CBA/ ALS protocols/ IMS/ DO manual Flashcards
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What’s the 1st goal of the DO?
To get crew and apparatus to the scene in a safe, expedient, and efficient manner
How many FF injuries occur per year according to the driver operator manual and from what?
22% and from going or returning from calls
Defensive driving is defind as per the driver operator manual?
Evasive driving
Anticipating other drivers
Braking and distance reaction times
Weight transfer
When do most accidents occur?
During daylight hours and on dry roads
How far behind apparatus are cones to be placed?
- 100 feet
When 2 or more vehicles are traveling together what is the separation distance?
At least 300 ft
Deciding factors in apparatus placement?
Rescue Water availability Exposure Attack Weather Terrain Other apparatus SOG Tactical judgments
1st priority on a fire scene is what?
How far behind should apparatus park from each other?
At least 25 feet
When does the DO IMMEDIATELY contact the IC?
Of any mechanical problem while pumping that requires it to be shut down
Extra care during backing includes what?
Emergency lights and automotive horn
What options does the DO have for water supply?
Hydrants Dry hydrants Tank supply Static sources Water shuttle Nurse tender Relay pumping Direct pumping
What are the tank supplies that PBCFR has for each apparatus?
Engines and brush trucks- 750 gal
Quints- 500
Tenders- 3000
What is the recommendation for flowing a blitz line w/o a secure water supply?
” strongly suggested not to
What is the recommendation for flowing a master stream w/o a secure water supply?
” strongly recommended not to
A typical time for flowing water from a 1 3/4 pre connect at 150gpm is what?
5 min and 45 sec.
Typical time for a rescue pumper flowing 100 gpm thru a 1 3/4 pre connect is what?
2 min
Where are flow values for hydrants and information on hydrants located?
Hydrant information system software accessed from fire station computers
A clear uncolored hydrant indicates what?
Dry hydrants
A “W” A circle indicates what?
An approved drafting site
Drafting is defined as?
Raising of water from a static source to the pump
How are capacities of hydrants measured?
Who can provide water main sizes and flow values?
FOO and water officer
How fast to proceed when laying lines?
Not to exceed 5 MPH
What policy describes procedure for reporting a hydrant in disrepair ?
All hydrant water use is recorded on what and sent where how often?
Hydrant water usage log
Sent to the water office
Completed monthly
Reclaimed hydrants are?
Purple and pink in color
2 1/2 discharge with 500 gpm
Not a secure water source
Used for irrigation purposes
Static water sources are?
Lakes Canals Pools Ponds Oceans Portable drafting tanks
Definition of drafting ?
Raising water from a static source to a pump
Dry hydrants are describes as?
Having a check valve or not
Have a green tag representing Annual test
If has a CV does not have to flushed prior to use
Otherwise no CV must be flushed
What is the connection size needed for a dry hydrant typically ?
6” to 4 1/2” double female adaptor
Relay pumping defined?
Remote water source which involves pumping water through hose to at least one other engine
What apparatuses can participate in a relay?
Any apparatus equipped with a fire pump
Engine located at the water source is called what?
Source engine
Engine located at the scene is called ?
Attack engine
Engine located between the source and scene is called what?
Relay engine
Maximum distance from hydrant when laying supply lines is?
300 ft
Of all the apparatus and personnel involved on the relay who is the only one who can communicate with the IC?
Water supply officer
Each engine in the relay must maintain how much PSI?
Minimum 20 psi intake pressure
PDP is defined as?
Sum of the FL in 3” supply lines plus 20 psi residual pressure
When shutting down from a relay where to start?
Attack engine gets shut Down 1st
What’s the goal in spacing engines for the relay?
To have all apparatuses at approx the same RPM
Water shuttle operation defined as?
Process that uses tenders or engines to deliver water to a portable dump tank at the scene, travel to a fill site , reload and return again
Which is more reliable ? Water shuttle or relay pumping ?
Relay pumping
Water shuttle operations need what apparatus?
2 pumpers 2 tenders or additional engines
What’s the term for the firefighter on the fill side?
Make and break person
Tenders can dump their load in how many minutes?
3-4 min
Dump site operations consist of ?
Nurse tender operations
Direct pumping operations
Portable water tank
What is the nurse tender operation?
Tender parks adjacent to the attack engine and is supplied by the tender.
What’s the advantage of a nurse tender operation at a dump site operation ?
The nurse tender is so large that the fire is controlled before there is a need to refill the tank
Direct pumping is what?
Two engines or tenders supply an attack engine with the use of a Siamese so that if one unit needs to leave the other can supply water without having to shut down the operation
Back pressure is also known as what ?
Head pressure
What is the most common extinguishing agent?
Recommendations from the safety committee to the fire administration are sent. How long the fire adminstrative have to reply?
30 days
Copies of notices of exposures or infectious ds, or job related accidents are to be provided to the union know many days?
30 days
Probation is defined as?
A period of 1 year from date of hire which maybe extended due to extended absence ( 30 or more days) or unsatisfactory performance for
If a probationary employee is to take militatry leave who is the probationary period handled?
If the employee had an acceptable performance prior to leaving then it shall be considered successful in completing the period
Probationary employees may not take vacation time until when?
Within the first 3 months of employement
What’s the notification time for an employee to be notified of discipline?
10 business days in writing of the incident which prompted the action or mgt
When can written discipline be placed Ina personnel file or permanent file ?
Not until the grievance process is completed.
