Development - Developmental Milestones Flashcards
What are the 4 major domains of development?
Gross motor
Fine motor
Personal and social
What does gross motor refer to?
Development of large movements e.g. sitting, standing, walking and posture
What are the milestones for gross motor?
4 months
Able to support head and keep it in line with body
6 months
Trunk supported on pelvis (can maintain sitting position)
9 months
Sit unsupported
Start crawling
Can keep trunk and pelvis supported on legs
Can bounce on their legs when supported
12 months
Stand and begin cruising (walking while holding onto furniture)
15 months
Walk unaided
18 months
Squat and pick things up from the floor
2 years
Kick a ball
3 years
Climb stairs one foot at a time
Stand on one leg for a few seconds
Ride a tricycle
4 years
Climb stairs normally
What is fine motor development?
Development of precise and skilled movements
Also encompasses visual development and hand-eye coordination
What are the early fine motor milestones?
2 months
Fix eye on object 30cm in front and try to follow
Preferance for face over objects
6 months
Palmar grasp of objects
9 months
Scissor grasp of objects (between thumb and forefinger)
12 months
Pincer grasp (tip of thumb and forefinger)
14-18 months
Clumsy use of spoon to bring food from bowl to mouth
What are the drawing skills milestones of fine motor development?
12 months
Holds crayon and random scribbles
2 years
Copy vertical lines
2.5 years
Copy horizontal lines
3 years
Copy circles
4 years
Copies cross and square
5 years
Copy triangle
What are the tower or bricks milestones of fine motor development?
14 months
2 bricks
18 months
4 bricks
2 years
8 bricks
2.5 years
12 bricks
3 years
3 block bridge or train
4 years
Can build steps
What are the pencil grasp milestones of fine motor development?
Under 2
Palmar supinate grasp (first grip)
2-3 years
Digital pronate grasp
3-4 years
Quadrupod grasp or static tripod grasp
5 years
Mature tripod grasp
What are the other milestones of fine motor development?
3 years
Can thread large beads onto string
Can make cuts in side of paper with scissors
4 years
Can cut paper in half with scissors
What do language milestones mean?
Understanding and use of speech and language to communicate
What are the two components of language development?
Expressive language
Receptive language
What are the expressive language milestones?
3 months
6 months
Noises with consonants
9 months
12 months
Single words e.g. Dada or Hi
18 months
Has 5-10 words
2 years
Combines 2 words, 50 words total
2.5 years
Combies 3-4 words
3 years
Using basic sentences
4 years
Tells stories
What are the receptive language milestones?
3 months
Recognises parents and familiar voices
Gets comfort from these
6 months
Responds to tone of voice
9 months
Listens to speech
12 months
Follows very simple instructions
18 months
Understands nouns e.g. show me the spoon
2 years
Understands verbs e.g. show me what you eat with
2.5 years
Understands propositions e.g. put the spoon under the step
3 years
Understands adjectives e.g. show me the red brick
4 years
Follows complex instructions
How can receptive language be thought of in terms of key words?
18 months
1 key word
2 years
2 key words
3 years
3 key words
4 years
4 key words e.g. put the red spoon under the step
What are the personal and social milestones?
6 weeks
3 months
Communicates pleasure
6 months
Curious and engaged with people
9 months
Cautious and apprehensive with strangers
12 months
Engages by pointing and handing objects
Waves bye
Claps hands
18 months
Imitates activities
2 years
Extends interests to others beyond parents
Waves to strangers
Parallel play
Dry by day
3 years
Seek out other kids and play with them
Bowel control
4 years
Best friends
Dry by night
Dresses self
Imaginative play
What is parallel play?
Plays next to but not necessarily with other kids
What red flags would suggest there is a developmental problem?
- Not able to hold objects at 5 months
- Not sitting unsupported at 12 months
- Not standing independently at 18 months
- No words at 18 months
- No interest in others at 18 months
- Not walking independently at 2 years
- Not running at 2.5 years
When performing a developmental assessment what should you do?
Make it a game and fun
Praise when the child succeeds
Use parents to encourage them
Ask parents about mile stones
Make visual estimate of rough age
Observe what they are doing before moving on