EMS SOG's Flashcards
Is a logical process to guide the incident commander to gather and analyze information, set objectives, prioritize problems, define solutions and select strategy and tactics to control the incident?
Command sequence
Definition of a command officer?
A single resource unit at the rank of District captain or higher
The command sequence consists of what?
Incident priorities situation evaluation- (size up) strategy and tactics Development of the IAP Evaluating the IAP
Incident priorities are?
Life safety
incident stabilization
property conservation
Evidence preservation
Is a systematic process consisting of the rapid, yet deliberate consideration of incident factors which leads to the development of a incident action plan based on critical incident factors?
Situation Evaluation- Size Up
A major size up function should list factors in what order?
based upon consequences that can range from minor to catastrophic
Where does risk assessment take place?
Under situation evaluation
Defines the IC using the situation evaluation and risk assessment as the decision making platform to produce the overall incident strategy?
Strategy and tactics
Defines - “what need to be done”
Strategy- RECEOVS
Rescue Exposures confinement extinguishment overhaul ventilation salvage
What are the 3 modes of operation?
What needs to be done when transitioning between offensive and defensive modes of operation?
IC needs to call for “ EMERGENCY TRAFFIC”
Call for PAR
What are the differences between and Offensive and defensive attacks?
Offensive- Active dynamic problem that requires immediate action to mitigate the incident based on available resources
Defensive- Advanced stage of fire, insufficient resources, no life safety risk
Where must units stay upon Investigating mode of operation?
Level 1 staging
Definition of : Who what when where the strategy will be conducted. Represents intervention plans to solve basic problems that must be dealt with in sequence.
Tactical sequence
What describes the tactical assignments and work plan required to achieve the strategic objective and solve the incident problems?
Development of the IAP.
How often is the evaluation of the IAP done ?
10 min
How often is size up performed?
10 min
What defines activation of the ICS?
Any incident, other than typical medical emergencies involving 2 or more companies
Who establishes command?
The first arriving unit
What is required on an initial arrival report?
command name
If multiple tactical units arrives simultaneously or in close order who assumes command?
First in Station officer
How can command be transferred?
By radio or Face to face briefing
Transfer of command information should include what?
Current situation what has been done and planned mode of operation current units locations current assignments
Incidents extending beyond ____ hours should request activation of
_________ and or ___________.
6 hours
Incident command team
tactical command unit
Command should be terminated when?
when the incident has de-escalated to a point where all units have returned to service.
when should a rehab unit be established?
long, complex extrications brush fires involving extended operations Hot, humid or cold weather training exercises of extended duration structural fires
Who may be requested to support the rehab unit
Volunteer unit 930
What instrument is to be recorded for heat stress index?
Wet bulb globe index
Where does the rehab unit fall under command?
Logistics section.
If there is no logistics section, who does rehab report to?
When should a crew be placed in rehab?
After 2 full scba bottles consecutively
After 45min of work
What is the minimum period of rest in rehab?
Where is information recorded on for rehab - which form?
Rehab unit tracking worksheet.
What needs to be recorded on the “Rehab unit tracking worksheet”?
How often or when a v/s taken for rehab?
Upon entering and after allowing 15min rest
What are the guidelines requiring a person further medical evaluation with regards to rehab?
Pulse > 100 AND Temp >101f
Pulse > 100 AND BP systolic > 180
Pulse > 100 AND BP diastolic> 100
BP systolic< 100
After 30min in Rehab and v/s have not returned to normal then what?
receive medical tx and transport if necessary to an appropriate facility
Referral to OHC
What form is used by the safety officer on all scenes?
Tactical safety check sheet.
What authority does the safety officer have?
- Identify and correct safety and health hazards
- Alter, suspend or terminate unsafe acts that involve an IMMINENT hazard
- Inform the incident commander of any actions taken to correct hazards
If the safety officer has to correct unsafe acts or hazards, where is that recorded and who is it sent to?
Recorded on the emergency incident on the unit page and then emailed to the division chief of training.
What is another responsibility of the safety officer besides correcting, unsafe acts or conditions?
Ensure atmospheric monitoring before removal of SCBA during overall
How long shall the safety officer remain on scene?
Until released by the IC or their designee.
What are additional safety officers called? Who do they report to?
Assistant safety officers - report to the INCIDENT safety officer
When shall an incident safety officer be appointed? 5 of them
- Any incident that becomes so large or complex that responder safety is potentially threatened
- Any high hazard training
- Emergency scenes that have crews operating in a hazardous or potentially hazardous environment.
- Wildland fires w/ 4 or more units
- Hazardous material and WMD incidents
What are considered High Hazard training for the purposes of appointing a incident safety officer?
Dive rescue elevated victim rescue confined space rescue smoke drills live burns extrication above or below ground training.
Where can information be found on the tac-stick?
In the manufacturer’s operating manual- Will Burt Tac stick operating manual.
The tac stick is able to detect what type of current?
AC- alternating current.
What are the 3 sensitivity settings on the tac stick?
High sensitivity
Low Sensitivity
Front focused
What setting should be used initially when operating the tac stick?
High sensitivity
What is the purpose of the Tac -Stick?
To identify an energized source so that it can be isolated and an exclusion zone created.
What are the possible applications for the tac-stick?
Site assessment
Power line incidents
Where are the MCI laminated packets kept?
On the District chief’s and Rescue Captains vehicles
If a Medical branch Director is established for an MCI, what is the person called who reports to them?
If a Medical group Supervisor is established for an MCI, what is the person called who reports to them?
Triage Group Supervisor
Triage unit Leader
Directors have supervisors, Supervisors have unit leaders
Where do patients receive a secondary assessment during an MCI and what do they receive?
In the Treatment area and receive an “All Risk Triage Tag”.
Once a trauma facility goes on bypass during an MCI, where do Trauma alert pt’s go now?
Transported to the closest available facility
What information is necessary to advise dispatch for transports on an MCI?
Unit identification number
number of pts
metag number
Hospital or facility pts are being transported to.
What specialized resources can be obtained for an MCI?
Tactical Command unit
Support 81
Disaster response units- DRU
When is a formal PIA required on and MCI, What size?
Level 3 or higher