Exam 5: Revised Urinary System Flashcards
From which embryologic mesoderm do the mesenephros originate?
Intermediate mesoderm
Pronephros instigate the development of
Intermediate mesoderm condenses
Urogenital ridge
What has a role in developing structure of the reproductive system
Urogenital ridge
1st excretory organ to develop
In the indifferent duct system, 2 ducts form inside
Embryos abdomen
In the indifferent duct system, one duct will remain and one will regress dependent on
Genetic sex
Ducts of the indifferent duct system include the
mesonephric ducts and paramesonephric ducts
People developing ovaries will retain the
Paramesonephric ducts
People developing testes will retain
Mesonephric ducts
What develops in 5th week
Metanephros form
Fully functional kidney by week 10
The metanephros develop from which two structures.
Ureteric bud and metanephric mesoderm
Ureteric buds arise from
mesonephric duct
Into which structures will the ureteric buds develop
Form structures that collect urine
Into which structures will the metanephric mesoderm develop
Nephron components: produce urine
What are the main functions of the urinary system?
Storage and excretion of urine, regulation of blood volume, regulation of ions/acids and bases/ erythrocytes production
Main organs that make up urinary system
Kidney, bladder, ureter, urethra, renal pelvis
Superior border of kidney is located
Inferior border of kidney is located
Kidney function
Filter blood
What sits on top of kidneys
Adrenal glands
Why is there so much fat around kidney
Cushion and support kidney
Kidney is located against the
Posterior wall of abdomen
What kidney is higher
Left because of liver
Outer layer of kidney
Extensions of the cortex
Renal columns
Renal columns project into the
Collecting system order
Medulla produces urine, papilla, minor calyx, major calyx, renal pelvis, ureter, bladder, and urethra
Flow of blood into the kidney
Abdominal aorta, renal artery, segmental artery, interlobar artery, arucuate artery, cortical artery, afferent arteriole, glomerulus, efferent arteriole
Associated with the nephron loop in medulla
Vasa recta
Associated with convoluted tubules in cortex
Peritubular capillaries
How does the left renal vein differ from the right? Why?
Renal veins are asymmetrical, left is larger because of location of IVC
Functional filtration unit of kidney
Parts of the nephron
Corpuscle, PCT, DCT, nephron loop, collecting duct
In the nephron loop the corpuscle is made up of
Glomerulus and capsule
Two type of nephrons
Cortical and juxtamedullary
Cortical nephrons make up
Juxtamedullary nephrons make up
What nephrons lies in the cortex vs corticomedullary junction
Cortical, juxtamedullary
Short nephron loop that barely penetrates the medulla
Cortical nephrons
Loop extends deep into the medulla
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Work during periods of high activity
Juxtamedullary nephrons
Work under normal conditions
Cortical nephrons
Filtration process is
Non selective
Filtration: Movement of substances from __ to __
Blood, capsular space
Filtration is due to
Reabsorption and secretion involve movement
In the opposite direction
What two structures make up the renal corpuscle
Glomerulus and glomerular capsule
Ball of intertwining capillaries
Glomerular capsule has what components
Visceral layer and parietal layer
Parietal layer of the capsule is
Outside, composed of simple squamous
Assist in filtration
The visceral layer of the capsule placement
Lies over glomerulus
Three components of filtration membrane
Endothelium of glomerulus, basement membrane of glomerulus, and visceral layer of glomerular capsule
The endothelium of the glomerulus is
The endothelium of the glomerulus has _ that allow dissolves structures to pass through but not ___ ones
Tiny pores, larger
The basement membrane of the glomerulus is __ and allows
Porous, smaller structures to pass thru while restricting large ones
Visceral layer of glomerular capsule is made up of
Podocytes and Pedicles and filtration slits
Filtration slits restrict passage of
Most small proteins
Epithelium in PCT and DCT
PCT= simple cubodial cells with tall microvilli DCT= simple cubodial with sparse microvilli
Function of PCT
Function of tall microvilli in PCT
Increase SA and resabsorption
Modification begins here
Reabsorb missed ions by the PCT
Nephron loop
Secrete ions (K snd H) into tubular fluid
In the DCT, water is reabsorbed with
ADH in response to low blood volume
Thick limbs
Simple cubodial
Thin limbs
Simple squamous
Nephron loop has two parts
Descending limb and ascending limb
Descending limb descends from the
Cortex to medulla
Ascending limb acsends from
Medulla into cortex
1st half of descending limb tissue=
2nd half tissue=
1st half is simple cubodial
2nd half is simple squamous
1st half of ascending limb tissue=
2nd half =
1st half is simple squamous and 2nd half is simple cubodial
Carries urine into pelvic cavity to empty into bladder
What prevents urine from reentering the urethra?
