Chapter 26 Flashcards
nai and whites on the plains
nai transformed themselves from foot-traveling and crop grpwong to wide ranging nomadic traders
whiteintruders spread disease
whites had their livestock graze on the grass, hunting buffal
buffalo pop smaller = more war b/w tribes
fed gov tried tp pacify plains nai by creating treaties
reservation system
established boundaries
created space for white settlements
tried to form 2 colonies but failed
1860s: hearded nais to smaller lands
nai surrendered only after gov promised they would be left alone and be provided basic food and supplies
nai agents ere corrupt and gave defective provisions`
sand creek massacre
colonel chivington’s militia massacred 400 nai in cold blood
fetterman massacre
na ambushed cap fetterman’s command nad left no survivors
after little bighorn
nez perce nai tried to fight being herded to a res but were hearded to kansas
apache tribes ;ead by gernim were pursued into mexico but were eventualy hearded to oklahoma
losses shattered spirts of nai
battle of little bighorn
cause: fetterman massacre
gov abonded bozeman trial and land was given to sioux
1874: custer siad he discovered gold in the resorvation and gold seekers swarmed
sioux w/ chynne and arapacbo fought
colonel custes 7th calvary was called to suppress the nai
nai won
reaosns for nai loses
RR could bring troops, supplies
military force
almost extermination of buffalo
hunting buffalo
hides for clothing, lariats, and harnesses
RR started the massacre of the Buffalo
hunting for fun
less 1000 alive by 1885
calls for change of nai
helen hunt jackson wrote “a century of dishonor” chronicalling teh govs ruthlessness w/ nai
humanitarians wanted to treat nai kindly while hardliners insisted on current policy
battle of wounded knee
“ghost dance” s[read to dakota sioux and the army stampted it out
whitening the nai
christians administered schools on reservations to convert the nai
1884: outlawed the usn dance
dawes severlatory act
dawes severlatory act
dissolved many trives as legal entities, wiped out tribal ownership of land, and setup individual nai family heds w/ 160 acres
of they behaved, they can become citizens
former reservation land was to be used for RRs
tried to make individualists out of Nai and ignored their culture
nai pop started to grow
replaced w/ indian reorganization act of 1934
boarding schools
taught women sewing and preched chasity
Charlisle indian school
“kill the indian and save the men”
mining craze
gold craze turned from cali to the rockies
more miners than minerals
“fifty-niners” or “pikes peakers”
went to nevada after comstock lode had been discoevered
boomtowns;hell dorados were made
ghosttowns when minerals ran out
orebreaking machinery
mininf indystry
attracted the pop and wealth
women and men found opportunities
metals helped finance the civil war , facilitate the buildingin og RN and created conflit b.w whites and NAI
ore breaking machiens used by cooperatio only
could resume specie payments
cattle induststy
cattle used for hides bc meat was not profitable
cattle cou;d be shipped alive to stockyards in RR
meatpacking indsrut formed
texas cowboys drpve herds until they reached cowtowns
homesteaders and sheep farmers built the barbed wire fences around property
harsh winters killed cows
overexpansion and ocergrazing
breeders learned to fence their ranches and organize
giving farmers land
homestead act of 1863 allwed or 160 acres by living on it for 5 yrs and improvin the land
gave away land to encouage filling of empty spaces and stimulated fam farm
bad farming land w/ tough soil
coportaions would used dummy homesteads to grab the best property containing resources
RR made migration esauer
droght resistant wheat, grewing sorghum instead of corn
federal financed irrigation
the west grows
w experienced a pop growth in 1870s and 1880s
repub congress admitted 6 new states: n + s daktoa, montana, washington, idaho, wyoming
mroman church banned polygamy and utah was admitted
fed made aviable vast sketches of fertile plains
oklhaoma made ready for settlers + was made a territory
end of frontier
“the signifcance of the frontier in american history” by fredrick jackson tyler
gov started settlign aside land for national parks
ended romantic phase of nation’s internal development and created economic and psycholoigal problems
farmers coulnt be mobline
end of “saftey valve”
last nai struggles
anglo and spanish cultures combined
fed plaued biggest tole in econominc and social deveolpment
signifiance of frontier
moved immigratns to w
induced high enough wages to keep peeps from moving w
safetly valve posibility
the farm modernizes
high prives made farmers conce trate on growing single cash crops
fermers bought expensive equipment an fbecame business people
speed of harvesting increased
drove away small farmers and swelled ranks of indusrial work force
a became world’s breadbasket and butcher shop
large farms
one crop = bad when priecs fee;
grian prices were determined by a world market
had to pay loand at orginal value
low prices and deflatde $ were fears of farmers
non enough money = prices go down
fprgetten farmers left away at a loss
farm machinery increased output and lowered price
high rates on mortagages
farms operated ny tenants
bad weather
grasshoppers ravaged farms
floods increased erosion
droughts along trans-miss W
farmers gouged by gov
land was overassessed + paid high local taeze
hugh protective tariffs only helped manufactured
low prices in unprotected world market
at mercy of trusts