F - ECG Collections of Clinical Significance Flashcards
What wave is associated with atrial enlargement?
P wave
P-pulmonale wave - Right atrium
P-mitrale wave - Left atrium
What does a P-mulmonale P wave look like?
The P wave is peaked with amplitude > .25 mv
in leads II, III, aVF
> .1 mv in lead V1 and V2
What is a P-mitrale wave?
Left atrial enlargement (LAE)
P wave it broad, notched and .11 seconds
Causes - MS, MR
What is the most common cause of LVH?
(Left ventricular hypertrophy)
Other causes: AS, AI, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy and coarctation of aorta
What are the defining characteristics of LVH?
Wall of LV is thicker so impulse will take longer to transverse it
Voltage and interval of QRS complex will increase producing deeper S waves over RV and taller R waves over LV
What are the 3 measurements for Sokolow Lyon Criteria for LVH?
R in I + S in III > 25 mm
R in aVL > 11 mm
R in V6 > 26 mm
What are the causes of RVH?
COPD - most common
RVOT obstruction, VSD
Congenital - tetralogy of Fallot, pulmonic stenosis, transposition of great vessels
Mitral stenosis, tricuspid regurg
ECG changes associated with RVH?
R waves assume prominence in R precordial leads and deep S waves develop in L precordial leads
R:S ratio greater than 1 in V1
Causes of Sinus Tach?
Phys/path process
Look for cause to treat
Emotion, hyperthyroid, fever, preggo, anemia, CHF, hypovolemia
Atrial fibrillation
Irregular rhythm -continuous chaotic atrial spikes -irregular ventricular rhythm *absence of P wave - replaced with irreg 'f' waves Normal QRS, irreg in time
Combination of A.fib + RAD =
Mitral stenosis
Until proven otherwise
What are the ECG characteristics of Atrial Flutter?
Saw tooth ‘F’ waves in inferior leads (2,3,aVF)
Sharp P-like wave in V1
Normal QRS in a 2:1 - 8:1 AV ratio
T wave may distort the F wave pattern
Multifocal atrial tach
(MAT) 3 or more different P waves (freq PAC's) P-R interval varies Irregular rhythm Associated with lung disease, drugs
Characteristics of ventricular premature beats
(PVC’s, VPB’s) aka ectopic beat, extra systole
Consider the setting - normal, stress, hypoxia, drugs
CHF, MI, Low K+, Low Mg+, cardiomyopathy
Characteristics of ventricular premature beats ECG
QRS prolonged
ST segment slope is away in opposite to QRS
Following PVC long pause that compensates for the prematurity