family (R-4) housing
and he is anxious to move through the process to begin construction. In fact, the real
estate purchase offer the developer has on the land with the farmer is contingent upon
receiving approval from your department and of course City Council. The School District
will also have a say in this development and the Council is known to look to both your
department and the School District for your advice and recommendations particularly
when it involves large real estate developments that may have a dramatic effect on
School District populations.
From the data given, which of the following represents the BEST summary of your
report to the City Council.
A) You should recommend to the Council that this development be approved based upon the
probability of less school-aged children with this type of development.
B) You should recommend denial of the proposal based upon its projected negative effect on
the number of school aged children.
C) You should recommend denial of the proposal based upon the proposal is a different zoning.
D) You should recommend to the Council that the proposal be denied based upon the report
co-authored by your Department and the School District that shows this development would
justify the need for a new school to be constructed, thus resulting in higher taxes.
The correct answer is “A”
From the information provided, the fears of the School District for an increase in school aged
children may not be as negatively affected by this proposed development. In fact, one could argue
that the development would actually be a benefit to the School District. The reason being that
historically across the nation, the number of school aged children created as a result of new multifamily residential developments is less than the number created by single family homes. Based upon
the information we know, the number of school aged children would be expected to be less. The
planner should continue to explore the density being proposed to make sure that there would
actually be more children at the end of the day. The carrying capacity of the existing school
facilities would be expected to remain the same if not better according to projections. Therefore,
based upon the facts given this development should be recommended for approval.
(107) The City Council agreed with the director’s recommendation to organize a
Citizen’s Steering Committee to assist with the revitalization of the downtown. The
director has her secretary create a mailing list of private citizens, businesses, and
organizations and sends a letter to the people on this list announcing that the city is
accepting applications for appointment to an advisory committee. Representatives from
which of the following groups were considered for inclusion on this committee?
I. Downtown merchants and property owners.
II. Architects and graphic designers.
III. Members of the Chamber of Commerce.
IV. Historians and preservationists.
A) I and IV
B) II and III
C) I, II and III
D) I, II, III and IV
The correct answer is D)
Representatives from all interest groups is best
(108) The planning director asks you to lead a neighborhood plan for Old Town, one of
the poorest areas of your municipality. Among the issues you’d likely need to address in
your planning are:
I. Combating Sprawl
II. Attracting the Creative Class
III. The provision of Skinny Streets
IV. Resolving food deserts
The correct answer is “D”
A food desert is a geographic area where affordable & healthy food is difficult to obtain, particularly
for those without access to an automobile. Food deserts often exist in rural areas and low-income,
poor neighborhoods populated by ethnic or racial minorities that lack convenient access to
affordable, healthful food.
(109) You are the planner for Newton City who is responsible for converting the city’s
current zoning code into a form-based code. Components of the code you are
developing contain standards addressing:
I. Building configuration and features
II. Building type and frontage
III. Public spaces
IV. Land use
(A) I
(B) II
(C) I, II
(D) I, II, III, IV
The correct answer is (D)
The typical components of a form-based code include:
1. Building Form Standards: Building form standards are form-based zone standards that
replace the existing zone standards. They are the core component of an FBC and typically
regulate the configuration, features, and functions (uses) for buildings that define and shape
the public realm. To be the most effective, their content should be generated primarily by
community character documentation as opposed to the preexisting zone standards for each
2. Regulating Plan: A regulating plan is the map assigning the code’s various standards to
physical locations, including the form-based zone standards. It replaces the zoning map in a
form-based code. In a citywide form-based code it is the same as the zoning map and will
have form-based and non-form-based zones on it. It is usually applied in a more finegrained manner than a zoning map, taking existing and intended form into account.
3. Frontage Type Standards: Frontage type standards regulate the appropriate transition from
the private realm to the public realm. The ultimate intent of frontage standards is to ensure,
after a building is located correctly, that its interface with the public realm and the transition
between the two are detailed appropriately.
4. Public Space Standards: Public space standards are specifications for the elements within the
public realm, including thoroughfares and civic spaces. Thoroughfare standards incorporate
detailed requirements for sidewalk, parking lane, and travel lane widths and street tree
locations. Civic space standards regulate parameters, such as maximum and minimum size,
and introduce a range of nonsuburban civic space types into a city or town.
5. Building Type Standards: Many FBCs include building type standards that are supplemental
to the building form standards. They introduce an appropriate range of building types that
are allowed within each form-based zone and regulate form characteristics specific to each
type. To be effectively regulated, especially when applied at a larger scale, building type
standards should be tied back directly to zone standards.
A common misconception is that form-based codes do not regulate land use. While form-based
coding uses form rather than use for its framework or organizing principle, form-based codes are
not silent on use and do include use tables. The use regulations simply become tertiary to the form
standards instead of being the primary regulation, and they are simplified and vetted by the code
writer so as not to compromise the intent of the form-based code.
FROM: APA’s Form-Based Zoning; “Zoning Practice” 2013(5); pp. 3-4
(110) The City of Provost is experiencing unusually rapid subdivision of its remaining
coastal properties. The City Council has requested that the Planning Director prepare a
memorandum outlining whatever options the Town has to ensure that public access to
the coast is retained, even after the remaining parcels are subdivided and built upon.
The Director’s memorandum is likely to include a discussion regarding which “test”?
