2021 EMS Protocols Flashcards
Who is authorized to make changes to protocols?
the medical director for palm beach county fire rescue.
What are the goals of the protocols?
to provide rapid assessment, stabilization, and transportation to the appropriate care facility.
Who is allowed to deviate from the protocols?
Ems captains and Trauma hawk Personnel
In mutual aid circumstances whose protocols should be followed?
The transporting agency.
Oxygen is to be administered only when?
maintain sp02 of 95% all patients
90% for COPD and asthma.
ET tubes shall be confirmed how? 3 methods.
esophageal intubation detector (if available)
continuous EtCo2
Ventilatory rates are the following?
Adults- Pulse 1 q6 No pulse 1 q10 ICP 30-35mmhg Pediatrics Pulse 1 q3 No Pulse 1 q6 ICP- 30-35mmHg
EtCO2 monitoring will be performed on which pts?
Respiratory distress AMS Sedated / pain medication seizure pts ketamine pts
how will etco2 be monitored in that are not unresponsive?
etco2 nasal cannula device
which pt’s are required to have a 12 and 15 lead performed?
chest, Arm, neck, back, jaw, shoulder, epigastric pn or discomfort
syncope, lightheadness, general weakness, fatigue
SOB, CHF, or hypotension
unexplained diaphoresis or nausea.
12 lead cables will remain on the pt until when?
turned over the ED staff when transporting.
12 leads will be repeated how often?
q 10min
Which pt’s shall have a BGL checked?
Diabetics AMS seizure stroke syncope, lightheadedness, dizziness poisoning cardiac arrest
A complete set of v/s consists of what and done how often?
Pulse,- Rate rhythm quality Respirations-Rate and Quality Temp Pulse ox BP- cap refill ETC02 BGL
Priority 3 - at least 2 sets
Priority 2- q 5min.
Adult hypotension is defined as?
systolic BP> 90.
When should manual BP’s be taken?
Initially and to confirm any abnormal or significant change in an automatic BP.
Pt’s that have not reached puberty shall be classified as how?
pediatric pts.
When should an IO be done?
For serious medical pts where IV access cannot be obtained
2 attempts or 90 sec.
A king airway is for use in which pts?
pediatric pts 2yr and above.
When using the Hand Tevy method, what is used for the PRIMARY reference point?