exam 4: cervical visceral compartment (39) Flashcards
identify the veins
- Deep facial v
2.Angularis oculi v - Facial v.
- Lingual v.
- Linguofacial v.
- External jugular v
- Maxillary v.
identify 1 and 2
- External jugular v
- Manubrium of sternum
what two muscles make up the jugular groove
identify 1 and 2
1.Mandibular LN
2. Mandibular gland
identify muscles 1 or 2
what are these important for
- Mylohyoideus m.
- Sternohyoideus m.
identify the veins
identify the veins
Ovoid gland located in the neck caudal to the angle of the mandible, ventral to
the wing of the atlas
Mandibular gland
Runs in the sublingual space, opens in the
sublingual carubcle.
Mandibular duct
Located rostral to the mandibular gland. Its
duct runs with the mandibular gland duct and opens in the sublingual caruncle
Sublingual gland (monostomatic)
Group of small salivary glands located in the sublingual space.
Opens directly in the sublingual space through several shorts ducts
Sublingual glands (polistomatic)
Muscles that form the floor of the oral cavity (2)
Geniohyoideus m.
Mylohyoideus m.
what muscles is the green box on
what is the action of the muscle
Digastricus m.
OPEN the mandible
identify the artery and nerve
identify the glands
identifies the arteries and gland
special loose fascia in which the common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, tracheal
duct and the vagosympathetic trunk are located
carotid sheath (vagina carotica)
what is contained within the carotid sheath (vagina carotica)
common carotid artery, internal jugular vein, tracheal duct and the vagosympathetic trunk
what is the blue arrow pointing to
Carotid Sheath
Sympathetic trunk has what kind of signal
GVE Preganglionic sympathetic to cranial cervical ganglion
what is the Vagosympathetic trunk composed of
Sympathetic trunk
vagus n.
what signal(s) does the vagus nerve contain
- GVE Preganglionic parasympathetic (vagus) toward thoraco-abdominal organs.
- GVA (Vagus) from thoraco-abdominal organs
- GSE from accessory n. travelling toward the thorax to form the recurrent laryngeal n.
- GSA from recurrent laryngeal n.
what is the structure the green box is on
identify the structures, glands, and muscle
identify the structure with the green line
what are the main parts of the Larynx
identify the gland, muscle, and ligament
Identify the nerves in this photo
identify the nerve
identify the artery and nerve(s)
identify the artery and nerve
Origin of the motor nn. to sternohyoideus & sternothyroideus mm. originated
Ansa cervicalis
what two veins make up the external jugular vein
maxillary v.
linguofacial v.
what veins make up the linguofacial v.
facial v.
lingual v.
what does the facial vein drain
lips, facial area, nasal area
what does the lingual vein drain
floor of oral cavity, tongue
what 2 veins join to form the facial v.
angularis and deep facial v.
the external jugular vein is an _________ vein
There are at LEAST __ present mandibular lymph nodes
The external jugular vein (large/small) in animals
The internal jugular vein is (small/large) in animals
external: HUGE
internal: small, covered by connective tissue
what two veins drain the limbs in the animal
Omobrachial v.
Cephalic v.
Parotid lymph center
what is the lymph center
group of lymph nodes that drain a common area
what areas are drained by the Mandibular lymph center
drain ventral, mandibular
remember we can palpate
are the mandibular gland technically located in the head or in the neck
neck area, ventral to the wings of the atlas
what 3 veins around the mandibular gland
Parotid gland is located in around _____ and the opening is in _______
around the ear
opening in the papilla ~4th premolar
what kind of fibers does Mylohyoideus have? Geniohyoideus?
Geniohyoideus= longitudinal
Mylohyoideus= transverse; most ventral boundary of the oral cavity
what is the lingual artery is a branch of the ______
what does it supply
external carotid
the tongue
what does the hypoglossal nerve innervate? what happens if its damaged
motor (GSE) for the tongue
if damaged: paralysis of the tongue
Function of the parathyroid gland
imbedded in the thyroid
regulate mineral in bones (Ca, P)
what is the origin of the Common carotid arteries
Brachiocephalic trunk
what does the cranial thyroid a. supply
thyroid, larynx, esophagus, trachea
what does the caudal thyroid a. supply
esophagus and trachea
The common carotid artery has very little branches. Why is this beneficial
makes it easier to manipulate during surgery to reach the vertebral column
The right common carotid is closer to the esophagus or the trachea?
left common?
right= trachea
left= esophagus
Do humans have a Vagosympathetic trunk? Is it easy to damage?
Humans do not have
Yes, easy to damage because it its wrapped in the carotid sheath
what is the only muscle in the larynx not innervated by the recurrent laryngeal
cricothyroid mm.
Caudal laryngeal n is a branch of the ____________.
recurrent laryngeal n
recurrent laryngeal n is motor to what muscle
Dorsal cricoarytenoid m.