Exam 5 Drugs Flashcards
Breast exam recs
-age 40-50 every 1-2 years
-HIGH RISK: annually at 30
Pelvic exam recs
-usally only if symptomatic
PAP smear recs
-age 21-29: every 3 years
-age 30-65: or HPV test q 3years or both q 5 years
-not if hysterectomy
-most common
-age 18-59
HPV screening
-normal cervial screening for F
-only HIGH RISK men or msm maybe anal PAP
-HPV vax
-age 9-45
-if <15, 2 dose 0, 6-12 months
-if >15, 3 dose 0, 2, 6 months
HPV vax side effects
-inj site pain
Behavioral birth control
-coitus interruptus
FAM and NFP techniques (5)
-Basal body temp
-Billings ovulation (mucus)
-standard days
-2 day method
Side effects of too much estrogen
-breast tenderness
-HEAVY menses
-fibroid grwoth
-vision changes
-weight gain
Side effects of not enough estrogen
-LIGHT menses
-vaginal DRYNESS
-no withdrawal bleeding
Estrogen (EE) dosing
-very low dose <20mcg
-low dose 20-35 mcg
high dose 50 mcg
Too much progestin side effects
-dec libido
-inc appetite
-inc sex drive
-noncyclical weight gain
-less energy
-yeast infection
-hair loss
-swelling in arms and legs
side effects of not enough progesstin
-breakthrough bleeding late in cycle
-no withdrawal bleeding
-HEAVY menses
Hormonal contraceptives
-copper IUD
Implant (nexplanon)
-progestin only
-3 years
-delayed or within 6 week return to fertility
Implant side effects
-irregular bleeding (normal)
-mood, headache, acne
-progestin only
-3-8 years
-lighter periods
-safe to breast feed
-lower cancer risk
LNG IUD brands
-Mirena/Liletta 52mg 8 yr
-Skyla 13.5 mg 3 year
-Kyleena 19.5mg 5 yr
DMPA shot
-150mg IM
-104 SC
-progestin only
-weight gain
-lighter periods
-maybe delayed return in fertility
-blood clots, stroke
-improved acne
-lighter period
-norethindrone and norgestrel
-daily within 3 hours of same time
-could cause ectopic pregnancy
D POP (Slynd)
-4mg daily
-no placebo
-more likely for spotting changes
Disposable vaginal ring
-Etonogestrel and EE
-blood clot, stroke
-improve acne
-regular periods
Annual vaginal ring
-segesterone and EE
hormonal contraceptive patch
-norelgestromin and EE (Xulane)
-LNG and EE (twirla)
use backup method if starting contraceptive
-more than 1-6 days after period start
-use for 2-7 days
Restarting after emergency contraception
-immediately if LNG
-5 days later if ulipristal
-backup method 7 daus
If contraception is causing breast tenderness
-dec estrogen
Serious side effects of combined methods (ACHES)
-ab pain
-chest pain
-eye problems
-severe leg pain
Progestin only contraindications
-breast cancer
Contraception for trans men
- Progestin only
- non-hormonal
- irreversible
Emergency contraception methods
-Copper IUD
-Ulipristal acetate
Drugs with delayed return of fertility
Medication abortion
medication abortion contraindications
-current IUD
-long term corticosteroids
-adrenal failure
-blood coagulation
-nerosis, softening, prostaglandin sensitivity
-200mg PO once
-800 mcg bucally 1-2 days later
Dysmenorrhea treatment
- NSAID +/- contraceptive
!! Drugs that induce amenorrhea
Amenorrhea treatment
- underlying cause
-supplemental estrogen if HYPOestrogenic (conjugated equine estrogen 0.625-1.25 mg PO days 1-25 or 0.1mg patch weekly)
-dopamine agonist
Dopamine agonists
-dec prolactin levels
-treat drug-induced amenorrhea
-dopamine agonist
-treat drug amenorrhea
-multiple daily dosing
-dopamine agonist
-treat drug amenorrhea
-weekly or twice weekly
contraindications to dopamine agonist
-breast feeding and uncontrolled HTN
Monitoring for dopamine agonists
-liver and kidney
-preg status
-prolactin level
-avg time 6-8 weeks
-try the other one if it doesnt work
