Chapter 28 Flashcards
Causes of progressivism
Roots in greenback labor party and populists
Social gospel movement
Get rid of trusts
Improve thr common persons life and labor conditions
Women’s suffrage
No more laissez Faire
Rooting out graft
Regain their power
Direct election of senators
Editors financed research and combative writing by their young reporters
Counted on publicity and the pivlix conscience, mot drastic political change
Muckrakinf issues
Malpractice of life insurance companies and tariff lobbies
Government officials favoring big business over the people
Immoral white slave traffic of women
Industrial accidents
Subjugation of blacks
Child labor
Patent medicines
Midfle class under pressure from big business , immigrants and labor unions
Protestan chruxt leaders
Union leaders women
African as
Regaining their power
Both parties
Favored thr initiative so voters could propose legislation themselves
Place lawas on the ballotnl for final approval by thr people
Enable voters to remove elected officials
Rooting out graft
State legislatures passed acts limiting the money candidates could spend on the election
Australian ballot
Australian ballot
Introduced more widely to counteract boss rule
Direct elections of srnators
Const ammendment eventually passed after local legislatures applied pressure
Women’s suffrage
Believed women’s votes would elevate political tone
More liberal states gave suffrage
Progressivism in cities
City manager system
Commissions to manage affairs
Attacked slumlords, juvenile delinquency and prostitution
Cleaned up watersupplies, lit their streets and ran trolley cars
Progressivism in states
Regulate rr trusts
Wrested control from crooked corporations and gave it back to thr people
Settlement houses exposed women to as problems
Women’s club movement brought even more to the reform movement
Defended their activism as an extension jot rejection of traditional roles
National consumers league, woments trade union league, children’s bureau, women’s bureau
Focused more on protecting women and children than granting benefits to everyone
Muller v Oregon
Louis d brandies preloaded ussc to accept thr const of laws protecting protecting women workers
Presented evidence of harmful effects of factory work on women’s weaker bodies
Lochner v new york
Invalidated ny law establishing a 10 hr work dat for bakers
Teiangle shirt waist company
Fire bc of locked doors
Women’s antiliquor campaign against saloons
Women’s Christian temperance union
Anti saloon league
Dry laws
Square deal
Trs domestic policy cor capital, labor and thr public
3 cs
Conservation of natural resources
Consumer protection
Control over corporations
Coal strike
Demanded 20^% pay increase
Mine owners did nothing, thinking Publix would support them
Coals supplies dwindled and hospitals and schools closed
Tr summoned all to white house and threatened to seize mines
Owners fave in with 10% pay boost
Created department of commerce and labor
Buruea of corporations
Controlling thr corporations
Interstate commerce commission inadequate and had to expand to include expressing sleeping car companies and pipelines
Elkins act of 1903
Hepburn act
Attacked northern securities company
Ussc declared beef trust illegal
Elkins act
Fines could be imposed on rr that fave rebates and on shippers that accepted them