Chapter 27 Flashcards
causes of A imperaidlism
overseas market could provide a safety valve
yellow press descried foriegn expolits as many adcentures
missionaries to spread A culture and religion
darwinism said eath belonged to the futtest
beginnings of imperialism
african broken up in 1880s
japan, germany, and russia extorted concession from china in 1890s
“big sister” policy
big sister policy
aimed to ally altin american behind A and open their markets
minor conflicts
A + german nvy over samoan islands
lynching italinas angered italy
chile and A when 2 A sailors died in chile
A and camada over seal hunting
a and eng conflict when gold was discovered in a contested area of venexuela
london deined monroe doctrine
clevelanad ordered a bounary to be drawn and to fight over it if necessary
eng chose not to fight bc canada was vunerable to a and was having troules with germany
effects of the conflicts with venezuela
gave eng most of what they wanted anywyas
presige of monroe doctrine was enhanced
latin a was happy a would protect them
brtis turned to a friendship
1820: 1st missionaries to HI
as became to regard HI as an expansion of their coastline
state de[artment warned other powers to stay away
sugar cultivation in HI failed w/ mcKinely tariff
white planters concluded the vest wasy to overcome tariff was to annex HI
blocked by Queen Liluokalani
cleveland withdrew annextation treaty and sent invesstagtors to HI
couldnt get rid of whites w/out scandal
cubans revolt
schorched earth policy
insurrectos torched sugarfields and attacled trains
A on cubas side bc of sentiment and $50 mil stake
spanish general weyler herded civilains into camps
As outraged and demanded action
cleveland against joining war
weyler removed but coditions worsened
Cuban insurgents who sought freedom from colonial Spanish rule.
battle of the press over cuba
william r hearst and joseph pilitzer attempted to outdo each other w/ stories of cuva
invented some stories
hearst sent an illstrator ro sketch the scenes of cuba
hearst headluned a private letter written by the spanish minister in Dc insulting mckinely
the Maine
A sent the battleship Maine to cuba for friendly As to escape if things went wrong
mysteriosly exploded
spanish commosion states that the explosio nwas internal and accidental
a commision said it was cuased by a submarine mine
was actually caused by fire in a coal bunker
As lept at the theory that the spanish did it on purpose
dupuy de lome
spanish minister who wrote a letter insulting McKinely
hawaiian queen who insisted that native Hawaiians should control the Islands
A goes to war in cuba
nationakl war fever
madrid prmosed the end of teh camps and an armistace w/ cuban rebels
mckinely didnt want hostilities byt couldnt ignore public opnopn and didnt trust spanish promises
teller amendment
teller amendment
proclaimed to world that A had ovrethrown spanish misruling and gave cubans their freedom
vicotry at manilla port
As smaller army and worse navy
spanish bigger army and navy
hpeever, spanish navy not well managed
dewey descended on spanish philipines
spanish’s 10 vessels lost to As 6
goerge dewey
U.S. naval commander who defeated the Spanish fleet at the Battle of Manila Bay during the Spanish-American War
“butcher” weyler
spanish general who rounded ip up the population in reconcentrado camps
theodore rooselvelt
help biuld the navy
rough rider
vp and president of us
invading cuba
spamisj rdered warships to cuba led by admieral cevera
cevera found refuge in santiago harbor where he was blockaded by A fleet
A asmry sent from back to push him out
led by gen william r shafter
As were unequipped for war in tropics
“rough riders”
170000 embarked at tamoa
rough riders rushed transports and held for a week
shafter landed at santiago w/ rough riders/ amnd 2 black regiments on unorgnaized spanish army of 2000
rough riders
volunteer reginemt of cowboys led by colonel leonard wood who helped invade cuba
end of spain in america
cevera fought but spanish fleet was destroyed
santiago surrendered
if spain held on alittle longer, a wouldve lost due to disease
treaty was made
obtaining puerto rico
a amry commanded by gen nelson a miles descneded on puerto rico before war ended
met little resistanc e
Treay of Paris (1898)
cuba was freed
A secured guam and puerto rico
payed spain 20 mil for philipines