A) Affordable housing test
B) Essential nexus test
C) Taking without compensation test
D) Fair share test
The correct answer is “B“
This situation would most likely include a discussion of the similar Supreme Court case that
established the “essential nexus” test - Nollan v. California Coastal Commission, 483 U.S. 825
(1987), in which the court determined that there must be a connection (i.e. an “essential nexus”)
between a permit exaction and the purpose of the development requirement (or developmental
(111) Orange County is quickly losing its prime agricultural lands to new suburban
development. Among the planning tools your Planning Director wishes to utilize to help
protect agricultural lands is a TDR program. The potential use of this tool for
agricultural protection will likely involve you in a discussion of the legal principles
established in:
I. Penn Central Transportation Co. v. The City of New York (1978)
II. Spur Industries v. Del Webb Development Co. (1972)
III. Village of Euclid v. Ambler Realty (1926)
IV. Fred F. French Investing Co. v. City of New York (1976)
(A) I
(B) II
(D) I, IV
The correct answer is (D)
The Fred F. French Investing Co. v. City of New York (1976), involved a rezoning of land to public
park use, which was accompanied by a grant to its owners of transferable development rights which
could be used anywhere within a designated “receiving zone.” The Court of Appeals reaffirmed the
general rule that an owner may not, under the guise of zoning, be deprived of all but a “bare
residue” of the economic value of his property. The Court went on to say that, in this case,
severance of the development rights did not adequately preserve an economic return for the owner
since the market for them was too uncertain and their transfer was mandatory.
In Penn Central Transportation Company v. City of New York (1978), the designation of Grand
Central Terminal as a protected landmark was at issue. The specific issue affecting TDR concerned a
provision of the city Historic Preservation regulation which granted to the owner of the landmark the
right to transfer the development rights above the terminal (i.e. “air rights”) to other parcels of land
in the vicinity. The Court noted that In the Penn Central case (as opposed to Fred French Investing),
the regulations permitted continued productive use of the property as a railroad terminal and
permitted use of the development rights in a less contingent fashion: “These substitute rights are
valuable, and provide significant, perhaps ‘fair,’ compensation for the loss of rights above the
Terminal itself.” The Penn Central case is significant for its recognition of the concept of
transferable development rights, for its utilization of their value in determining whether land use
restrictions are valid, and for its upholding of New York City’s Landmark historic preservation law.
(112) The mayor is asking you, the Planning Director, to development a new program
addressing the growth of megachurchs in the community. Your recommendations
would likely include a discussion of the following issues:
I. Parking and traffic considerations
II. Building codes
III. Whether regulations create a substantial burden
IV. Whether regulations are the most restrictive means
A) I, IV
The correct answer is “D”
The federal Religious Land Use and Institutionalized Persons Act (RLUIPA) prohibits the imposition
of certain burdens on churches and other religious institutions as a way to avoid burdensome zoning
law restrictions on their property use: “No government shall impose or implement a land use
regulation in a manner that imposes a substantial burden on the religious exercise of a person,
including a religious assembly or institution, unless the government demonstrates that [the land use
regulation is] in furtherance of a compelling governmental interest [and] is the least restrictive
means of furthering that compelling governmental interest.” Addressing RLUIPA restrictions, courts
have generally upheld that general zoning and land-use restrictions apply to everyone (e.g. parking
& traffic impacts); that churches may be excluded from some districts (and need to comply with
associated building codes); and that general review processes apply to everyone.
APA Zoning Practice #10 (October 2010) Religious Institutions
(113) New development is proposed in an area that has insufficient roadway capacity.
The county planning director wants to institute traffic-impact fees to pay for road
improvements. The most appropriate basis on which to establish the fee structure is
A) Number of housing units
B) Number of trips generated
C) Amount of commercial square footage
D) Amount of employment
The correct answer is “B”
There should be a nexus or close relationship between the object of the impact fee and the public
service provided. Trip generation is most closely related to need for roadway capacity
(114) As APA Chapter President, you decide to survey your state’s APA planners on the
top ten policies that are being used at the local level to address climate change
adaptation issues throughout the state. The public participation technique you’d likely
use would be:
(A) Delphi technique
(B) Fishbowl planning
(C) Consensus Blogging
(D) Crowdsourcing
The correct answer is (A)
The Delphi technique is a structured public participation method, originally developed as a
systematic, interactive forecasting method which relies on a panel of experts. The experts answer
questionnaires in two or more rounds. After each round, a facilitator provides an anonymous
summary of the experts’ forecasts from the previous round as well as the reasons they provided for
their judgments. Thus, experts are encouraged to revise their earlier answers in light of the replies
of other members of their panel.
(115) The County Administrator calls you, the Planning Director, to his office to discuss
the use of federal funds available from MAP-21 legislation. Among the potential
projects you discuss, include:
I. Community-led planning for neighborhood revitalization around transit lines
II. Prohibiting digital billboards along major roads in the community
III. Using TIFIA loans for transportation infrastructure projects
IV. Construction of local ferry boat facilities
B) I, II
D) I
The correct answer is “C”
Moving Ahead for Progress in the 21st Century Act (MAP-21) funds surface transportation programs
at over $105 billion for fiscal years FY 2013 and 2014. A new grant program will fund community-led
planning for neighborhood revitalization around transit lines, A major increase in federally backed
loans, known as TIFIA, could help regions that raise their own transportation funds and stretch
those dollars farther, and a new passenger ferry facilities funding program.
(116) As the newly appointed planning director in the small town of Sugar Grove. Your
wife is also the new owner of a gardening store that is applying for the construction of a
large green house to be built adjacent to the store. This will need to be reviewed by the
planning commission for approval. In this example, you should do which of the
A) You should craft an extensive staff report about the benefits of the greenhouse for the
community, referencing the potential classes that could be taught there.
