Chapter 19 Flashcards
Uncle Tom’s cabin
Harriett breecher
Determines to awaken N to the wickedness of slavery
“God wrote it”
“Book that made the war”
Helped win the war
N stopped enforcing fugitive slave law
The impending crisis of the south
Hinton helper
Hated slavery and blacks
Tried to prove that no slave holding whites suffered the most
Made planter aristocrats fearful
Distributed as campaigning literature by repubs in n
Popular sovereignty in Kansas
Financed groups from n came to promote free Soil
Nebraskals and beechers bibles
New England Emigrant aid company
S Border ruffians from Missouri
Slavery supporters set up a government in Shawnee mission
N in topeka
Attack on free Soil town lawerence
Trying to create state Kansas
Pro slavery forces created the Lecompton const
People could vote for or against slavery in it
Either way there was a law protecting existing slave owners
Pres Buchanan was for the const
KansAs was a territory until 1861 when it became a free state
Divided the dems
John brown
Crazy abo
Took followers to pottawatonie creek and hacked 5 slaveryites
took over Harpers Ferry to get weapons to start a slave revolt
no slaves came
captured and hanged
Sumner and brooks
Mass senator Charles Sumner fave speech “the crime against Kansas” and insulted s Caro senator Andrew Butler
Congressman Preston Brooks beat Sumner with a cane
Brooks resigned but was reelected
Sumner speech was sold in 1000s
Election of 1856
Dems had James Buchanan
Platform; pop sov
Repubs had captain John c fermont
Platform: against the expansion of slavery
Know-notbing party: Millard Filmore
Fermont was a Roman Catholic
Bunchanan won
S threatened to seced if fermont won and n wanted to keep the union
Dred Scott v Stanford
Scott lived in free states for 5 yrs and tried to sue for his freedom
SC ruled Scott was a slave, not a citizen and could not sue in federal court
Pro s majority and chief justice Roger Taney decided that since a slave was property they could be taken any where
Cited 5th ammenenent that forbade Congress to deprive people of property
Ruled Missouri Comp was unconst
Repubs and n furious
Causes of Panic of 1857
Inflation due to Cali gold
Demands of Crimean war in Russia caused surplus of grain
High speculation
Effects of the panic of 1857
Failed businesses and unemployment
N was hit hardest
S was fine
Gave vigor for free homesteads of 160 acres
Tariff of 1857 down to 20
Gave repubs s economic issues for the election
Background of Abraham Lincoln
Born to impoverished parents
Self educated
Married above himself
Trial lawyer in Illinois
Honest abt
Served 1 undistinguished term in Congress
Lincoln and Douglas debates
Lincoln challenged Douglas to a series of debates
Pop sov or SC?
Douglas won seat but Lincoln got supporters
Splintered the dem party
spit of teh dems
dems met in s caro but many walked out when douglas was top canidate
dems tried again in baltimore where they came out as pro pop sov and fsl
s dems had a seperate conventoin in baltimre and set forth john c. beckinridge
platform; pro slavery and annexation of cuba
hastily formed cons union party had john bell
choosing a republican canidate
seward’s radical speechs ruined his chances
lincoln had less enemies
repubs had appeal to every nonS group
abe hated slavery but wasnt an outright abo
effects of the election of 1860
minority and sectional pres
lincoln was not allowed on ballot in 10 states
s caro used lincolns victory as an excuse to secede
s still had 5-4 majority in SC and repubs didnt control congress
failure of compromise
last attempt at compromise
Crittenden amendments
shut down by lincoln
freeport doctrine
douglas’s response to lincolns debate
slavery should stay down if the peeps wanted it to
Crittenden amendments
slavery in the territories was to be prohibited n of 36 30 line by all territories s of it was given protection
future states n or s could be free or not
the secession begins
6 more deep s seceded
alabama, Miss, fl, georgia, lousiana, tx
met (w/ s caro) in alabama to create the Confederate States of America
elected Jefferson Davis as pres
lame duck buchanan did nothing to stop the ssecession
reasons for the secession
alarmed abt tipping political balance
mad at triumph of repub party
thought their depature would be unopposed
thought n manufactureres wouldnt cut ties
could create own tariff laws