Endocrine System Various Terms Flashcards
endocrine glands
secrete hormones directly into the blood stream rather than through a duct
target cell upon which a hormone acts. programmed with receptors to respond to a unique hormone. hormones act only on a specific target
pituitary gland (“master gland”)
- located at base of brain
- stimulated other glands to secrete their own hormones
anterior lobe of pituitary gland
- triggered by hypothalamus
- produces at least six hormones
posterior lobe of pituitary gland
-secretes two hormones produced by hypothalamus: oxytocin and ADH
Thyroid gland
major metabolic hormone (thyroid hormone)
largest gland of endocrine system
TH is two active iodine containing hormones: thyroxine (T4) and triiodothyronine (T3)
parathyroid glands
at least four separate glands located on posterior surface of thyroid gland.
secrets PTH
regulates calcium balance
acts on bones, kidneys, and intestines
adrenal glands
paired organs covering superior surface of kidneys (also called suprarenal glands)
two distinct regions: adrenal cortex and adrenal medualla
adrenal cortex
outer part of adrenal gland
secretes 3 steroid hormones: mineralocorticoids (mainly aldosterone, which causes kidneys to conserve sodium, thus reducing urine output and conserving water); glucocorticoids (mainly cortisol, which regulates blood glucose levels, stimulates the breakdown of fats in adipose tissue, and releases fatty acids into the blood); Sex hormones including androgens, estrogens, and progestins
adrenal medulla
secrets epinephrine (adrenaline) and norepinephrine (noradrenaline) which are activated when the body responds to crisis situations (sympathomimetic). these hormones intensify activities set into motion by the sympathetic nervous system
acting in opposition; mutually opposing
mineral salts (sodium, potassium, and calcium) that carry an electrical charge
hormone produced by pancreatic alpha cells that increases the blood glucose level by stimulating the liver to change stored glycogen (a starch from sugar) to glucose.
glucagon opposes insulin and is used to reverse hypoglycemic reactions in insulin shock
simple sugar that is the end product of carbohydrate digestion (primary source of energy for living organisms)
relative constancy or balance in the internal environment of the body, maintained by processes of feedback and adjustment in response to external or internal changes.
hormone produced by pancreatic beta cells that acts to remove sugar (glucose) from the blood by promoting its storage in tissues as carbohydrates (glycogen)
agent that mimics the effects of the sympathetic nervous system (exa: epinephrine and norepinephrine)
structure, organ, or tissue to which something is directed. In the endocrine system, a target is the structure, organ or tissue on which a hormone exerts its specific effect.
conversion of stored glycogen to glucose in the liver
muscle twitches and spasms
may be caused by hypocalcemia resulting from hypoparathyroidism
osteitis fibrosa cystica
demineralization of bones; may result from hyperparathyroidism
von Recklinghausen disease
a generalized disease caused from hyperparathyroidism; involves demineralization affecting all bones and deposition of calcium in the kidneys