hugh's md1 neuro

This class was created by Brainscape user Hugh Murray. Visit their profile to learn more about the creator.

Decks in this class (41)

True or false the cranial nerves ...,
What innervates dermatomes,
Where does the csf sit in relatio...
25  cards
What makes white matter white,
What type of cells produce csf
27  cards
CNS Transmission
What is the difference between ca...,
Why are there prejunctional recep...,
What is the effect at a cellular ...
18  cards
Anatomy: Skull, Scalp and Face
What are the two parts of the fro...,
Where is the ethymoid bone,
What two vessels meet to form the...
87  cards
Drugs affecting nerve excitability
T f both toxins and local anaesth...,
Are local anaesthetics more effec...,
What occurs with general anaesthe...
31  cards
Development of the Nervous system
What is the function of the radia...,
How are motor neurons of the spin...,
What signal induces the formation...
37  cards
Spinal pathways
Which mechanoreceptors are high d...,
What is the main role of golgi te...
56  cards
Head trauma and spinal injury
Where does traumatic axonal injur...,
Is grey or white matter predomina...,
Which type of cerebral oedema is ...
34  cards
What is meant by the psychophysio...,
Which artery is the dorsolateral ...,
What is the cannon bard theory of...
33  cards
The Brainstem
What are the three major,
Apart from the face what else do ...,
Which cns exit from the medulla
35  cards
Neural Regeneration
What is the difference between ax...,
What do myelin inhibitors do,
How can you treat pns nerve injury
20  cards
Cranial Nerves
What is the anatomical landmark f...,
Which nuclei are in the brachial ...,
Which cn nuclei are contained in ...
66  cards
The is the function of the descen...,
Which type of nociception fibres ...,
What is fibromyalgia
21  cards
Anatomy of the Eye
Which wall and bones are commonly...,
What is the function of the cornea,
What is the choroid
48  cards
Which work at night cones or rods,
What is melanoma associated retin...,
What level of vision is considere...
49  cards
Imaging of the Brain
Is fluid,
What is measured in nuclear medicine,
What are some techniques that can...
11  cards
Autonomic Nervous System
What is the post ganglionic n,
What are some common non classica...,
What is the difference between a ...
24  cards
What happens to t cells that are ...,
What is the difference between nt...,
What is the transcription factor ...
24  cards
Ear and Auditory Tube
What innervates the sup and post ...,
Which middle ear bone connects di...,
What are the muscles that act on ...
24  cards
CNS Infections
Which antibiotic is chosen for me...,
What are the normal values for csf,
What is the problem with relying ...
18  cards
Control of Eye Movements
What does in the medial longitudi...,
When do omnipause neurons fire,
What are the two types of neurons...
23  cards
Aphasia and Memory Disorders
What are the two mechanism of rec...,
Is language the same as speech,
How do the bilateral hippocampi v...
39  cards
Perception of Colour and Motion
What is area mt,
Which type of ganglion cells are ...,
What are pseudoisochromatic plates
14  cards
Locomotion and posture
What is meant by having a secure ...,
What is the pattern of loss of in...,
What is the difference between um...
36  cards
Alpha synuclein does what in park...,
Why do you have to increase the d...,
Why would you use a maob inhibito...
17  cards
Circulation of the CNS
Damage to the,
What supplies the medulla,
What does the posterior communica...
33  cards
What is the order of positioning ...,
Antibiotics and aspirin can effec...,
What is the name of the cilia on ...
30  cards
Multifocal synchronous haemorrhag...,
What percentage of strokes are du...,
How do cerebral infarcts appear i...
28  cards
Basal Ganglia and Cerebellum
Which part of the basal ganglia i...,
Which sides are deficits in relat...,
How is grey and white matter orga...
19  cards
Nasal Cavity, Nasopharynx, Oral Cavity and Oropharynx
What is the uvula,
What are the major sinuses around...,
What is the path of the inferior ...
80  cards
Huntington's and Others
What is the pathogenesis of hunti...,
What are the genetics for,
How many
20  cards
Where is the most common place a ...,
What causes an epileptic seizure,
Which position of tumours in the ...
28  cards
Cellular Basis of Behavioural Illnesses
When does sch,
What abnormality occurs in the br...,
What is catatonia characteristed by
8  cards
Learning and Memory
What is long term memory stored,
What should be the goal post stroke,
Which area of the brain is though...
5  cards
Psychological Development
What does thriving after adversit...,
How does culture fit into develop...,
What is a turning point
41  cards
Drugs of Dependence
What are the effect of thc on con...,
In which age group are tricyclic ...,
Why is there potential for degene...
28  cards
Ageing and Frailty
What is compression of morbidity,
What is a geriatric syndrome,
What is the definition of a disab...
21  cards
Larynx and Laryngopharynx
Describe the nerves that innervat...,
What is the clinical implication ...,
Does fluid travel through the
32  cards
Viruses affecting the CNS
Under what circumstances do lymph...,
At what point does hiv become neu...,
Is it more common for alpha herpe...
42  cards
Clinical presentation of Cognitive Disorders and Rehabilitation
What are environmental modifications,
What is an example of a compensat...,
For what types of injuries can co...
7  cards
Pathogenesis of Dementia
What pathological process occurs ...,
How much of alzheimers is genetic,
What are neurofibrillary tangles
19  cards

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hugh's md1 neuro

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