ch 6 Flashcards
How does pH effect microbial growth in cultures
most grow between pH of 6.5-7.5
How does temp effect microbial growth in cultures
there is a mininmum, optimum, and maximum growth temp
how does osmotic pressure effect microbial growth in cultures
hypertonic enviroment- cause plasmolysis
extreme cold growth
microbial growth
increase in number of cells, not cell size- colonies
mesophile growth temp
between 10-50 C, medium temp
thermophiles growth temp
between 40-70 C
grow in acidic environment
caused by hypertonic environment or an increase in salt or sugar
extreme or obligate halophiles
require high osmotic pressure to grow
obligate aerobes
require oxygen to grow- org at top of tube
faculative anaerobes
have both aerobic and anaerobic growth but greater growth w oxygen- mainly at top of tube w some throughout
obligate anaerobes
only anaerobic growth, ceases in presence of oxygen- all at bottom of tube
only aerobic growth, oxygen required at low concentration- grouped in center of the tube
aerotolerant anaerobes
only anaerobic growth, but continues in the presence of oxygen- even growth throughout tube
what nutrients effect microbial growth in a culture
carbon, nitrogen, sulfer, phosphorus, and trace elements
main cause of food spoilage
chemically defined media
exact composition is known
complex media
extracts and digests of yeasts, meat, or plants
selective media
supress unwanted microbes nd encourage desired microbes
differential media
make it easy to distinguish colonies of different microbes
enrichment media
encourages growth of desired microbes
complex polysaccharide used as solidifying agent, generlly not metabolizd by microbes, liquid at 100C and solid at 40C
liquid form of agar
biosafety level 1
no special precautions
biosafety level 2
lab coat, gloves, eye protection
biosafety level 3
biosafety cabinets to prevent airborne transmission
biosafety level 4
sealed negative pressure
formation of biofilms
form slime or hydrogels that share nutrients and shelter from harmful factors, can migrate and use quorum sensing (bacteria attracted by chem)
microoganism preservation
deep freeze- -(50-90C)
freeze drying and dehydrated in a vacuum
binary fission- microbial growth
- cell elongates and DNA replicated
- cell wall and plasma membrane constrict
- crosswall forms
- cell seperates into daughter cells
each time a colony doubles in size
generation phases
- lag- intense act prep for growth but no increase in pop
- log-exponential increase in pop
- stationary-period of equillibrium
- death- pop decrease at exponential rate
may allow for slow growth of spoilage bacteria but does not kill microbes
no significant growth below freezing
a population of cells arising from a single cell, spore, or group of attached cells
colony forming unit
the cloudiness of a suspension