Chronic hormonal HMB treatment
-GnRH agonists
Chronic nonhormonal HMB treatment
-tranexamic acid
-iron to treat deficiency
Tranexamic acid
-nonhormonal chronic treatment of HMB
-prevents degradation of blood clots
-1,300mg PO TID for 5 days at start of menses
Tranexamic acid contraindications
Acute HMB treatment
- High dose estrogen (25mg equine IV q4-6h for 24 h)
-monophasic 30-35 mcg EE PO q6-8h until bleeding stops - medroxyprogesterone 20mg PO TID x 7 days
- Tranexamic acid 1,300mg PO TID 5 days
Goals of endometriosis therapy
-minimize lesions
-prevent endometriosis progression
-minimize pelvic pain
-repair fertility
Endometriosis treatment
- NSAIDs, CHCs, progestins
- GnRH (ant)agonists, danazol
- aromatase inhibitors
-suppresses FSH and LH
-acne, weight gain, hirsutism, lipid, liver, glucose
-black box for thromboembolism
-do NOT use if preg or breastfeeding
Goals of Fibroid therapy
-reduce size
-reduce symptoms
-respect fertility
-improve QOL
Nonpharmacological treatment of fibroids
-expectant therapy
-hysterectomy (no fertility)
Fibroid treatment
-tranexamic acid
-GnRH agonists
GnRH agonists
-treat fibroids
-pre-op or near menopause
-dec blood loss and recovery time
-bone loss
SPRM for uterine fibroids
-treat fibroids
-pre-op or near menopause
-dec size
-not associated w hypoestrogenic effects
-mifepristone 10-50mg qd
-ulipristal 5-10mg qd
-neither FDA for fibroids tho
Drugs that reduce fibroid size
-GnRH agents
Fibroid drugs that do not help dysmenorrhea
-tranexamic acid
-both help HMB tho
Fibroids in pregnancy treatment
-avoid myomectomy
-acetaminophen, opiod, NSAIDs
Nonpharmacologic treatment for PMS
-limit sodium, caffeine, alcohol
-aerobic exercide
-vitamin BDE
PMS treatment
- SSRIs, NSAIDs, Spirinolactone
- SSNRIs, COCs, Clomipramine, Alprazolam
- GnRH agonists, surgery
-complement w Ginkgo or St. John’s Wort
-PMS treatment
-Fluoxetine 20mg
-Sertraline 50-150mg
-Paroxetine 12.5-25 mg
-Citalopram 20-30mg
-Escitalopram 10-20mg
-start day 14 of cycle stop 1-2 days after onset of menses or continuous use
SSRI counseling
-nausea, drowsiness, sexual dysfunction, sweating, insomnia, diarrhea, HA, weight gain
-wait 2-3 cycles
Spirinolactone for PMS
-interfere w testosterone synthesis
-100mg qd days 15-28
-dec weight gain, somatic symptoms, negative mood
Spirinolactone side effects
-irreg menses
-venlafaxine 75-112mg during luteal phase ot 50-200 mg qd
-Duloxetine 60mg qd
-HA, inc BP
COCs for PMS
-EE 20 mcg
-drospirenone 3 mg qd 24 days
-use if also asking for contraception
-treat PMS
-25-75 mg qd
-blurred vision, dry mouth, constipation, fatigue, HA
-treat PMS
-0.25-1mg TID-QID luteal phase
-sedation and risk of dependence
Spirinolactone improves which symptoms
-breast tenderness
-negative mood
Clincal presentation of PCOS
-HYPERanrogenism (hirsutism, acne, alopecia)
-Menstrual disturbances (amenorrhea, oligomenorrhea, anovulation)
-overweight or obese
PCOS potential causes
-inappropriate gonadotropin secretion (elevates androgen levels)
-insulin resistance w hyperinsulinemia (elevates androgen levels)
-excessive androgen production
Inappropriate gonadotropin secretion cause of PCOS
-inc GnRH = LH surge too soon = no rise in FSH
-no dominant follicle
-no ovulation = no luteal phase = inc LH
=elecvated androgen levels
PCOS diagnostic criteria
-HYPERandrogenism + irregular cycles
-if only one test for hyperandrogenism and request ultrasound in adult
Treatment goals of PCOS
-maintain normal endometrium
-block androgens
-reduce insulin resistance
-reduce weight
-prevent long-term complications
-ovulation induction