B) Invite the planning commission to try and grow flowers and plants outdoors in the winter
C) Ask your wife to offer complimentary “flowers for a year” to all Planning Commissioners.
D) Inform the Commission about your connection to the case and remove yourself from the
review process.
The correct answer is “D”
As the Planning Director, you should inform the Planning Commission about your connection to the
petitioner as well as the case, and remove yourself from the planning review process. There could
be a perceived conflict of interest if you were a deciding factor in the review and approval of the
The correct answer is “D”
As the Planning Director, you should inform the Planning Commission about your connection to the
petitioner as well as the case, and remove yourself from the planning review process. There could
be a perceived conflict of interest if you were a deciding factor in the review and approval of the
The correct answer is D)
You might decide to file a charge of misconduct with the AICP Ethics Officer (Procedure 5). This
course of action will probably result in a tense work environment and should only be followed after
careful consideration. As the director is a member of the AICP, then you could also discuss the
situation with the AICP Ethics Officer (Procedures 2 and 3), but not with the AICP Commission.
(118) The owner of the local NHL hockey team, the Sudbury Wolves, tells the mayor
through the press that he will relocate his team unless the city builds him a new hockey
rink that is separate from the current shared facility with the NBA team, the Sudbury
Skyhooks. The mayor wants the team to stay for her political ambitions and she asks the
planning director to evaluate the cost-benefit aspects of constructing a new ice rink.
The planning staff does the analysis and concludes that a large public investment such
as this new ice arena is not worthwhile for the community as a whole. As the Planning
Director, which of the following is the BEST course of action when going back to both
the mayor and the press?
A) You should resign
B) You could provide the mayor with a draft report
C) You should go directly to the press, by passing the mayor because you know her stance on
the issue
D) You should tell your staff to change the outcome of the report to support the development
of the rink
The correct answer is “B”
The Staff report should use a cost vs. benefits analysis and show whether or not there are or is
evidence for economic development. Section A of the Code of Ethics: The Planner’s Responsibility to
the Public, Section A: A planner’s primary obligation is to serve the public interest. While the
definition of the public interest is formulated through continuous debate, a planner owes allegiance
to a conscientiously attained concept of the public interest, which requires these special obligations:
1) A planner must have special concern for the long range consequences of present actions; 2) A
planner must pay special attention to the interrelatedness of decisions; 3) A planner must strive to
provide full, clear and accurate information on planning issues to citizens and governmental
So now that we see from the above that the planner must look at the facts to see what is truly best
for the public as a whole. There are further ways of looking at this because of the politics involved in
this situation, you and your staff could provide the mayor with a draft report and let the mayor
review the analysis with you. This way it is a draft and if she wants to let the analysis out to the
press she may feel more comfortable knowing that there is room for analysis. Another option would
be to refer the analysis of building an ice rink or not to a private consultant. This way if the report is
not in favor of the stadium the mayor can ask for a new report to be done or you can work towards
other solutions to the issue and/or problem. If all else fails you could even sit down with the Mayor
to try and come up with a strategy to the issue.
(119) A city condemns a landowner’s property in order to stop blight from further
extending into other areas of the City. The City intends to clear the land and resell it to
another private owner who is willing to construct new commercial space. The same City
condemns another private site for a parking garage to be constructed by the City and
leased to a private operator. The operator is free to set parking rates at any level and
may use part of the property for a restaurant. How would a federal court react to the
“parking garage” condemnation?
A) They would defer to the city’s own legislative judgment.
B) They would require the parking lot maintain in public ownership.
C) They would require the parking lot maintain in public ownership and establish parking rates
determined to be fair and reasonable.
D) This case would not go before a federal court.
The correct answer is “A”
Berman vs. Parker (1954) and, now, Kelo vs. London (2005) establish the underlying case law in
which all legislative bodies determine the appropriateness of eminent domain. In this case, the
Federal court would defer to the City’s legislative judgment that the parking garage is serving a
public benefit. The fact that a private party is going to operate the garage and set the rates is of
little concern to the federal court. However, a state court might invalidate the city’s actions because
of the more demanding view of public use required under state law, the presence of the private
enterprise that may be prohibited under state eminent domain laws, or the fact that the city lacks
control over the parking rates.
(120) A private sector planner is preparing a site plan for a small 20 home residential
community that is part of a much larger residential golf course development. She
intends to secure local government approval for her client’s development, since it could
lead to additional work for her in the future phases of the golf course project. According
to the AICP Code of Ethics:
A) There is no conflict of interest since she is not a public sector planner.
B) She can only work on 25% of the entire development without declaring an economic interest
in the project.
C) There is a conflict of interest only if she purchases a home within the development within
One year.
D) This definitely constitutes a conflict of interest.
The correct answer is “A”
Because she is a Private sector planner, there is no conflict of interest. If she were a public sector
planner who was only approving the first phase of the project in hopes that she would be able to
acquire a job with the developer in the near future or be able to work on the future parts of this
specific project, then there could be a potential of a conflict of interest.
