Chapter 3 Flashcards
Protestant reformation
church is corrupt and we don’t have to answer to them
john calvin
elect and visible saints
King henry
creates Church of England (Anglican church)
separatists who fled England and went to Holland
then went to NW under the Virginia Company
landed in wrong spot and were squatters
ship the pilgrims arrived on
arrived at Plymouth Rock
1/2 of passengers were separatists
mayflower compact
written and signed rules and orders for settlement
precedent for Constitution
arrival at New England
1st winter: 44/120 lived
harvests came in autumn (“blessing”)
royal charter to Puritans
Great British Migration
20k/70K came to MBC
Great British Migration
20K/70K went to MBC
more to Barbados
Great British Migration
20k/70K came to MBC
1630: 11 ships. 1k settlers, well-equipped
royal charter to Puritans
fur trading, fishing, and shipbuilding
John Winthrop
1st governor of MBC
-city upon a hill (good city)
Power and authority in the MBC
town gov: male prop owners
gov supported church through taxes
gov in MBC
elected governor and assistants
elected representative assembly
voting: male church members
ministers in MBC
hired/fired by congregation
no political office
separation of church and state
blue laws
proprietary bans
ignored the authority of Puritan Clergy
made up pennsylvania
anne hutchinson
antinomianism (saved people didnt have to listen to God’s laws)
had direct revelation from God
banished to RI and ended up in ny
Great British Migration
20k/70K came to MBC
roger williams
separatist (clean-cut)
questioned the authority of charter and unfair treatment of NAI
said gov had no authority to regulate religios behavior
roger williams
separatist (clean-cut)
questioned the authority of charter and unfair treatment of NAI
said gov had no authority to regulate religious behavior
rhode island
roger williams established providence in 1636
had 1st Baptist Church
complete religious freedom
most liberal N Eng colony
all men could vote
no oaths, required attendance, and taxes for church
Great British Migration
20k/70K came to MBC