Treatment of PCOS
-5-a reductase inhibitors
-1st line
-lowest effective dose 20-30mcg EE
-noregestimate < LNG < norethindrone
-monophasic usually
Spironolactone for PCOS
-50-100mg BID
-block androgenic effects
-monitor K
-bleeding, tenderness, HA, dissiness
-teratogenic use contraception
-add on therapy for hirsutism and acne
5-a reductase inhibitor
-treat PCOS
-prevent DHT
-use if the other ones dont work
-finasterise (proscar) 2.5-5mg qd
-HA, orthostasis
-must use contraception
Metformin for PCOS
-1st line in PCOS BMI > 25
-2nd line for menstrual irreg
-reduce insulin and androgen
-500mg PO qd to 1000mg BID
-up to 6 months to see effect
-monitor B12
-disc if preg
-not endometrial protective until reg menses and ovulation are established
-helpful when lifestyle interventions fail
PCOS treatment in insulin resistance
- lifestyle
- metformin
PCOS treatment for menstrual irreg
- progestins or metformin
Hyperandrogenism treatment
- anti-androgens (spironolactone, finasteride)
3, Topical Vanqia facial hair - cosmetic procedures
Treatment of PCOS if preg is wanted
-aromatase inhibitors (letrozole)
Letrozole (femara)
-aromatase inhibitor
-treat PCOS if preg wanted
-stops conversion of androgens to estrogen = inc LH and FSH
-2.5-7.5 mg PO 5 days day 3 of menses
-inc by 2.5mg next cycle if no period up to 5 cycles
-avoid CYP2A6 substrate
-monitor use w tamoxifen and methadone
-hot flashes, edema, dizziness, fatigue, HA
-do NOT use if preg
Anovulation treatment in PCOS
- Letrozole (aromatase inhibitor)
- Clomiphene + metformin, gonadotropin therapy, ovarian drilling
when to evaluate women < 35 for infertility
-inability to become pregnant after 12 months
when to evaluate women 35-40 for infertility
-after 6 months no preg
when to evaluate women > 40 for infertility
-after less than 6 months no preg
Infertility treatment
-aromatase inhibitor (letrozole)
-assissted techniques
Aromatase inhibitors for ovulation
-Letrozole (femara)
-2.5-10mg PO 5 days start day 3
-avoid use w CYP2A6
-monitor w tamoxifene and methadon
Gonadotropins for fertility
-hCG injection at end of ovulation
-inc FSH
-multiple follicles
-careful monitoring
-dose specialized to clinic
Growth hormone (somatotropin)
-inc production of IGF-1
-reduced insulin sensitivity
-disulfide bond
-treat short kids and HYPOglycemia
-anti obesity
-treat severe IGF-1 deficiency
-might result in HYPOglycemia
Growth hormone antagonists and Somatostatin analogs
-treat GH-secreting ademonas (acromegly)
-responsible for lactation
-inhibited by dopamine
-can’t treat hypo but can treat hyper w dopamine agonists
-ADH, arginine vasopressin
-released in response to rising plasma toniciy or falling blood volume
-inc reabsorption of water
-inc blood volume and BP
-IV or IM
-treat pituitary diabetes, nocturnal pissing, coagulopathy
-water intoxication, careful in CVD, ab cramps
V1 receptor
-smooth muscle
V2 receptor
-inc water absorption
-renal tubule cells
Desmopressin V receptor activity
-more V2 - more anti-diuretic
Vasopressin antagonists
-treat hyponatremia (asc w CVD)
-IV in hospital
-Conivaptan IV
-Tolvaptan (V2 oral)
-labor contractions
-milk ejection
-GPCR -> ca -> contraction
-weak vasopressor activity at high doses
-induce labor, control hemorrhage (IV), enhance milk ejection (nasal)
Oxytocin contraindications
-fetal distress
-abnormal fetal presentation
-cephalopelvic disproportion
Which vax for preg people
-inactivated flu
vax NOT for preg people
-live flu
-yellow and typhoid fever
N/V treatment pregnancy
- Pyridoxine
- Doxylamine
- Pyridoxine
- diphenhydramine
GERD treatment pregnancy
