Chapter 25 Flashcards
cities forming worldwide
As becoming commuters
subways, electric trolleys
segregated by race, ethnicity, and social class
appeal of cities’ aesthetic
electricity, indoor plubming, telephone
deparmment stores
slums and tenements
waste in cities
no composte
criminals flourished
impure water, uncollected trash, unwashed hoodies, animal droppings
dumbell tenemnets
revised tenement with two narrow air wells at each side.
new immigration
until 1880s most immingrants come from W Europe
now thy came frim S + E Europe
-italians, jews, croats, slovaks, greeks, poles
came from countries w/out democratic gov
created ethnic enclaves
left bc of land, jobs, letter, no military conscription, religios persectuiosn
30 mil to US
low wage labor
many returned home after eearning $
children learned english and tried to fit in
taking care of the immigrats
gov was not prepared to deal with immigrants
care fell to political machines
traded jobs for votes
foundn housing, clothing, helped schools. parks, and hopsitals in immigrant neighborhiods
clerfymen adovicated for chrches to help with refor,
settlement houses
Hull House
hull house
jane adams built the first settlement house
settlement houses
houses for immigrants
offered instruction in english, city-living, cultural activitis and child care
beca,e cemeters of womens activists
nativism comes back yayyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy woooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo woheeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee
worrieD they would be outvoted
blamed immigrants for degredation of urban gov
unionists mad at them for working for low wages
worried abt communism, socialism, and anarchism
antiforiegner organizations
restricitve lawas against paupers. criminals, and comvict
banned chinese immigration in 1885
proposed a literacy test that got turned down
American Protective Association
changes in the churches
protestant churches suffered from the shift to the city
many old chrches were slow to challenge wealthy parishoners
mounting emphasis o materialism
liberal protestants
roman catholicism and judiasm
roman catholcism became the biggest denomination
2 new: Salvation Army and Chrisitan science
liberal protestants
adapted religios ideas to modern culture, reconciling christianity w/ science and economics
regected biblical literalism and allied w/ social gospel movement
darwinism in churches
evolution and natural selection
eventually most accepted exepct a few conservatives
loosened religios moring and promoted skepticism
growth of education
more states making grade school mandatory
high school becoming popular
free textbooks
teaching trainign schools/normal schools
private catholic schools
educational lectures for adult
booker t washington
s lagged behind in education
autobiography “up from slavery”
taught students useful trades
avoided “social equality” tp devolp the blak communuty
economic idepenece was the ticket
Tuskgee Institute
dr W E B dubois
thought booker was condemning their race to manul labor and inferiority
demanded complete equality
coudned the NAACP
1880: 1/3 of graudates were women
blakc collegs
growth owed to hatch act and morrill act bc of public grants for state schools
private philatnhopu also helped gov grants
increase in professional/techincal schools
focused on facts rather than values
coed colleges
the appeal of the press
library of congress
newspaper presses spurened bu linotype
editorials replaced artiles
joseph pulitzer ywllow journalism
william randolph hearst became a tycoon
vivorial woodhall believex in free love
anthony comstock gought the immoral was a defender of sexual purity
battle over sexual attideus and the place of women
switchboard and typeweiters were symbols of womens independence
soaring divorce rates
practive of birth control
families in the city
emotional strian og city life
fathers, moms, and kids worked
more kids = more mouhts to feed and more crowding
birthrates dropped
marriages were delayed
“women and economics” by charolette perkins called on woemn to ve productive in economy
71 mil women joined the workforce- most were sigle
black women had few jobs beyond domestic servant
insited on the ballot
National Amerocan Woman Siffrage Associatiob
giving women votes was good as they wre out in socuty
permitted to voe in local elections
cpuld control proerty afet marriage
alcohol say bye to the rye
rum and salloons sparked reform
immigratns were hostile to liquid restrubt
Womans chrisitan temperance union
anti saloon legue
national prohibition party
state wide prohibition
national prohibition ammedment in 1919
postwar popular fiction
dime novels depicting the wild w
kids liekd them
some books tried to fight teh skepticism of reliion
others with life lessons
forsook romanticism
showed lofe as it teally was and how social environments shaped humans
characters in coarse comedu and ,ateria dama of teh world around
dean howells father of american realism
mark twain and henry hames
twain started recolt against elegant refinements of new eng shcool of wiriting
james wrote abt nnocnets as and sublt europenas
edith warton
more intense response than realism to social issues
sought to attach detached scientific objecticity to the study of humans
wrote abt lower class in sordid environments
stephen crane
jack london
theodore dreiser
chronicled teh peculartoeos pf local ways of lige
demystified reguial differencnces
S had black authors
women contributed
hnery adams