Chapter 30 Flashcards
bolshevik revolusion
hysterical fears of communism
spawned a small commie party in us
red scare
resuted in anation wisde campagin against left wingers
palmer raids rounded up 6000 “commies”
249 deported to russia
hysteria bc of a bombinf in wall street
passed criminal synalism laws
violence to ree speech
iww and other radical prosecuted
american plan
convicted of murder and sentenced to death by a biased jury and judge bc of their italin hertiage, athetisim, and draft dodgers
nicola sacco and barto lomero
the KKK are anti…
foreign, catholo,c jewish, pacifist, commie, adultery, internationalist, evolutionist, bootlegger, birth control
the kkk are pro
anglo-sacxon, “native” as, protestant
kkk boom
5 mil members
capitalized on a love of adventure and group spirit
flag waving parades
blazing cross
lashing and tarring and feathering
rallying song
collasped in late 1920s bc of scandals involving embezzeling adn the recoil from theor terrorism
quotas on immigration
a had noting to do w/ immigrants npow that was was over
passwd he emergency quota act restriting quoats to 3% of the peeps of their nationailly from 1910
immigration act of 1924
1931: more people left than arrived
caused as to sacrifice some of its freeedom, opportunitym and future ethnic diversity
effects of the immigration act
unfair against s and e europeans bc there wwere few living there at thet eime
purpsoe was to freeze as raical composition of mostly n europeans
no japanese
ethnic enclaves
hard to create labor unions bc of thenic differences and language barrier
employers used divisions oto keep workers divided
people against the immigration quotas
cultural pluralists
randolph vourne
horace kallen
racial groups to preserve therir cultire
18th amedment implemetd bu the volstead act
popular in s bc they didnt want alcholo to get into the hands of the blacks
w prohibition attacked saloooms
imms mad bc tehy grew up in alcohol culture
majority didnt want it
vetsand thought that for change, the law needed to be violated on a large enough scale
workers mad bc they couldnt afford the illicit alcohol the rich could
would have been more successful if gov ahd more and betetr enforcers
prhobiton effects
driks with high slcohol became popular
home brewign
bank savings increasd
abesntitism in industry decreased
death rates due to alcohol declined
crime increased
brivery of police
wars b/w gangs to remove vompetition
members covered for each other so little arrests were made
prostition, gambling, and drugs
kidnapping for ransom
al capone
lef 6yrs of gang warfare in chicago
couldnt be convicted for the st valetines day massacre
death by syphilis
a person who engages in dishonest and fraudulent business dealings
progressivism vs fundamentalists
more states made kids stay in school until they jad reached a certain levle
advances in science
fundamentalosts claiemed darwinism was desstorying faith in god and bible and contributing to the moral breakdown of the youth
3 states banned teachings of the youth
monkey trial
john t scopes was indicted for teaching evolution in tennnessee
media flocked to scene
defeneded by clarence darrow who been bryan
fine 100
caused ridicule on fundementalist cause
causes of consumption culture
treasury secreatary andrew mellon;s tax policies favoreed teh ezpansion of capital investment
cheap energy powered new machines
perfection of assembly line
new industries (electricy and automobile)
consumption culture
advertising wanted to make as unsatisfied w. theur possessions and want more
buying on credit caused debt
coke, cigarrettes
based on moivng assembly lines and mass production methds
adapted gasoline engine
henry ford
not speedu nor reliable
detroit became the car capital of thw world
model t
methods were so economical, workers could afford to buy da cars
positive impact of cars
created jobs and new industries
helped w/ nations prosperity
standard of living rose
petroleum business exploded
rr was hard hit w/ compeition
marketing of pershible food helped lower prices and increase farers income
new roads
transport developed into a nadge of freedom, equility and self respecct
women gained more independece
peeps moved
consilidation of churches and shcooools
negative effects of cats
deaths and injuries
morals of youth sagged
virtuous home life broke down
helped crime
the airplane
wright brothers
charles a lindberch dramatized and popularized flying
rr hurt more
no more isolation behind ocean
the radio
national commericla networks
drew as back to home
new words
stimulated sports
politicians had to learn hpw to give radio speeches
led to wireless phonographs, radiotelephones and tv