(121) The Department of Economic Opportunity wants to assess the quality of
comprehensive plans for the twelve largest counties in Florida before and after the 2011
legislative changes in state oversight of growth management. The technique that would
most likely be used is called:
A) Central tendency
B) Fournier Analysis
C) Meta-analysis
D) Monte-Carlo Method
The correct answer is C)
Meta-analysis is a powerful tool when used appropriately to provide valuable insights into plan
performance by making scores comparable across various plan quality characteristics, as pointed out
by Philip Berke and David Godschalk (2009) in “Searching for the Good Plan: A Meta-Analysis of Plan
Quality Studies” Journal of Planning Literature 23(3): 227-240.
(122) The Planning Director asks you to devise a plan to increase destination
accessibility within the James neighborhood. Your planning effort primarily involves
principles of:
I. Sustainability
II. Connectivity
III. Complete Streets
IV. Comprehensive planning
(C) I, IV
(D) I, II, III, IV
The correct answer is (B)
See APA PAS Report 559 Complete Streets (2010)
(123) An architect would like to meet with community residents to obtain their input on
the design of an infill project. What type of meeting would be the most effective
(A) Charrette.
(B) Public Hearing.
(C) Neighborhood Meeting.
(D) Task Force.
The correct answer is “A”
The word charrette may refer to any collaborative session in which a group of designers drafts a
solution to a design problem. Charrettes take place in many disciplines, including land use planning,
or urban planning. In planning, the charrette has become a technique for consulting with all
stakeholders. This type of charrette (sometimes called a “design in”) typically involves intense and
possibly multi-day meetings, involving municipal officials, developers, and residents. A successful
charrette promotes joint ownership of solutions and attempts to defuse typical confrontational
attitudes between residents and developers.
(124) You are a Planning Director of a rapidly growing city. A review of the General Plan
indicates that the assumptions the plan was based upon are now obsolete. When you
approach the City Council with a work program to update the general plan, what should
be the first step in your program?
(A) Assessment of major community problems
(B) General Plan holding capacity analysis
(C) Goal identification and visioning
(D) Formulation of various alternatives
The correct answer is “C”
(125) You are in charge of a planning department for a suburban community with a
population of 1,950. In the process of updating your general plan, you need to project
population for the next ten years. The Council of Governments conducts projections on a
regional scale; projections for your community are not available. What method would
you use to develop projections?
(A) Step–Down Method.
(B) Symptomatic.
(C) Cohort Survival
(D) Gompertz Curve.
The correct answer is “A”
Ratio trend or step-down techniques assume that the existing relationship of a locality to some
larger geographic entity–county or state–will also exist in the future and that population projections
at the larger scale represent a better degree of reliability and component detail that are not possible
to achieve at the smaller scale of analysis. Since population forecasts are often available for states,
counties and MSAs, many planners use step down methods for projecting populations in small areas.
Depending, upon the form of the projections, this analysis may be done in a single or multi phased
manner. For instance, if projections are available for a state, these may be taken directly to the
county level in one step. If the study area is a town or township, however, a second step must be
employed. At each step, all sub area estimates must be balanced against the parent area “control
total”. Main source: 2014-2015 CPC Study Guide; pages 173-174.
(126) Local residents are concerned about fast moving traffic in their neighborhood. The
council person asks you to develop a solution to this issue. Which of the following
strategies would be least effective?
(A) Median island
(B) Speed humps
(C) Cul de sacs
(D) Road widening
The correct answer is “D”
(127) Owners of local business establishments note that crime-rated activities such as
vandalism, thefts, graffiti and loitering have hampered business activity in their
neighborhood. They wish to hold regular meetings with law enforcement agencies on
addressing these issues. Which of the following approaches is most effective in this
(A) Task Force
(B) Policy Delphi
(C) Charrette
(D) Facilitated Meeting
The correct answer is “A”
Citizen advisory committees are appointed to study and provide comments and advice on a
(sometimes ongoing) program, project or set of issues. Members meet regularly to provide ongoing
input and advice over the duration of the project. They may represent a cross-section of the
community, or may be a set of people with knowledge or concerns about a particular issue. A task
force is similar in some respects, but is assigned a specific task, often with a time limit for reaching
a conclusion and resolving a difficult issue, subject to ratification by official decision-makers. Task
forces are sometimes rather large groups in an effort to include representation from a variety of
affected interest groups. The task force is often charged to work toward consensus.
(128) In a community visioning exercise citizens are asked to identify aspects of their
town that they are sorry about. Chronic issues that planners have spotted in field
surveys include dilapidated structures, illegal outdoor storage and debris in vacant
parcels. What GIS tool can a planner use to present this issue to the community?
(A) Orthographic rectified aerial photos
(B) Land use polygons
(D) Triangular Irregular Network
The correct answer is “A”
(129) Referring to the previous question, how can citizens further denote this issue in
the visioning process?
(A) Ask the building and safety department to condemn the properties.
(B) Redevelop the sites with parkland.
(C) Marking the location of these parcels on a base map.
(D) Filing litigation against the property owners.
The correct answer is “C”
(130) You are in charge of a redevelopment project for a blighted area. The City
Manager asks you to identify a revenue source to fund the project that does not require
raising additional taxes but would not discourage development interests. Which of the
following methods could be implemented?
(A) Tax Increment Financing.
(B) Impact Fees.
(C) General Obligation Bonds.
(D) None of the above.
