EXAM 4 Emerging and Zoonotic Infections Flashcards
___ is an infection that naturally occurs in an insect or animal host that also can subsequently infect humans
zoonotic pathogen
the following are examples of what?
a new infection, never before seen
an infection that is known, but newly emerging in new hosts or geographies
an infection that has always been there, but not tested for
an emerging pathogen
what are 4 human activities to blame for emerging zoonotic infections?
- habitat disruption or restoration
- exotic foods
- global travel
- food globalization
>50% of ___ cases result in long-lasting relapsing arthralgia
chikungunya virus
chikungunya virus is closely related and serologically cross-reactive to ___
zika virus is part of the ___ family and is vectored by ___ spp of mosquito
- flaviviridae
- aedes
___ is a common symptom of zika virus infection
is death common from zika virus infections?
microcephaly in Brazil and Guillain-Barre syndromes are linked to ___
zika virus
what is the most common mechanism of transmission of zika virus?
blood transfusions
- also mosquito bites, sexual transmission, congenital infection
there was one case of person-to-person nonsexual transmission of the zika virus in the US. what was determined to be the mode of transmission?
direct contact with the infected patients tears
(direct transmission between patients)
___ antibody testing is one method used to diagnose for zika virus
(IgM Antibody Capture ELISA)
___ is an emerging GI pathogen, infected humans are a vector, and distribution is in tropical/subtropical regions
cyclospora cayetanensis
what are the clinical symptoms of cyclospora?
watery diarrhea, vomiting, and low fever
in the life cycle of cyclospora, the oocysts are not infective when ___
no direct human-to-human transmission
there have been 4 major recent outbreaks of cyclospora in the united states from what type of food?
some other foods as well, like raspberries and basil
cyclospora is diagnosed via ___ or ___
molecular multiplex panel testing or microscopy
molecular multiplex panel testing is much better
what is the treatment for cyclospora cayetanensis infection?
trimethoprim sulfamethoxazole
all cases of ___ have been linked to saudi arabia
coronaviriae (MERS)
MERS has a ___% fatality rate
MERS coronaviridae is a ___ pathogen, likely spread through ___
- respiratory
- respiratory secretions - caregivers and household contacts can become infected
can cause severe acute respiratory illness
what is the possible origin of MERS coronaviridae?
bats and camels
to avoid contracting ___, contact with ill travelers from the arabian peninsula and camel contact should be avoided
MERS coronaviridae
is MERS coronaviridae highly pathogenic?
yes, and it has a high case fatality rate
MERS coronaviridae has a ___ risk for dental clinics
___, aka “bird flu”, has been found rarely in Asia with poultry handlers, and has no direct human-to-human transmission
avian influenza
___ infection causes a tick-borne relapsing fever and is associated with deer tick bites (no direct human-to-human transmission), and is rare in the US
borrelia miyamotoi
___ and ___ are tick-borne diseases that are widespread in the US/Canada, and are associated with deer tick bites (no direct human-to-human transmission)
anaplasma and ehrlichia
___ is a filovirus, associated with infected fruit bats or primates (before person-to-person occurs), and patient body fluids are highly infectious
ebola virus
___ is associated with handling amphibians, reptiles, and birds
___ is associated with petting zoos and farm animal exposures
shiga-like toxin producing e. coli
___ is a zoonotic pathogen contracted from bites of infected animals
___ causes lyme disease and is contracted from tick bites
borrelia burgdorferi
___ causes rocky mountain spotted fever and is contracted from tick bites
rocky mountain spotted fever
how is west nile virus spread?
mosquito bites
___ is spread through contaminated water
___ is spread through contaminated water and aerosolized spores
___ is spread through lake water exposure in nostrils
naegleria fowleri
the ___ mosquito is a vector for chikungunya
aedes aegypti
chikungunya is diagnosed via ___ antibody detection, and is cross-reactive with other alphaciruses, like ___
- IgM
- o’nyong’nyong