Eyes & ears Flashcards
Rods - what type of vision?
Responsible for peripheral vision
Cones - what type of vision?
Responsible for color and central vision.
Canal of Schlemm
Extends around the eye and allows fluid to drain out of the eye into systemic circulation to maintain eye pressure.
Fluorescein angiography
Dye is administered and then photographs are taken of the eye. Assesses retinal circulation problems including - diabetic retinopathy, retinal bleeding and macular degeneration.
Assesses for an increase in ocular pressure and potential glaucoma. Non-contact involves puffs of air into the eyes, contact - a flattened cone pushes on the cornea.
The cornea has an irregular shape causing light to focus on two areas of the retina instead of one.
Treatment for refractive errors (myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism), flap of cornea is cut and deeper cornea underneath is reshaped.
Legal blindness
20/200 or worse with 20% field in better eye.
Lens opacity which distorts the image projected onto the retina.
Early signs of cataracts
Blurred vision, decreased color perception.
Group of ocular diseases which are characterized by an increase in ocular pressure. Increased pressure damaged the optic nerve and can lead to blindness.
Acute angle glaucoma
Blockage to the ocular drain. This is A MEDICAL EMERGENCY. Patient will see halos around lights, have blurred vision and ocular erythema.
Retinal Detachment
Separation of the retina from the epithelium. Blindness occurs with complete detachment.
Signs and symptoms of retinal detachment
- Flashes of light
- Floaters or black spots
- Increasing blurred vision
- Painless loss of central or peripheral vision.
Macular degeneration and its treatment
Deterioration of the macula (central area of vision). Treatment aims to maximize remaining vision with laser, photodynamic or other therapies.
Removal of the eyeball
Removal of the eyeball and surrounding tissues and bone.
Blood in the anterior eye chamber. Usually resolves in 5-7 days.
Done with or without contrast and is used to diagnose acoustic tumors.
Measures hearing acuity.
Electrostagmagraphy (ENG)
Evaluates spontaneous and induced eye movements. NPO and no caffeine for 24-48 hours pre-op. No unnecessary meds 24 hours pre-op.
Risk factors for ear disorders
- Aging process
- Infection
- Medications
- Ototoxicity
- Trauma
- Tumors
Conductive hearing loss
Sound waves blocked from reaching the inner ear due to external or middle ear disorders (can be caused by inflammation or obstruction).
Sensorineural hearing loss
Damage to the inner ear structures which causes permanent hearing loss
Central hearing loss
Inability to interpret sound due to a problem in the brain.
Cochlear implantation
Computer inserted into the ear to convert sound waves into electrical impulses
Compromise of the vascular supply to the ear with changes to the ear structure causing gradual bilateral loss of hearing. Patient says they have no problem hearing but can’t understand words.
External otitis
Infective inflammatory response of the auditory canal or auricles (aka. swimmers ear)
Otitis media
Inflammatory or allergic response in the structures of the middle ear.
Results from untreated or inadequately treated chronic or acute otitis media.
Symptoms of mastoiditis
- Swelling of the ear
- Pain moving head
- Cellulitis of the scalp
- Low grade fever
- Anorexia
- Malaise
- Tender and enlarged lymph nodes
Genetic disorder resulting in bony overgrowth of the tissue surrounding the ossicles of the middle ear. Common in young women, can be bilateral.
Symptoms of otosclerosis
- Tinnitus - ringing or roaring
- Loud sounds in the ear when chewing
- Schwartze’s sign - pink discoloration of the tympanic membrane.
- Negative Rinne’s test
Removal of the stapes and prosthetic connection of the incus and footplate.
Infection of the labyrinth resulting from acute or chronic ear infection.
Symptoms of Labyrinthitis
- vertigo
2. nausea and vomiting
Meniere’s syndrome
Dilation of the endolympathic system by overproduction or decreased reabsorption of endolymphatic fluid. Occurs in attacks and lasts several days. Caused by viral or bacterial infection, allergic reaction or biochemical disturbance.
Priority nursing intervention for Meniere’s syndrome
Instituting safety measures due to vertigo.
Treatment for patients with Meniere’s syndrome
- Sodium and water restriction
- Administer nicotinic acid (a vasodilator)
- Surgical drainage
Acoustic neuroma
Benign tumors of the vestibular or acoustic nerve. Can cause damage to hearing and facial movement and sensation.
How long does it take for the tympanic membrane to heal?
24 hours.
Mitotic’s have what effect on pupils?
Cause pupillary constriction thereby reducing ocular pressure.
Primary symptom of Primary Open Angle Glaucoma
Tunnel Vision
Primary symptom of Open Angle Glaucoma
Cornea transplant surgery. Patient should not lie on the operative side.
Absence of a lens in the eye. Treated with glasses or contact lenses.
Immediate treatment for an eye chemical burn
Test pH and irrigate
Pre-op procedures for keratoplasty
- Cut eyelashes
- Constrict pupil (Pilocarpine)
- Swab for C and S
Cyst in the eyelid caused by blockage of the meilobian gland.
Sagging of the upper eyelid so it covers the pupil
Arches senilis
Yellow-gray ring around the cornea
Lacrimal apparatus
Under the upper eyelid
Involuntary rapid eye movements
Symptoms of glaucoma
Pain and blurred vision
Function of beta blockers in the treatment of glaucoma
Reduce intraocular pressure by decreasing the production of aqueous humor.
Protruding eyeball found in hypothyroidism.
Gradual sensoinural hearing loss caused by nerve degeneration that occurs with aging.
What does a perforated eardrum look like?
Round or oval with a darkened area.
What condition is Atropine sulfate contraindicated for?