The correct answer is “A”
(131) In a southwestern state, the local newspaper releases a story about a community
of Colonias or immigrants who established a makeshift community in a rural area. Most
members of the community are day laborers. The Colonias settled on parcels they
purchased from an unscrupulous landowner; the lots are not legally subdivided and lack
improvements. The Colonias built structures on these lots with any materials that were
available. As utilities are nonexistent, they rely on ice chests for food preservation and
bottled water. Your agency is assigned with meeting the health care needs of the
community. The following measures would receive immediate attention except:
(A) Construction of a clinic
(B) Water delivery
(C) Sewage disposal
(D) Solid Waste disposal
The correct answer is “A”
Questions 132 – 135:
After a bitter struggle between a developer and community residents, an old hotel is demolished to
make room for a strip mall. Making good on a campaign promise to preserve historic structures, the
newly-elected mayor asks your assistance in preparing a historic preservation plan. When you
request additional staff for the program, the mayor further notes that he also made a campaign
promise to balance the city’s budget which is running a significant deficit. While there are no
proposals to cut back the Planning Department, you must implement this program within your
current budget. When you return to your office, you learn that the owner of a vacant lot next to the
oldest church in the city has just submitted an application to construct a 25-story glass office tower.
(132) The following are steps in a historic preservation process:
I. Historic Survey
II. Setting the Goal of the program
III. Establishing Historic Districts
List the order in which you would follow in your program:
(A) I, II and III
(B) II, I and III
(C) I, III and II
(D) II, III and I
The correct answer is “B”
The correct answer is “B”
The correct answer is “A”
Remember, the City is running at a deficit and you’ll have to accomplish this survey within your
existing budget, which does not include hiring an architectural firm and historian.
(134) What agency’s standards would you follow?
(A) American Institute of Architects
(B) U.S. Historical Society
(C) U.S. Secretary of the Interior
(D) National Preservation League
The correct answer is “C”
The Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties are common sense
historic preservation principles in non-technical language. They promote historic preservation best
practices that will help to protect our nation’s irreplaceable cultural resources.
(135) Which of the following would be the most effective way to protect the integrity of
the church?
(A) Proceed with the processing of the development proposal; organize a citizen’s coalition to
protest the approval.
(B) Put development application on hold; convince the city council to take the property under
eminent domain.
(C) Recommend to the mayor that the city issue bonds to fund the purchase of the property by
the city.
(D) Transfer of development air rights to a receiving property in another part of the city.
The correct answer is “D”
Remember, the City is running at a deficit and doesn’t have the money to either take the property
by eminent domain or anticipate the ability to pay off bonds for its purchase.
(136) A city has a goal expressed in the general plan of revitalizing blighted
neighborhoods in the urban core. You are asked to develop specific alternatives to
attain this goal. The following are effective strategies except:
(A) New Entrepreneur development activities.
(B) Redlining properties
(C) Collaborative efforts between target community and local university and financial
(D) Targeting and marketing neighborhood assets.
The correct answer is “B”
Questions 137 -140
A planning agency wishes to assess the health care needs in its jurisdiction. The Agency has the
following list of data sources at its disposal :
I. Population Pyramids
II. Household Income Estimates
III. Epidemiology Statistics
IV. Service Provider Estimates
Which data source would you use to estimate the health care needs of the following clientele?
(137) Households in need of supplemental health care.
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
The correct answer is “B”
(138) Persons with AIDs
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
The correct answer is “C”
(139) Pediatric Care
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
The correct answer is “A”
(140) Mentally Impaired
(A) I
(B) II
(D) IV
The correct answer is “D”
(141) A planning agency amends the zoning ordinance by creating a new overlay zone
to protect environmentally sensitive areas. The overlay zone limits density in these
areas to one dwelling unit per 10 acres. While some of these areas are already zoned for
low density, the policy leads to density reductions on numerous properties. The planning
agency fails to notify the property owners in these areas, concerned that their
opposition will hamper the adoption of the overlay zone. What constitutional principle
is being violated?
(A) Procedural Due Process
(B) Equal Protection
(C) Estoppels
(D) None of the above
The correct answer is “A”
(142) During your review of a development application, the head of a local chapter of
an environmental organization expresses her concern over the location of an
endangered species habitat in the vicinity of the project. Under the Endangered Species
Act, which agency would consult you to determine the presence of an endangered
species in the area?
(A) U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
(B) U.S. National Forest Service.
(C) U.S. Department of the Interior.
(D) U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service.
The correct answer is “D”
(143) The mayor of your jurisdiction initiates a program of providing more affordable
housing. You are asked to seek public funding options for the program. Which of the
finance methods below would be most effective?
(A) Tax Increment financing
(B) Impact fees
(C) Categorical Grant
(D) Development Agreement
The correct answer is “C”
(144) After a region of your community was devastated by brushfire, the City Council
asks you to prepare a report summarizing measures that could reduce potential brush
fire hazard in the future. Which of the following strategies would be the least effective?
(A) Mapping of fire hazard areas
(B) Banning of wood shake roofs
(C) Development moratorium for vacant plats within brushfire areas
(D) Evaluation of emergency response time, fire-fighting personnel and equipment
The correct answer is “C”
(145) A city implements a comprehensive program of revitalization. Part of the program
identifies youth with business aptitude and provides training to enhance this skill.
Which of the following programs accomplishes this objective?
(A) New Entrepreneur Development
(B) Micro Enterprises
(C) Start-up and Venture financing
(D) Enterprise Zones
The correct answer is “A”
(146) Businesses in your locality have difficulty inducing prospective employees to move
to the community due to a lack of affordable housing for middle-income workers.
Existing non-residential development is not sufficient to accommodate local
employment-growth objectives. Developers complain that the development application
process is too cumbersome; they also note that zoning standards are stringent enough
to provide a disincentive. Which of the strategies listed below would you recommend as
a solution to these issues?
