Company officer ch19 Flashcards
CRM is based off of what incident?
1978 crash of a DC8 aircraft.
CRM is what?
A behavioral approach to reducing human error in high risk consequence activities.
Who developed CRM?
Nasa in 1979.
What are 5 steps to create a safety culture? pg 387
Provide honest sharing of safety info w/o reprisal from supervisors
adopt a nonpunitive policy towards errors
Take actions to reduce errors in the system
Train in avoidance and detection
Train in evaluating situations, error avoidance, managing safety process
What is CRM designed to do?
Train team members how to achieve maximum mission effectiveness in a time constrained environment under stress.
What are Gordon Dupont’s Dirty Dozen? pg 387
lack of assertiveness lack of awareness lack of communication lack of knowledge lack of resources lack of teamwork complacency distraction fatigue norms pressure stress
Dr James Reason’s evaluated what in the error making process?
Systems errors
The swiss cheese theory is based on what?
the presence of a hole in one defensive layer not creating a bad outcome but when all the holes align a bad or catastrophic outcome becomes more likkely.
What is the difference between active and Latent conditions?
Active- people committed the acts
Latent- inevitable system issues
CRM is an error based model that incorporates 3 items? pg 388
What are the 6 areas of CRM?
Communication Teamwork Task allocation critical decision making situational awareness Debriefing
Define communication?
The successful transfer and understanding of a though from one person to another.
What are the 2 keys in reducing errors from communication?
appropriate assertive behavior
developing a standard language
What is the 1st indication of a communication error?
a discrepancy between what is going on and what should be occuring.
Define Inquiry?
the process of questioning a situation that causes concern.
Define Advocacy?
a statement of opinion that recommends what the person believes is the proper course of action under a specific set of circumstances.
What is the key factor in communication?
To focus on what IS right rather than WHO is right.
What is Todd Bishop’s 5 step assertive process? pg 389
Opening attention getter stating the concern stating the problem stating a solution obtaining agreement or buy in
Under Teamwork, what provides formal structure at task, tactical, and strategic levels?
The Incident Command system
Under teamwork True respect is based on 3 competencies?
What is a highly effective technique under teamwork? pg 389
Leading by example
_____ is normal, inevitable occurance.
Human error.
_________ __________ creates an environment that fosters open communication, promotes safety, and encourages subornates’ belief in the team.
Human Error.
What are the differences between “Task Allocation and “Task overload?
Allocation is dividing responsibilities among individuals and teams
Overload is when the officer exceeds capacity to manage all simultaneous functions and responsibilities.
Fire officers fall into 3 categories when multitasking? pg 391
Effective assessors.
What document highlighted that pilots were so busy they failed to recognize when the situation was getting out of control? pg 392
The multi-tasking myth- Handling complexity in real world operations 2009.
Performance is enhanced through what?
training classes, live training, table top exercises, didactic presentations, mentoring, exchanging.
Gary klein used to cognitive models- what are they?
RPDM- recognized primed decision making (recognizes plan)
Naturalistic decision making (how decisions made in environment)
Define situational awareness-
an “accurate” perception of what is going on around you and the basis of choosing courses of action now and in the future.
Situational awareness is what type of factor?
Human factor element
What is one of the most common human factors that leads to a loss situational awareness? pg 393
the tendency to ignore, or disregard information that is out of context.
What are the 6 steps to maintain emergency scene situational awareness?
Fight the fire assess the problem (30-60sec) gather information from all sources choose the best option monitor and alter the plan as necessary be aware of loss of factors: ambiguity, distraction, fixation, overload, complacency, improper procedure, unresolvedness.
What are the Mental joggers?- personal? pg 395
what do i know that they need to know
what do they know that i need to know
what do we all need to know.
Who is the best position to lead change within the fire dept? pg 395
Fire officer.
If a change to policy or creating a new one where should one begin?
With the results of a Post incident debriefing.
Organizations that have embraced CRM have seen how much of a reduction in incidents, accidents, and injuries?