chapter twenty-three/twenty-four Flashcards
3 major factors that alter allele frequency
- natural selection
- genetic drift
- gene flow
genetic drift
- allele frequencies fluctuate unpredictably/randomly from one gen to next
- reduces genetic variation
- sig in small populations
gene flow
- movement of alleles among populations
- transferred through fertile ind. or gametes
- reduces variation
- decrease/increase fitness
founder effect
few individuals become isolated from larger population
- allele frequencies can be dif
bottleneck effect
sever drop in pop size due to environmental change
- can be affect by genetic drift
what does evolution by natural selection involve?
change and sorting
- new genetic variations arise by chance
- beneficial alleles sorted
what results in adaptive evolution?
natural selection
- increases frequencies of alleles that provide reproductive advantage
- acts on organism’s phenotype
why are the phrases “struggle for existence” and “survival of the fittest” misleading?
- imply direct competition
- reproductive success more subtle
relative fitness
contribution an ind makes to the gene pool of the next generation relative to contributions of other ind
3 modes of selection
- directional
- disruptive
- stabilizing
directional selection
favors one extreme end of phenotypic range
disruptive selection
favors individuals at both ends of phenotypic range
stabilizing selection
favors intermediate variants and acts against extreme phenotypes
what increases the frequencies of alleles that enhance survival and reproduction?
natural selection
what occurs as the match between an organism and its environment
adaptive evolution
why is adaptive evolution a continuous process?
the environment can change
why don’t genetic drift and gene flow lead to adaptive evolution
they can increase/decrease match between organism and its environment
sexual selection
natural selection for mating success
sexual dimorphism
marked differences between the sexes in secondary sexual characteristics
intrasexual selection
competition among ind of one sex (often males) for mates of opposite sex
intersexual selection
- mate choice
- occurs when ind of one sex (usually females) are choosing in selecting mates