I. Streamlining
II. Townscaping
III. Enterprise zones
IV. Housing Diversity
(A) I and III
(B) I, III and IV
(C) I, II and IV
(D) All of the above
The correct answer is “B”
(147) Affordable housing advocates express concern that the city’s redevelopment
program will induce gentrification that will inflate land values and rents in the central
city and displace low-income households. What solution would you provide that could
prevent this from occurring?
(A) Density bonus offered to developers who include affordable units in their proposals.
(B) Rent stabilization programs.
(C) Facilitating quasi-government programs to meet housing needs.
(D) All of the above.
The correct answer is “D”
(148) The City Manager and Chamber of Chamber of Commerce disagree over how the
local economy has declined. The City Manager feels the Chamber of Commerce
marketing strategies have failed to attract new employment opportunities to the region.
The Chamber of Commerce contends that trends in the national economy have impacted
local businesses. What method would you use to resolve this argument?
(A) Location Quotient.
(B) Input-Output Analysis.
(C) Shift-Share.
(D) Economic Base.
The correct answer is “C”
Shift share analysis is one way to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of a region’s industries. It
provides a picture of how well the region’s current mix of industries is performing and how well
individual industries are doing. The analysis examines three components of regional employment
growth between two periods of time: national growth, industry mix and competitiveness. The three
components are summed to obtain the total change in employment of a particular industry. The
degree to which the change in the number of jobs in a local industry is attributable to change in a
larger area of which it is a part is determined by calculating the state or national growth component.
For more details see 2014-2015 CPC Study Guide, pages 177-180.
(149) A planner has an opportunity to invest in a small development, but the proposal
will come before her agency for approval. What should the planner do?
(A) Decline to invest in the development.
(B) Go ahead, but put everything in her husband’s name only.
(C) Offer to disqualify herself when the item comes before her decision-makers.
(D) Meet with the director, disclose everything, and ask for permission.
The correct answer is “A”
To avoid any appearance of a conflict of interest, the planner must decline to invest in the
(150) A principal planner is processing a proposed increase in residential density from
2.5 units per acre of single family homes to 6 units per acre Planned Unit Development.
Which cost-analysis method would he use to determine the financial impact of the
increase in density on public services?
(A) Cost-benefit analysis
(B) Economic base analysis
(C) Fiscal Impact analysis
(D) Input-Output modeling
The correct answer is “C”
Fiscal impact analysis determines whether a particular project or scale of development within a
community will generate sufficient revenues to defray the necessary public service costs. Used to
evaluate overall financial implications to local governments of alternative patterns and densities of
land development.
(151) A new wave of criminal activity is sweeping the community and costing the taxpayers millions in police services, court fees, and long term housing of criminals in jails.
The Board of Supervisors has decided to spend money on public education programs to
educate the citizenry in crime prevention, the evils of drug and alcohol abuse, and the
advantages of living clean. In addition, the Board has allocated a large portion of the
budget for drug addict and alcoholic rehabilitation. Weighting all things, the Board is
gambling that over time, the great expenditure of monies to prevent crime will not only
improve the quality of life in the community, but will also save the tax-payers millions in
the long run since less crimes will take place and fewer persons will be warehoused in
prisons. Which cost analysis technique did the Board utilize in making this decision?
(A) Cost-effectiveness Analysis
(B) Cost-benefit Analysis
(C) Cost-revenue Analysis
(D) Input-Output modeling
The correct answer is “B”
Cost benefit analysis compares both the tangible and intangible (externalities) costs and
revenues of a particular project or program compares what a community gains from the project
benefits to what the community must forego in order to achieve it. Any project with a ratio higher
than 1 provides more benefits than costs.
(152) A planning director is in charge of finding a consultant to prepare a new
community plan. The planning division received a number of proposals from a variety of
consultants. The planning director and her senior staff are reviewing the proposals.
What criteria should they use to evaluate the proposals?
I. Responsiveness to the RFP and familiarity with community issues.
II. Experience of the firm with similar projects in other communities.
III. Political affiliation of the owner of the firm.
IV. The firms’ record of completing work in a timely fashion and the probability that it will do so
in this case.
(A) I and II
(B) II and III
(C) III and IV
(D) I, II and IV
The correct answer is “D”
(153) The population of a study area is divided into five-year age groups, one for female
and one for males. Each group is survived year by year into the future until the target
year is reached. This is done by applying age-specific death rates. New groups are
created by applying the birth rate to the pool of women of childbearing age. Net
migration rates are also applied to each group. What population projection method does
this statement describe?
(A) The Migration and Natural Increase Method.
(B) The Cohort Survival Method.
(C) The Symptomatic Method
(D) The Ratio (Step-Down) Method.
The correct answer is “B”
(154) You are a planner working for the City of Grimsby. You have written a
recommendation for approval of an affordable housing project on the east side of the
City. Your Planning Director reviews your staff report prior to the Plan Commission
meeting and tells you that the project does not meet the city’s design guidelines and
that you must recommend that the project be denied. You argue for approval because of
the need for affordable housing in the City and discuss in your report how that if the
housing was brought up to the design standards that the housing would probably not be
affordable. The Planning Director continues to take a strong stance against the
recommended approval of the development. Which of the following is the BEST course
of action for you?
A) Because you must obey your boss, the Planning Director, you write a denial
B) You work with the Planning Director on a recommendation that outlines how the affordable
housing is important to the community, however, because of the design standards not being
met you have to recommend denial
C) You tell your boss that he is wrong and that you are going to write a letter recommending
D) You think of different ways that the project could be funded but do not pursue them
because you were told to deny the project.
