Chapter 14 Flashcards
settlers on the frontier
poorly fed, ill-clad, poorly built houses
disease, depression, and premature death
lonlieness (especially women)
men wrestled for indpendence
fiercly independent
ecological imperialism
exhausted land in tabacco regiona and kept moving W
burned cane fields and housed livestock in kentucky
fur trappers in Rockies
near-extinction of beavers, buffalo, sea otters
increase of populations
pop increased as they moved W
doubled every 25 yrs
rapid urbanization
180000-240000/ yr
steamships brought people cheaper and quicker
the irish
potato famine
located in seaboard cities in slums
scorned by older As
lowly jobs: factory workers and domestic workers
slowly improved and aquired property
conflicts w/ black popuation
politicians wanted irish vote
ancient order of hiberians
irish secret society that helped the downtrodden
the german forty eighters
b/w 1830-1860, more than 1 min germans came to USA
uprooted farmers, and liberal political refugess
possed modest goods
most went to mid-w and kept to themselves in small communities
influential body of voters
better educated than As
fears of the nativitists
immigrants would outbree, outvote, and overwhelm them
took their jobs
know-nothing party
wanted restrictions on immigration
wrote books to “expose” catholocisn
mass violcnece: burned catholic curches and schools
slow to the factory system
land was cheap
labor was scarce
not much money for capital investment
had to import coal
difficultly competing w/ european goods
textile factories
samuel slater
1971: 1st A machine to spin cotton thread
cotton gin
factories flourised in new eng
samuel slater
memorized plans of british textiles machine and brought them to US
Cotton gin
eli whitney
revived the need for slavery
n eng good for factories
not suitable for farming
dense population was good source for labor and building a market
rivers could turn the machines
seaports made it easy to import raw materials
interchangeable parts
make each part of a musket the same, so if it breaks, it can be replaced
eli ehitney
basis of modern-mass production adn assembly lines
sewing machine
elias howe
patent office
28000 patents by 1838
limited liability
aided concentration of capital by letting the individual investor risk no more than his own share
boston associates: investment capital company
changes imn businesses
limited liablity
busniessmen didnt need charter from legislature to build business
wage slaves
workers crowded in slums
hours long, wages low
forbidden to form unions
child workers
adult workers
improved in 1820s and 1830s
got right to vote and aligned w/ AJ
slowly got 10 hr workdays
strikes in the 1830s and 40s
most for higher wages
lost more than they won
300000 trade unionists by 1830
commonwealth v Hunt: labor unions were leagal and honorable
women in factories
offered more economic independence
worket 12 to 13 hrs, 6 days a week
suprivised on adn off the job
forbidden to form unions
women in society
factory worker, domestic service, and teaching
most were single
as wives, commanded immense mroal power in teh household
families grew smaller
domestic feminism
signified the growing independce and power of women