DNA replication and enzymes Flashcards
Step 1 Gyrase
gyrase relaxes supercoiling of DNA strand
Step 2 helicase
seperates double strand into single strand creating replication fork- “unzips” the DNA
step 3
single stranded bind proteins stabilize the split strands
step 4 primase
places primers on both strands- made from RNA
step 5 DNA polymerase
begins to copy DNA into daughter strands, proofreas and repairs DNA
leading strand
continuous goes 5’ to 3’
lagging strand
goes from 3’ to 5’, needs several primers, made up of Okazaki fragments
Step 6 ligase
glues together DNA strands and Okazaki fragments
cut DNA backbone in a strand of DNA, facilitate repair and insertions
cut DNA from an exposed end of DNA, facilitates repair
adds methyl group to selected bases in newly made DNA
uses visable light energy to seperate UV-induced pyrimidine dimers
RNA enzyme that removes introns and splices exons together
RNA polymerase
copies RNA from a DNA template
RNA primase
An RNA polymerase that makes RNA primers from a DNA template
RNA protein complex that removes introns and splices exons together
seperates DNA circles at the end of DNA replication, relaxes supercoiling before replication fork
cuts DNA backbone, leaving single stranded “sticky ends”
mimic DNA replication
C-ar in the G-arage
A-pple in a T-ree