Chapter 4 Flashcards
unhealthy chesapeake
disease (typhoid, malaria, dysentery)
lifespan: 10 yrs shorter
settlements grew slowly
most immigrants were single men
1650: 6men :1 woman
marriages destroyed by death
18th century: virigina was most populous
tobacco economy
came before corn
expanse provoked more NAI attacks
1630s: 1.5 lbs/yr
end of 1600s: 40 mil
depressed prices due to the amount of product
labor: indentured servants (slaves = $$)
freedom dues
a bit of land
hoes, axe, corn, clothes
headright system
V and Mary used to get more servants
grants of lands to settlers (masters got more land)
land became scarce leading to less freedom dues
bacon’s rebellion causes
poor lost voting rights
too lenient treatment of NAI
Berkley’s monopoly over fur trade
during Bacon’s rebellion
1,000 Virginians broke out of control
attacked NAIs
burnt Jamestown
b died suddenly due to fever
effect of Bacon’s rebellion
look to less troublesome labor (aka slaves)
colonial slavery
more than 7mil slaves went to new world (1500-1860)
900,000 to N america
1700: majority arrives
most went to spanish and portuguese
mid 1650s: slaves outnumbered servants
1700: slaves were more than 1/3 of pop.
most came from W african coast
salves were captured by african tribes
auctioned imports
1662: earliest slave codes
royal african company
1668: lost monopoly over slave trade
RI rushed to become part of trade
middle passage
area in atlantic where slaves traveled on boats
death rates up 20%
atlantic slave trade
11 mil slaves
most went to S america and carribean
went to sugar, cotton, tobacco, ect plantations
southern hierarchy
small farmers (largest group)
landless whites
indentured servants
new eng fams
70 yr lifespan
migrated as fams
fam was at center of life
people were fertile, soil was not
women wed in 20s; had babes every 2 yrs
10 pregs, w/ 8 survivors
husband’s power was not absolute
life in new eng towns
grew in a more orderly fashion than ches
legally chartered
meeting house, church, and schoolhouse in CENTER
village green was militia protected
fams received land w/ wood lot, room for crops, place for livestock
1/2 peep knew how to read and write
congressional church gov led to democracy
men voted in town meetings
harvard college
trained boys for ministry
William and Mary
1st college in Virginia
half way covenant
1650s: new sermon to get members (jeremiads)
scolded people for losing piety
1662: new formula for membership (admitted baptism, weakened the distinction b/w the elect)
doors of Puritan church eventually let all in
women made up majority
salem witch trials
1692: lynching of 20 people
most accused were from poor families in village
reflected the widening social stratification
ened in 1693 when gov ended it
n eng way of life
governed by rocks
conn: nutmeg state
diverse economy
not much slavery
started to clear woodlands for pastures
built roads and fences and laid out permanent settlements
into of livestock
shipbuilding, lumber, fishing, goldmines
combo of calvinism, soil, and climate made for energy, purpose, self-reliance
triangular trade
crops and goods to OW
textiles and arms to africa
slaves to NW