Exam 1-Dev Disturb 2 Flashcards
What is the name for a superficial dilated vein?
a Varix (Latin-a varicose vein haha)
What are the 2 most common places for a varix outside the mouth? What about inside?
outside-calf and anus….in mouth- VENTRAL tongue
What is the unique action of a varix when palpating (what is the clinical procedure called?)Do you treat a varicose vein?
color blanches with pressure (clin procedure-diascopy)…treat only for esthetics
Ready for an intense card? LINGUAL THYROID NODULE: Thyroid gland develops from the _________ which is an __________ invagination starting in base of tongue (aka the __________)
hyroglossal tract…..endodermal…(foramen cecum)
A patient with a lingual thyroid nodule may or may not have what in their neck? What is given to test its efficacy?
a thyroid gland in their neck…radioactive iodine given….Tx surgically or with thyroid replacement therapy (give more TH and the nodule will shrink)
Where is all the lymphoid tissue in the tongue concentrated?
in the lingual tonsil
Where is the lingual tonsil most often located?
Posterior-lateral and posterior dorsal surface of the tongue
What are 3 good ways to distinguish a lingual tonsil from oral cancer?
A lingual tonsil will not grow, it is soft, and it is usually bilateral.
A normal lingual tonsil will be asymptomatic, but a __________ lingual tonsil will often be swollen and symptomatic.
hyperplastic…Dr. W says threat that shit!
What’s this called? lymphoid tissue reacts and stimulates salivary ducts to proliferate producing a cyst or crypts around lymphoid tissue occlude
Where are the three most common places for a Lympho-epithelial cyst?
ventral tongue, floor of the mouth, soft palate
Hmmmm what are asymptomatic, small yellowish nodules?
either fordyce granules OR lympho-epithelial cysts…treated differently tho! (L.E.Cysts get excised)
What are 2 another names for a developmental lingual mandibular salivary gland depression? lol!
A “static bone cavity” or STAF-NE’s bone cavity
What went wrong in a Stafne’s bone cavity?? _______ gland develops along ________ producing an indentation
Submandibular salivary….lingual cortex
Stafne’s bone cavity is most often found as an Asymptomatic _________, often corticated, BELOW WHAT? and from ANGLE of mandible to MIDBODY of the mandible
radiolucency…BELOW the inferior alveolar canal
Does the patent experience swelling with Stafne’s bone cavity? Does the cavity change over time?
No, no
Is Stafne’s bone cavity a clinical or radiographic diagnosis? Which technique is used to confirm it?
haha both…SIAL-O-GRAPHY to confirm (a radiograph with contrast medium injected)
What is the most common developmental cyst?
Incisive canal cyst (NP duct cyst)
An incisive canal cyst (NP cyst) is caused from cystic _______ of nasopalatine ducts within the incisive canal
Does an incisive canal cyst have a specific age range? Are there symptoms?
No age range, no symptoms (maybe pain and swelling)
INTERESTING! incisive canal cyst (NP) cyst will have a RADIOLUCENCY associated with it…the cyst is greater than ___mm in the anterior maxilla (a normal incisive canal is less than this amount.
With the radiolucency associated with an incisive canal cyst, its between the roots of 8 and 9, the roots MUST BE ______ and are often ______ shaped
VITAL….heart shaped
What is the treatment of an incisive canal cyst and what is the main consequence of Tx?
surgical enucleation and it results in anesthesia of the anterior Maxilla for months
A variant of an incisive canal cyst (NP cyst) is a cyst of the _______ which is outside the bone
cyst of the incisive papilla
__________: Developmental cyst resulting from entrapped epithelium when premaxilla fuses with maxilla…the funny thing is _________
GLOB-ULO-MAXILLARY Cyst…they probably don’t exist! wtf?
GlobuloMaxillary Cysts are asymptomatic radiolucency between _____ and ______.
Maxillary Lateral Incisor and Canine
What is the REAL reason for a radiolucency in between the lateral incisor and the canine? (besides a fake ass globulo-maxillary cyst)
A lateral Radicular cyst (a non-vital tooth) (root canal-periapical abscess)
What is a cyst from entrapped epithelium during palatal closure
Med-IAN Palatal Cyst
With a medIAN palatal cyst, will you see a radiolucency?
Yes, in the midpalate
Do you treat a median palatal suture?
Yep, with surgery
A nasoalveolar (nasolabial) cyst is from embryologic _______ duct producing ______ lip cyst to R or L of midline
Which developmental cyst? Cyst from embryologic nasolacrimal duct producing upper lip cyst to R or L of midline
Naso-Alveolar (nasolabial) cyst
Which type of cyst is soft, fluctuant, often elevates ala?
Naso-Alveolar (nasolabial) cyst
What is the sex breakdown for Naso-alveolar (nasolabial) cysts? What % of them are bilateral?
3/4 FEMALE!!! 10% are bilateral
How do you treat a Naso-Alveolar (nasolabial) cyst?
surgical removal
What is a Midline cyst from base of tongue to thyroid gland??
THYRO-GLOSSAL duct (tract) cyst
What are the three anomalies that affect women more than men?
1.Thyroglossa duct cyst 2.Nasoalveolar (nasolabial) cyst (3/4) 3. geographic tongue (2:1)
What cyst can be described as soft, fluctuant, more prominent in females, and moves when patient swallows?
Thyro-glossal duct cyst
Thyro-glossal duct cysts classically move when patient swallows because thyroglossal tract goes through the
_______ bone
How do you treat a thyroglossal duct?
surgical removal, often with dissection of the tract
Wft? Cyst from entrapped salivary gland ducts in paraparotid lymph nodes:
Cervical LYMPH-O-EPITHELIAL cyst (branchial cleft cyst)
Cyst from branchial arch and pouch development
Which cyst can be described as a soft, fluctuant mass in lateral neck?
a Cervical LYMPH-O-EPITHELIAL cyst
What is the most common site for a cervical lymph-o-epithelial cyst? How do you treat it?
mandibular angle anterior to the sternocleidomastoid muscle…surgical removal
What age population most frequently presents with an epidermoid/dermoid cyst? What are the two most common places to find one?
young…floor of the mouth or ventral tongue (soft, fluctuant)
Cyst lined by stratified squamous epithelium (epidermis):
Epidermoid cyst
Cyst lined by stratified squamous epithelium but with dermal appendages, ie. sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair follicles:
Dermoid cyst
How do you treat a dermoid/epidermoid cyst?
surgical removal
Which cyst had the hair on it?
dermoid cyst (lined by stratified squamous epithelium but with dermal appendages, ie. sebaceous glands, sweat glands, hair follicles:)