Cranial Nerves Flashcards
What is the anatomical landmark for the roustal end of the brainstem?
Mammillary bodies
Which CN’s nuclei are in the brachial column of the motor region of the brainstem?
Roustral to caudal
Mandibular division of V/Trigeminal (Pons)
VII/Facial (Pons)
IX/Glossopharyngeal (Medulla)
X/Vagus (Medulla)
XI/Accessory (Spinal cord)
Which CN nuclei are contained in the nucleus solitarius?
Where does the nucleus ambiguus lie in relation to the inferior olive?
Which part of the brainstem does the gag reflex test?
The medulla
Which extraocula muscles does the oculomotor nerve innervate?
Medial rectus
Superior rectus
Inferior rectus
Inferior oblique
What type of sensory input does the nucleus solitarius deal with?
Taste (roustal aspect)
Autonomic from the heart, abdomen and viscera
Where does the olfactory nerve exit the skull?
Cribiform plate of the ethmoid bone
Where does the opthalmic branch of CNV exit the skull?
Superior orbital fissure
Which nerve does the sensory input for the gag reflex?
What role does the facial nerve play in the corneal reflex?
Its temporal branch closes the eye
Which nerves go through the superior orbital fissure?
What is the motor innervation of the facial nerve?
Muscles of facial expression
Stapedius muscle (ear)
Part of the digastric muscle
What does the CNVIII do?
Sensory input from ears and vestibular apparatus
Where does the vestibulocochlear nerve exit the skull?
Internal auditory meatus
List the cranial nerves?
CNI - Olfactory
CNII - Optic
CNIII - Oculomotor
CIV - Trochlea
CNV - Trigeminal
CNVI - Abducent
CNVII - Facial
CNVIII - Vestibulocochlear
CNIX - Glossopharyngeal
CNX - Vagus
CNXI - Accessory
CNXII - Hypoglossal
What is the mesencephalic nuclei of the CNV for?
What does motor CNX do?
To striated muscles: Soft palate, pharynx, larynx, upper oesophagus and 1 tongue muscle
PS to many organs
Which nerve covers the motor efferent output of the corneal reflex?
Which CN’s nuclei are in the special sensory column of the sensory region of the brainstem?
VIII Vestibulocochlear (Pons/Medulla)
Which CN’s nuclei are in the visceral column of the motor aspect of the brainstem?
From roustral to caudal
III/Oculomotor (midbrain) - nucleus is called the Edinger Westphal
VII/Facial (Pons) - Superior salivary nucleus
IX/Glossopharyngeal (Medulla) - Inferior salivary nucleus
X/Vagus (Medulla) - Dorsal motor nucleus of vagus
Apart from motor and sensory, what does CNX do?
Input from baro and chemoreceptors of the aortic arch
Which cranial nerves are purely sensory?
CNI - Olfactory
CNII - Optic
CNVIII - Vestibulocochlear
What are the three columns of sensory nuclei in the lateral aspect of brainstem called (medial to lateral)?
What branch of the facial nerve does the motor function?
Facial nerve proper
Which nerve does the motor output for the gag reflex?
X - to the pharynx
Which cranial nerves are mixed sensory and motor?
CNV - Trigeminal
CNVII - Facial
CNIX - Glossopharyngeal
CNX - Vagus
What is the sensory distribution of the Trigeminal nerve?
Face - infront of the ear
(Split into opthalmic V1, maxillary V2 and mandibular V3)
Inside mouth
Where does the maxillary division of CNV exit the skull?
Foramen rotundum
Where do the nerve of the ocular motion exit the skull?
Superior orbital fissure
Where does CNXI exit the skull?
Hypoglossal foramen
Which nerves exit the skull through the auditory canal?
How many nuclei does the trigeminal nerve have? What are they called?
Chief sensory
Spinal trigeminal nucleus (STN)
Motor nucleus
What motor does the glossopharyngeal nerve do?
Parasympathetic to parotid
Motor to stylopharyngeus (lifting soft palate to allow speach)
What sensory does CNX do?
Pharynx, larynx and oesophagus
What is the parasympathetic innervation of the facial nerve?
Lacrimal and sublingual and submandibular salivary glands
What is the motor innervation of the trigeminal nerve?
Muscles of mastication
Tensor tympani
Which cranial nerves are purely motor?
CNIII - Oculomotor
CNIV - Trochlear
CNVI - Abducent
CNXI - Accessory
CNXII - Hypoglossal
What is the visceral sensory innervation of the facial nerve?
Taste for the ant 2/3 of the tongue and soft palate
Where does CNIX exit the skull?
Jugular foramen
Which other nerve exits with VIII?
What is the somatic sensory innervation of the facial nerve?
Small region near the external auditory meatus
What is the effector muscle in the papillary reflex?
Sphincter Pupillae muscle
What are the three subdivisions of motor aspect of the brainstem?
Midlines > Lateral
Somatic > Brachial > Visceral
What is the spinal trigeminal nucleus of the CNV for?
What is the acronym for the cranial nerves?
Oh oh oh, to touch A fine virgin girls vagina and hymen
Which nerves exit the skull through the jugular foramen?
What are the six extraocular muscles?
Sup. rectus
Inferior rectus
Medial rectus
lateral rectus
Sup oblique
Inferior oblique
What sensory does the glossopharyngeal nerve do?
Tongue (post 1/3)
Middle ear
Carotid body
Taste: post 1/3 of tongue
What does the hypoglossal nerve do?
Somatic motor of the intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue
Must of the motor innervation for the tongue is done by … but some is also done by …
and CNX
What is the name of the branch of the facial nerve that does non-motor innervation?
The nervus intermedius
What is the chief sensory nuclei of CNV for?
Other sensory (not proprioception and pain)
What important structure does the facial nerve pass through but not innervate?
The parotid gland
How is the CN nuclei divided in the brainstem?
Each side has 6 columns
The 3 medial are motor and the three lateral are sensory
Which CN’s nuclei are in the somatic aspect of the motor region of the brainstem?
In roustral to caudal order
III/Oculomotor (Midbrain)
IV/Trachlea (Midbrain)
VI/Abducent (Pons)
XII/Hypoglossal (Medulla)
Note: the first three all control movement of the eye ball
Where does the mandibular division of CNV exit the skull?
Foramen Ovale
Which hole does the optic nerve exit the skull through?
Optic canal
Describe the course of CNXI
Branches off the spinal cord
Enters the skull through the foramen magnum
Loops down and exits through the jugular foramen
What is the visceral motor innervation of the oculomotor nerve?
Iris (pupil) - relevant for papillary reflex
Ciliary muscle - focusing
What nerve exits the skull through the hypoglossal foramen?
Which of the brainstem does the corneal reflex test?
The pons
Which nerve covers the sensory afferent input from the corneal in its reflex?
V1 - Opthalmic division of CNV
What are the five terminal branches of the facial nerve proper called?
Marginal Mandibular
What does CNXI do?
Motor innervation for Upper trap and sternomastoid
What is the name of the nuclei that cranial nerves IX and X share in the brachial column of the motor aspect of the brainstem?
Nucleus Ambiguus