Final (Questionnaire questions) Flashcards
Describe the outer conformation of a bone
What is a nutrient foramen?
a small opening in the shaft of a long bone that allows blood vessels to pass through and deliver nutrients and oxygen to the bone
Describe the concepts of agonist and antagonist muscle
Antagonist: Muscle(s) that oppose the agonist muscles action.
Agonist: Muscle(s) that produces an action.
In this group the main muscle can be named as primer mover.
Describe the concepts of a synergist muscle and fixator
Synergist: Helper muscle(s) of the agonist muscles.
Fixator: Muscle(s) that “fix” a joint preventing the movement.
Name the bony structures/joints that can be palpated in the thoracic limb (10)
-Humeral joint
-Greater tubercle of the humerus(point of shoulder)
-Acromion and spine of scapula
-Deltoid tuberosity
-lesser tubercle of the humerus
-Cubital joint
-coronoid process of the ulna
-head of radius
-medial styloid process of radius/lateral styloid of ulna
-medial/lateral epicondyles of humerus
-Metacarpophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal and distal interphalangeal joint
Understand where the extensors and flexor muscles for the shoulder joints are located
flex: teres minor, teres major, deltoideus, long head of tricep
extend: supraspinatus, bicep brachii
Describe the actions and position of the muscles and tendons in the antebrachium and manus
look at notes–thats alot to write
Understand the concepts of axial and abaxial
axial: all surfaces point towards the axial
abaxial: away from axis
Explain the concept of center of ossification and apply it in different bones as coxal, femur
primary vs. secondary
Primary center of ossification:
Before birth, located in the diaphysis
Secondary: After birth, located in epiphysis and large eminences
Describe the bones that form the carpus
In the tarsus put special attention in structures that are close related with flexor tendons
past study guide mentions calcanean tuber
Name the bones using an Xray of the manus and the pes
use Illinois x-rays
Describe a given vertebra, indicating the names of the foramina that you can find in different vertebral segment: cervical
Lateral vertebral foramen and transverse foramen of the ATLAS (c1)
transverse foramen on C2-C6
Describe some important differences in the bones of dogs and cats in the thoracic limb
6 main differences
humerus of cat : supracondylar foramen
scapula of cat: hamate and suprahamate process to make the acromion & larger coracoid process
clavicle present (floating)
radius: articular circumference more extensive
digits: distal phalax when claw is retracted is axial or abaxial to middle phalanx
What is the position of the valves in the heart during systole and diastole?
systole: Mitral and Tricuspid are closed
Aortic and Pulmonary valves open
diastole:Mitral and Tricuspid are open
Aortic and Pulmonary valves closed
Name the large arterial and venous vessels found in the thorax. Indicate what areas are drained by the different veins.
Exam 2 bible page 10
Name the main branches of the brachial a
- deep brachial a.
- bicipital a.
- collateral ulnar a.
- superficial brachial a.
- transverse cubital a.
- common interosseous a.
Identify the superficial veins in the thoracic limb
omobrachial v.
axillobrachial v.
cephalic v.
medial cubital v.
accessory cephalic v.
Describe the formation of a spinal nerve
Dorsal horn–>Dorsal root–> spinal ganglion
Ventral horn–> ventral root
these meet to make a spinal nerve
Differentiate among roots, spinal nerve
and branches and the different fibers that run in each structure
dorsal: sensory or afferent (goes towards CNS); GSA
ventral: motor or efferent (goes towards muscle or gland) GSE
lateral: GVE and GVA
Identify the nerves in charge of flexion and extension of the carpal joints
Flex: median n. and ulnar n.
extend: radial n.
Name the branches of the abdominal aorta in order from cranial to caudal
cranial mesenteric
deep circumflex iliac
external iliac
internal iliac
median sacral
Name the branches of the femoral a
- superficial circumflex iliac
- lateral circumflex iliac
- proximal caudal femoral
- saphenous
- middle caudal femoral
- descending genicular
- distal caudal femoral
Define intercostal nerve
There are thoracic spinal nerves (T3-T12) that splits into dorsal and ventral branch–ventral branches= intercostal nerve
motor and cutaneous sensory
–motor to: external/internal intercostal, transverse thoracic and rectus abdominis
–lateral cutaneous br: skin
–ventral cutaneous br: skin near sternum
What nerve is responsible for the adduction of the coxal joint and therefore the pelvic limb
Obturator nerve is motor to:
external obturator
innervates adductors of the pelvic limb*
Describe the vagal nerve in the thorax mentioning the organs close related
double check
dorsal vagal: stomach, spleen, pancreas, kidney, small/large intestine until transverse colon
ventral vagal: stomach and spleen
Describe the adrenal glands including the location of these glands.
*craniomedially to kidney’s cranial pole
*small size compared to kidneys
Name the mammary glands from cranial to caudal
- Thoracic
- Abdominal
- Inguinal
Describe the position and the organs related (attached) to the lesser and greater omentum
membranes of the central mesentery that connects the stomach with the liver
lesser omentum
hepatogastric and hepatoduodenal ligament
Using the 9 abdominal regions, indicate where is the normal location of the different parts of the stomach.
Left hypochondrium: Fundus of stomach
Xiphoid: Body of stomach
Right hypochondrium: Pylorus of stomach
Describe the pancreas and its ducts indicating what peritoneal membranes are related with the right and left lobes.
right lobe: in mesoduodenum
left lobe: within deep leaf of greater omentum
body: near pylorus
Describe the position and conformation (lobes) of the liver.
– Right lateral (RL)
– Right medial (RM)
– Quadrate (Q)
– Left medial (LM)
– Left lateral (LL)
– Caudate:
* Caudate process (CP)(impression of R kidney)
* Papillary process (PP)
Right lobes= Right hypochondrium
Liver/gallbladder= Xiphoid
Left lobes= Left hypochondrium
Observing an Xray identify: Kidneys, liver, stomach, spleen, colon and urinary bladder
Stomach: orange
spleen: pink
Left kidney: black
Right kidney: light orange
duodenum: light blue
colon: dark blue
Describe the conformation of the penis including fibrous and erectile tissue. Relate those tissues with the erectile muscles of the penis
Erectile tissue of penis:
1. corpus cavernosum penis(fills w blood upon erection)
2. corpus spongiosum penis
3. corpus spongiosum glandis of bulbus glandis
4. corpus spongiosum glandis of the pars longa glandis
erectile muscle of penis:
bulbospongiosus m.
ischiocavernosus m.
retractor penis m.
Identify the membranes/ligaments that support the ovary, uterine tube
Describe the blood supply of the spleen and its relationship with the stomach
SPLEEN is in superficial leaf of greater omentum
Splenic a. branches from the Celiac a.
Splenic a. branches into:
1. left gastromental a.(greater curve and omentum of stomach)
- short gastric( fundus of stomach)
- pancreatic branches (left lobe of pancreas)
Make a list of abdominal organs that are drain directly via caudal vena cava and the organs that are drain using the portal vein system.
remember that left testicular vein drains into left renal vein