The correct answer is “B”
You work with the Planning Director on a recommendation that outlines how the affordable housing
is important to the community, however, because of the design standards not being met you have
to recommend denial. As planners we have to keep in mind that in this instance described above,
that there is a need for affordable housing, and that legally, in some states affordable housing is
mandatory, but a large component to this course of action is the planner’s first responsibility to the
public interest.
(155) You have been asked to prepare a detailed analysis of the groundwater resources
in your community. The BEST resource for this report would be?
(A) US Environmental Protection Agency.
(B) US Geological Survey.
(C) National Marine Fisheries.
(D) Bureau of Land Management
The correct answer is “B”
(156) A planner is made aware that his supervisor has illegally disclosed information to
a developer. Which of the following actions would NOT be practicable for her to pursue?
(A) Seek the counsel of an attorney who has expertise in public or private employment law.
(B) Prepare a concise memorandum for the attorney setting out the verified facts and issues.
(C) Determine to go public with the information and deal with potential employer retaliation.
(D) Raise the matter with other professionals working for the same employer.
The correct answer is “D”
(157) You are working at the public counter when an angry citizen begins to yell at you.
How do you handle this situation?
I. Tell him you’ll meet him in the parking lot in ten minutes.
II. Insist that the gentleman calm down so you can assist him.
III. Invite him into the office with another staff member to discuss his problem on an individual
IV. Call the police and have him arrested.
(A) III only
(B) I and II
(C) IV only
(D) II and III
The correct answer is “D”
(158) A senior planner is responsible for preparing the Open Space Element for a
General Plan update. She had been asked to prepare a report to the Town Elders that
addresses open space preservation. In her presentation she discusses the difficulties
associated with the long-term preservation of open space for public recreation (park)
purposes. In her report she outlined ways to preserve open space for future use. Which
of the following methods for preserving open space in her report represents the BEST
way to preserve parkland for future public facilities development?
(A) Designate the property as Open Space on the General Plan Land Use map.
(B) Purchase the property from the landowner.
(C) Designate the land as Urban Reserve.
(D) Initiate the eminent domain process to take the land for community use.
The correct answer is “D”
(159) In a community with limited financial resources and a volunteer planning
commission, which of the following is the most practical way to positively impact local
planning decision making?
A) Recruit only planning commissioners with professional planning experience
B) Provide planning commissioners with training on procedures and the state enabling
C) Improve meeting attendance by raising planning commissioner per diems
D) Schedule planning commissioner open houses to augment public comment periods
The correct answer is “B”
In most communities, the responsibility for most land-use and development decisions rests with
planning commissioners and city and county boards, who are responsible for approving local plans,
rezoning and variance requests, and development proposals. Education on the basics of planning
can help members of these boards make better decisions
(160) A local property owner who wants to enlarge a garage seeks a variance from the
setback requirements in a local zoning ordinance. What local regulatory body is most
likely to handle this request?
A) The zoning board of appeals (adjustments)
B) The planning and zoning commission
C) The city council
D) The public works department
The correct answer is “A”
Petitions from property owners for site-specific modifications of local zoning regulations are typically
referred to the Board of Zoning Appeals (BZA). This entity is normally authorized to grant variances
to the ordinance.
(161) Johnson County is proposing to develop a major new airport near the Johnsonville
city limits. You are in charge of revising the county’s comprehensive plan to address
airport safety and compatible land uses. The typically incompatible land uses near the
end of the airport’s new runways would be:
I. Residential development
II. Places of worship
III. Golf courses
IV. Open, mowed grasslands
(A) I
(B) I, II
(C) I, II, III
(D) I, II, II, IV
The correct answer is (C)
SEE: APA PAS Report 562; Planners and Planes: Airports and Land-Use Compatibility (2010)
Also referenced:
(162) The Planning Director of a major metropolitan planning department has
previously talked to one of his senior planners about his less than acceptable work
performance. Over the next two months the problem seemed to be getting worse, not
better. Again, the Director informally mentioned his concerns to the employee. The
problem persists. What is the next action the Planning Director should take?
(A) Talk to employee informally one more time.
(B) Talk to the employee with a witness.
(C) Compare the employee’s performance to other employees in the same position.
(D) Meet privately with the employee and go over his job description and the department’s
The correct answer is “D”
(163) A senior planner working in county government has been asked to complete a
housing study. Which of the following data would he use to initiate the study?
(A) Most recent Census.
(B) Building permit records.
(C) Assessment information.
(D) Ten year old housing survey.
The correct answer is “A”
(164) There are five equally qualified finalists for the position of city planner— four
men and one woman. Currently, there are no female mid-mangers on staff. Which of the
following criterion could the Director use to make her decision?
(A) To break the “glass ceiling” the female should be selected.
(B) The female candidate should be selected to initiate the balancing of a male dominated staff.
(C) The best candidate should be selected regardless of gender.
(D) Applicants are never equally qualified, the job should be re-advertised.
The correct answer is “B”
The answer is “B”. All candidates are equally qualified and there are no female mid-managers.
Offering the woman the position fulfills the responsibility to “increase opportunities for women”. “A”
and “B” are similar. “B” better reflects AICP ethical standards.