Oblique angle of bladder
What is the epithelial lining found in the bladder and urethra?
Muscle of bladder
4 layers of bladder
Muscosa, submucosa, muscularis, and adventitia
Mucosa layer is made up of
Transitional epithelium for stretching bladder
Submusosa is made of
Dense, irregular CT
Muscularis layer is made of
Detrusor muscle
Adventitia layer is
Outer loose CT
Significance of trigone
No rugae or detrusor muscle, drains urine from bladder to urethra
What is the clinical significance associated with the shorter length of the female urethra compared to that of the male?
More prone to UTIs
Storage and release of urine
Micturition reflex
Function of calyces of kidney
Collect urine from nephrons
Group of modified epithelial cells in the DCT that touch juxtamedullar cells
Macula densa
Contraction of the macula densa reduces flow of ___ retaining more __
Filtrate into PCT, H20 and Na
What cells monitor BP, increase Na ions
Macula densa
The macula densa stimulates the
Juxta cells to contract the afferent arteriole and release renin
Modified smooth muscle cells in afferent arteriole
Juxtaglomerular cells
The juxtaglomerular cells produce
Renin when bp is low
Function of aldosterone
Increase reabsorption of Na from filtrate to blood
What pathway results in aldosterone production
Renin angiotensin pathway
Juxtaglomerular cells are located where
Wall of afferent arteriole
Specialized cells at the point of contact with DCT and afferent arteriole
Juxtaglomerular apparatus
When the bladder is full, what signals the mictrution reflex
Stretch receptors
Once the micturtion reflex is signaled, impulse travel to the
Detrusor and internal urethral sphincter
Smooth muscle in the internal urethral sphincter __ and detrusor __ in parasympathetics
Relaxes, contracts (release urine)
Parasympathetic to bladder
Stimulate micrutrition
Sympathetic to bladder
Inhibit micturition (store urine)
In the micturition reflex, you must consciously relax the
External urethral sphincter
PCT arises from
Tubular pole
Afferent and efferent arterioles enter and leave glomerulus here
Vascular pole
Where is the glomerular space
End of nephron
Filtrate will flow from the
Glomerular space into PCT
PCT function
Facilitates reabsorption of solutes
Distal convoluted tubule will function in
The fuzzy lumen Is created by the
Tall microvilli
Peritubular capillaries surround the
The vasa recta surrounds the
Nephron loop
Collecting tubules and ducts act under the influence of __ to __
Anti diuretic hormone and aldosterone, limit loss of water and sodium from blood
Released in response to dehydration
Triggers the conservation of water and Na
Increase blood ion concentrations and blood volume
Macula densa cells of DCT will sense a
Increase in Na ion concentration in blood
Contraction of afferent arteriole…
Reduces pressure inside glomerulus and maintains sodium/water in blood
Renin is released which triggers
Aldosterone release
Aldosterone increases the reabsorption of sodium in the
Nephron loop
Ureters Insert in the
posterolateral wall of the bladder
Create a __ that prevents backflow of urine to ureter
one way valve in the bladder
Three tunics of ureter
Mucosa, muscularis (smooth muscle), adventitia (elastic and collagen fibers)
The amount of urine leaving these openings is controlled by the
Internal urethral sphincter under __ and external urethral sphincter is under __
Involuntary, voluntary
Intermediate mesoderm condenses on the posterior abdominal wall and forms the
urogenital ridge
urogenital ridge produces
Pronephros degeneration instigates the development of the
mesonephros and the mesonephric duct
filter waste from the embryo that drains into the mesonephric duct and to the cloaca
Metanephric mesoderm (blastema) forms from the remaining __ and forms the __
intermediate mesoderm, urine producing structures of the kidney
What forms a fully functional kidney
Ureteric bud and metanephric mesoderm
The ureteric bud forms which of the following structures:
A. Pronephros
b. Collecting structures of the kidney
c. Urine producing structures of the kidney
d. Mesonephric duct
e. Paramesonephric duct
Which of the following structures instigates the development of the mesonephros?
a. Ureteric bud
b. Metanephric mesoderm
c. Pronephros
d. Mesonephric duct
e. Renal pelvis
What structure do collecting ducts drain
Renal pelvis