Chapter 7 Flashcards
just society w/ citizens who willingly subordinated to the common good
opposed to hierarchal and authoritarian institutions such as aristocracy + monopoly
radical whigs
were british political commentators
feared threat to liberty from monarch + parliament
attack against patronage and bribes by King’s muinisters
warned people against corruption
which a country attempts to amass wealth through trade with other countries
mercantilism grievances
handcuffed american trade
navigation acts
restricted in what they could manufacture
had no currency (paper money crashed)
south was preferred over the north
thought brits were the only ones beneffiting
privy cancel
colonial laws could be voided (only 46/8563)
merits of mercantilism
till 1763: nav acts were not enforced
tobacco planters and monopoly in eng market
self - gov
didn’t have to pay for an army/navy
stamp act uproar
mandated the use of stamped paper of the affixing of stamps certifying payment of tax
had court but was guilty till proven innocent
cols thought there were unfairly taxed for an unnecessary army and lashed out
direct tax
prime minister george grenville
ordered the nav acts
secured the sugar act
increased sugar duty on island
quartering act of 1765
required colonists to provide food and homes for british troops
1767: NY’s legislature suspended for failure to comply
virtual representation
parliament represented all of the englishment, including colonies, even of they did not have people in parliament
forced to repeal the stamp act
9/13 cols met to discuss the stamp tax
sons and daughters of liberty tarred and feathered
declatory act
parliament had right to “bind” colonies “in any case”
townshend act
light taxes on lead, paper, paint, glass, and tea
indirect tax
writs of assistance
pay royal governors salaries to keep them in their pocket
boston massacre
march 5, 1770
60 townspeople harrassed 60 redcoats
troops opened fire
5 died, 2 RCs prosecuted
propaganda (paul revere)
crispus attucks
free slave who was killed during the boston massacre
helped start the boston massacre riot
seditious committees of correspondance
lord north: syncopath george III
townshend acts repealed except tea
cols set up propaganda committees
samuel adams set up 1st one
kept the revolution spirit going
letter writing groups to communicate with negihboring towns
organized boycotts and riots
boston tea party
1773: british e india company overburdedn w/ tea and facing backrupcy
brits tried to sell in to america
dec 16, 1773: the party of tea in boston (342 chests)
eng lost almost $2 mil
intolerable acts
used to punish the colonies, especially mass
boston tea party: closed boston
self gov was very limited
increased royal governor power
private housing of trips
protected eng officials accused of crimes in cols from being tried w/ cols
quebec act
french could be catholic
gave canadians land
cols saw their territory threatened and mad French got land while they couldn’t
1st continental congress
1774 in philly
came up w/ list of grievances
12/13 met
came up w/ declaration of rights
agreed to meet in 1775 if nothing happened
DECISIONS: the association (nonimportation, nonexportation, nonconsumption)
agreed to have a militia in every colony
lexington and concord
shot heard around the world
seized suppplies but were ambushed on their way back and fled to boston
baron von strueben
trained solders in valley forge
thin line of heroes
africans fought on both sides
5,000 enlisted
some were freed for their service
sugar act
big debt from fi war
1st tax used to pay off war debt
indirect tax
EVERYONE used sugar