Chapter 9 Flashcards
economic legacy after the war
more manufacturing opurtunities
foreign trade (asia)
still hated taxes
british surpluses flooded market
state level constitutions
not written docs, but defined the powers of gov, power derived, bill of rights
annual election of state legislature
weak executive and judicial branches
made after 2nd contiental congress
mass state constitution
convention to draft, citizens to ratify, ect
imitated later when creating the US Const
a of c
1st gov in the us
adopted in 1777, ratified in 1781
no executive or judical branch
unicameral legislature
1 state = 1 vote
13 states for amendment
congressional powers of a of c
to wage war
make/sign treaties
send diplonatic representatives to foriegn nations
borrow money
(advise, advocate, appeal)
strenghts of a of c
clearly outlined powers of central gov
held states together until better timing
weaknesses of a of c
weak central gov
no power to regulate trade (led to interstate conflict and inflation)
no enforcement power to collect taxes
no common currency
weak military
coundln’t command, coerce, or control
land ordinace of 1785
land of O NW to ve sold and proceeds pay national debt
townships 6 mi (36 sections, 640 acres)
16th section set aside for a school
some land set aside as a source for federal revenue
Old Northwest
ohio, illonios, michigan, wiscons, and indiana
ohio was 1st NW territory to become a state
NW ordiance of 1787
< 5000 peeps = federal juristicion w/ appointed leaders
> 5,000 males = territory staus, able to elect local leaders
> 60,000 = ability to become state of = status as og 13 (needed approved state const)
forbade slavery N of Ohio R
encouraged education
angered NAI
problems prompting change
financial crisis
little forgien respect
domestic upheaval
no foreign respect
couldnt pay debts
coundlt unify in crisis
eng was bitter and allied w/ NAI and closed W Indies
spanish greed and closed Mississippi R
french demands for repayment
shay’s rebellion
Mass 1786: Daniel shay led 2k war vets intent on shutting down courts so they could no longer take their farms
squashed but debtor relief laws passed
demands of shay’s rebellion
issue paper money
lighten taxes
suspend property takeovers
annapolis convenction
virg decides to take action and calls a meeting
only 5 states send delegates
calls on Congress for revisison of A of C
consitutional convention
may-sep 1787
all but RI
held in secrecy in Philly
goal was to reform A of C or create new gov
aimed to give central gov more power, especially in controlling tariffs
convention of demigods
55 white, wealthy, young, professional males (19 owned slaves)
GW, Hamilton, Maddison, Franklin
not there: Jefferson, John Adams, Paine, Sam Adams, Hancock, and Patrick Henry due to international relations, weren’t chosen, or didnt want to be there
GW unanimouslu elected as chairman
republicanism vs democracy
R favored land elites, power in the hands of few
D synonymous w/ “mob rule” and corrupt factions
debate on who can vote
separation of powers
3 branches
legislative (make laws)
judicial (interpret said laws)
executive (enfoce laws)
each branch cheked and balanced each other
division of powers b/w national and state govs
virginia plan
strong, central gov
bicameral legislature where both chambers had rep according to pop
new jersey plan
unicameral legislature
each state w/ equal vote
great compromise
bicameral legislarure:
upper house (senate): each state gets 2 senators elected by state legislatures
lower house (hoise or reps): based on pop of each state and directly elected
3/5 compromise
5 states requested slave pop be counted
each slave was counted as 3/5 a person
benefitted south for voting rights
benefitted north for tax collection
revote on the importation of slacves in 20 yrs (1806)