which analgesic in preg
-AVOID NSAIDs and aspirin
UTI treatment in preg
-amox or nitro
levothyroxine in pregnancy
-inc dose
Hyperthyroidism in preg
-propyluracil first semester
-methimazole after
Thromboembolism in preg
-LMWH 2 months and until 3 weeks postpartum
Preeclampsia management
Eclamsia in preg
-Mg sulfate 4-6g bolus
-phenytoin, benzos, immediate delivey
Strep in preg
-PCN G or ampicillin IV in labor
-cefasolin, clinda/vancomycin if allergy
Preterm labor treat
-200mg progesterone suppository
-250mg IM weekly if history
Premature membrane rupture in preg
if <34 weeks, corticosteroids, antibiotics, tocolytics, mg sulfate
Labor dystocia treatment
-cesarean section
When to induce labor
-41-42 weeks
-fetal compromise
-DM, renal , pulmonary disease, HTN
Oxytocin regimen
-1-2 up to 4-6 ml/min q15-40 min
-max 40
Oxytocin for abortion
-2nd trimester
-admit to labor and delivery
-higher dose 50/500ml over 3 hours
relative infant doses (RID)
-infant dose/mother dose
-ideally <5%
lactation risk category (safe to least safe)
- acetaminophen, amox
- diphenhydramine, fluoxetine
- pseudofed, hydrocodone
- colchicine, dapsone
- amiodarone, chemo
Drugs to inc milk supply
HYPOgonadism treatment in men
-IM testosterone esters
-50mg monthly inc by 25 up to 100
Alopecia treatment
- Finasteride (5-a reductase)
- Minoxidil
- combo
Finasteride for alopecia
-1mg PO qd
-dec libido
-very effective
Minoxidil for alopecia
-enlarge mini hair follicles
-apply to DRY scalp BID
ideal testosterone levels
->5ng/dl free
-IM 100mg weekly or 200mg biweekly
-patches 1-2 at night
-gel 5-10g
-solution 30-120mg to armpits
-buccal tablet 30mg q12h
-SQ pellet 3-6 months
Contraindications to THT
-prostate and breast cancer
-hematocrit >50%
-baseline PSA > 4, 3 in high risk men
THT monitoring
-measure testosteone and hematocrit, stop if over 54%
Prostate cancer screening
-PSA > 4, yearly testing
-not over 70
drugs that cause Erectile Dysfunction
-anti HTN
-5-a reductase inhibitors
ED treatment
- treat known causes (THT if hypogonadism)
- PDE-5 inhibitors or vacuum
- intraurthral
- combo
- prostetic
PDE-5 inhibitors for ED
-sildenafil 50-100mg
-tadalafil 10-20mg but 2.5-5mg if qd
-food delays absorption
start sildenafil at 25 instead of 50mg for
->65 yo
-liver probs
-CrCL <30
-drug interaction
PDE-5 precautions
-a-blockers (start at lower dose)
-pt w CAD
Pulmonary HTN treatment
-Sildenafil 20mg po TID
-tadalafil 40mg qd
Transurethral tx of ED
-alprostadil pellets (MUSE)
-less effective than injection
-alprostadil injection max once a day 3 per week
intracavernosal injections for ED
-alprostadil 2.5mcg to 10-20mcg
Drugs that induce priapism
-clozapine, chlorpromazine
-heparin, warfarn
treatment of priapism
-phenylephrine 0.1-1mg
-blood aspiration
-saline irrigation
if not painful use coldpack
BPH treatment w ED
-PDE inhibitor
-or both
BPH treatment w small prostate, low PSA
BPH treatment large prostat and inc PSA
-5-a reductase inhibitor +/- a-antagonist
BPH treatment with voiding symptoms
-anticholinergic agent (avoid in pts >200ml)
A-1 blockers for BPH
-tamsulosin 0.4mg hs
-alfuzosin 10mg qd
-silodosin 4mg qd
-doxazosin 1mg hs to 4-8
-terazosin 1mg hs to 10-20mg
PDE inhibitors for BPH
-if also ED
-tadalafil 5mg qd
-2.5mg is CrCl 30-50
-do NOT use if < 30ml
Hormonal therapy of BPH
-dec prostate size
-5-a reductase inhbitors
-can take 6 months
-finasteride 5mg
-dutasteride 0.5mg
in OAB
Testosterone for trans men
-cypionate or enanthate inj
antiandrogens for trans women
hormone injection requirement
-1ml syringe
-18-20g to draw injection
-smaller 22-25 g after
-IM 1.5 in
-SC 5/8 in