(165) You are the director of a large planning department for the City of Pelham. Within
the same week, two of your planners come to you with requests to do outside work or
moonlighting. The first employee, Sara, wants to be able to do consulting work for a
private firm in the evening on a project that is in another state. The second employee,
Sue, wants to teach a planning class at the local college at nights. If you had to make a
choice between only one of the two, which of the following would be your best option
for approving?
(A) You should not let either employee do outside employment or “moonlighting”
(B) You should give approval to both. If they are able to help justify why you should be allowing
them, however, you should favor Sue over allowing Sara if you had to choose only one.
(C) You should give approval to both if they are able to help justify why you should be allowing
them, however, you should favor Sara over allowing Sue
(D) You should tell both of them that they do not need your permission for such things and that
they should do whatever they want after work hours.
The correct answer is “B”
You should give approval to both. If they are able to help justify why you should be allowing them,
however, you should favor Sue over allowing Sara if you had to choose only one. When forced to
make a decision between the two, you should consider the main justification for the approval.
Teaching a planning class can be thought of as improving the profession of planning in the big
The correct answer is “B”
You should give approval to both. If they are able to help justify why you should be allowing them,
however, you should favor Sue over allowing Sara if you had to choose only one. When forced to
make a decision between the two, you should consider the main justification for the approval.
Teaching a planning class can be thought of as improving the profession of planning in the big
The correct answer is “D”
The BEST summary of your recommendation should be to recommend approval of the proposed
multi-family development. From the information provided, the fears of the School District for an
increase in school aged children may not be as negatively affected by this proposed development. In
fact, one could argue that the development would actually be a benefit to the School District. The
reason being that historically across the nation, the number of school aged children created as a
result of new multi-family residential developments is less than the number created by single family
homes. Based upon the information we know, the number of school aged children would be
expected to be less. The planner should continue to explore the density being proposed to make
sure that there would actually be more children at the end of the day. Therefore, based upon the
facts given this development should be recommended for approval.
(167) You are a planner working for a private developer and one of your duties is to
walk the site to familiarize yourself with the parcel. As you and the developer are
walking the site you come across a significant sized wetland that has not shown up on
the aerial maps. The developer tells you to forget about ever seeing it and tells you to
continue with the plans that call for mass grading of the whole site. Which of the
following is your best option?
(A) You should listen to the developer, your primary obligation is to your employer.
(B) You should tell your employer (the developer) that you are going to change the plans to
illustrate the wetlands when you return to your office.
(C) You should further research the issue to determine the size and significance of the wetland.
It is your duty to try and protect the natural environment.
(D) You should call your friends at the local preservationists/ environmentalists and have them
create a public relation campaign around the destruction of the wetland.
The correct answer is “C”
Under the AICP Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct “We shall not deliberately or with reckless
indifference fail to provide adequate, timely, clear and accurate information on planning issues.”
(168) Planners in a City next to the one where you work (who happen to have a
reputation for not being very good) are recommending approval of a proposed
residential development in an area with a lot of planning related issues. After seeing the
staff report you notice that there are several mistakes in it and you ask your boss if you
can let them know about this. After your boss thinks about it, she tells you that you
should stay out of their business and to not say anything because it could look like you
were interfering. Which of the following is the BEST action?
(A) You should listen to your boss and not contact the other planners and the next time that a
situation like this comes up, do not even think twice about doing anything
(B) You should write an article to the local newspaper attacking the planners report
(C) You cannot dodge this situation, you should start by contacting the other planners to discuss
the issue.
(D) You should go directly to the other City’s Mayor about the proposal
The correct answer is “C”
The first part of the discussion could be that as planners, we have an obligation to public interest to
inform them of planning matters. It is a tough situation to be in, you need to work with others to
handle this situation. Build advocates and have them help to take on this charge. You cannot dodge
it; you have to take it on; you could even go to your legal counsel if you can. Once you find an
advocate with the attorney’s office, they could move forward from a legal perspective if there
happens to be one.
(169) You are a Village Planner scheduled to attend a Plan Commission meeting to
provide a staff recommendation on a PC Case #04-032. Prior to the meeting you receive
a phone call from a friend and colleague who is a planner in a nearby community. She
tells you that she has some “dirt” on the petitioner schedule to present PC Case #04-
032. She says that you “won’t believe your ears” and that although this information is
confidential “you have to hear it!” You are afraid that this could impact your staff
recommendation. What should you do?
(A) Listen to what she has to say. You are a planner responsible for the public’s interest.
(B) Tell her to come in to your office so you can hear it face to face.
(C) Provide time for her to present this information to your Plan Commission during its executive
(D) Tell her that if she has anything to say that it should be done during public comment during
the Plan Commission meeting this evening.
The correct answer is “D”
First off, you cannot be certain that what your friend has to say is hearsay or fact, or if it is a
consequence of a unique situation. At this point it is purely a rumor, gossip or an opinion by your
friend. Answer A and Answer B therefore, could influence your decision on information that has not
been proven, or substantiated. Answer C is better in that it allows your Plan Commission to hear
from your colleague her information, however, since it is in executive session, it does not provide
the petitioner with the opportunity to hear and refute any claims or accusations. Answer D is the
BEST answer because it is the only answer that would allow the petitioner to dispute any incorrect
information and since it would openly provide the information to the decision makers.
(170) The condo building where a local planner lives is applying for a roof deck. The
planner should:
A) Bring it to the attention of their supervisor and ask another planner to review it
B) Offer to help the condo association get the permit
C) Write a report on the local impact of the request for the planning commission
D) Attend the next meeting of the condo board
The correct answer is “A”