What discipline material cannot be used during a promotional process?
Discipline material, 2 years old or older
Or 1 year or older in the case of reprimands or counseling
Discharge will be considered a suspension of for how long?
Until step 3 of the grievance process is completed
A grievance can only be filed for performance review when?
Must have gotten a rating of unacceptable or needs improvement
How long must an employee be evaluated ?
Must work at least 4 months
What re the years of service and number of vacation shifts?
1 5 2 but less than 6- 6 6 6.5 7 7 8 7.5 9 8 10 8.5
How many vacations for number of stations 5-11
2 capt
2 lts
2 do
2 medics
Vacation time may only be rescinded by mgt when?
Only in the case of a major emergency - Earthquake, tropical storm, hurricane or civil emergency
How long prior to start of leave must request for vacation time be made?
67 hours
Vacation minimum time can be taken is ?
Minimum of 2 hrs and hour for hour after that
When is the time that employees over 500 hrs taken and given to who?
April 1 and union time pool
Requests for transfers or promotions with regard to vacations are handled how?
Is based upon remaining days available in battalion to be working
If employee is transferred due to mgt how is vacation handeled?
Employee to maintain previously scheduled without rolling any other employees from their selection
What are the 9 components of the wellness article?
Dept physician Medical physical Physical Drug testing Leave EAP Communicable ds Sick leave Disability
Who makes up the wellness committee?
3 from administration
3 from the union
Medical physicals for the fire dept fall under what NFPA#?
When are employees required to see the dept physician?
For drug testing and other parts of the physical that were not completed.
Employees that are not able to perform essential functions have what options?
Entitled to a second opinion from employees physician at their expense. If there is a discrepancy then a mutually upon agreed physician will be consulted.
When is a medical exam required by employees?
After any medical absences greater tha. 6 months or greater
The departments computer program administered by the exercise physiologist is what?
Microfit program
Exception to the physical fitness evaluation are what?
No more than 2 portions ordered by the fire dept physician, OHC, or employees physician.
When are employees placed on a mandatory exercise guidance program?
Failure to complete 3 or more events during the physical fitness evaluation
Or who score lass than a fit rating
If an employees fails after the 90 day mandatory excercise program what happens ?
Employee to be assigned to light duty 40 hr week until a FIT rating is achieved
The department has two major thrusts with regard to sick leave what are they ?
Incentive and disincentive
Incentive is the pay utof sick leave at the end of the year
Disincentives are for sick leave occurrences bringing at 5 th one
What percentage of sick time is available for use?
Sick time payout is when?
Last day in the payroll period of November 1
How much sick time must be used if an employee is on extended leave during the new allotment of sick time ?
48 hrs
What is the time frame for an employee to be eligible from a previous injury/ illness to start a new leave for the same ailment?
Must have been back for a minimum of. 6 months
When are probational employees granted sick leave?
After the 6th month from date of hire?
Who serves on the sick leave board?
The wellness committee
Who fall s under the wellness article for leave with or without pay?
or called to active duty
Blood donors
What are the general roadway rules?
Limit on scene exposure time to what is required
Never trust traffic never turn your back to traffic
Use apparatus emergency and scene lighting to gain control of traffic
Avoid use of fire fighters to direct traffic
Where to position engine with regard to wind direction?
Upwind and windward side
In emergency situations crews can obtain vital water supply information thru who?
Water supply officer
How long does it take for a tender to empty water tank?
3-4 minutes
Incidents that require flow rates in excess of what requires multiple tanks?
300 gal
New employees probation may be extended due to an extended absence for unsatisfactory perchance for how long?
30 calendar days
Probational e,ploy eyes may not use vacation for how long?
During the first 3 months
Employees promoted on probation may be extended by how many months with what?
2 additional months with notification in writing
When can discipline be placed in a personal file?
Only after the grievance process is completed
What Discipline material may not be used during the promotional process?
2 years or older for discipline and 1 year for reprimands or counseling
A grievance for performance may not be filed unless?
It is for a rating of needs improvement or unacceptable
How much time does one have to work to be evaluated?
Must work at least 4 months
What are the number of vacation shifts for years of service for 24 hour personnel?
1 year 5 shifts 2-but less than 6. 6 shifts 6 6.5 7 7 8 7.5 9 8.0 10 8.5
What constitutes paid leave for when out of pay status?
Sick leave, holidays , funeral leave, jury duty, or disability leave
What are the number of vacation spots for stations ranging from 5-11?
2 capt
2 lt
2 drivers
2 pm
No part of approved vacation lasting how long including kelly days may not be canceled ?
11 shifts
When may vacation be rescinded and by who?
In the event of a major emergency by mgt
Employees may cancel or request vacation time with a minimum of how many hours notice?
67 hrs
Who makes up the wellness steering committee?
3 from the union
3 from fire administrator
What are the 9 components to the wellness program?
Department physician Medical physicals Physical fitness Sick leave Disability Drug testing EAP Leave of absence/ blood donor Communicable ds.
Medical exam are under what NFPA standards?
Employees are required to see the FD physician for what?
Drug testing and any portion of their medical physical not completed by their own physician
If there is a disagreement to decisions from a physical what are the steps taken ?
Employee entitled to seek a second opinion and if still disagreement a 3 rd physician mutually agreed upon and cost is split
When is a medical exam required?
After medical absences greater than 6 months
What is the name of the physical fitness program used?
PPE microfit program