Chapter 8 Flashcards
Interim vulgato Agrippinae periculo, quasi casu evenisset, ut quisque acceperat, decurrere ad litus. hi molium obiectus, hi proximas scaphas scandere; alii, quantum corpus sinebat, vadere in mare; quidam manus protendere.
Meanwhile, with the danger of Agrippina being spread publicly, as if it had happened by accident, as each person had heart it, they rushed down. Some people climbed the barriers of the embankment, some climbed the nearest skiffs, others as far as their body allowed waited into the sea; some people stretched out their hands.
questibus votis clamore diversa rogitantium aut incerta respondentium omnis ora compleri; adfluere ingens multitudo cum luminibus, atque ubi incolumem esse pernotuit, ut ad gratandum sese expedire, donec adspectu armati et minitantis agminis deiecti sunt.
The whole shore was filled with complaints, prayers and with the diverse shouting of those asking again and again or replying with vague things; a huge crowd flowed with lanterns, and when it became known that she was safe, got ready to congratulate her, they were forced to shelter at the sight of an armed and threatening army.
Anicetus villam statione circumdat refractaque ianua obvios servorum abripit, donec ad fores cubiculi veniret; cui pauci adstabant, ceteris terrore inrumpentium exterritis.
Anicetus surrounded the villa with a cordon, having crashed through the door, he snatched the slaves they ran into, until he came to the doors of the bedroom where a few slaves were standing all the rest terrified from the terror of those bursting in.
cubiculo modicum lumen inerat et ancillarum una, magis ac magis anxia Agrippina, quod nemo a filio ac ne Agermus quidem: aliam fore laetae rei faciem; nunc solitudinem ac repentinos strepitus et extremi mali indicia. abeunte dehinc ancilla, “tu quoque me deseris?”
A low light was in the bedroom and one of the maidservants with Agrippina more and more anxious because there was no one from her son not even Agerinus. She was thinking that another appearance of these events would for her be happy and now there was solitude, sudden loud noise, and evidence of the final misfortune. Next as the slave girl was leaving, she declared, ‘Are you leaving me too?’
prolocuta respicit Anicetum, trierarcho Herculeio et Obarito centurione classiario comitatum: ac si ad visendum venisset, refotam nuntiaret, sin facinus patraturus, nihil se de filio credere; non imperatum parricidium.
She looked at Anicetus, accompanied by Herculeus, the trirarch and Obaritus, the centurion of the marines. And she said that if he had come to visit, he should announce that she had recovered but if he had come to perpetuate a crime, that she believed nothing about her son, he did not order matricide.
circumsistunt lectum percussores et prior trierarchus fusti caput eius adflixit. iam [in] morte[m] centurioni ferrum destringenti protendens uterum “ventrem feri” exclamavit multisque vulneribus confecta est.
The assassins stood around the bed and first, the trirarchs struck her head with a club. Now, preferring her womb for death to the centurion drawing his sword, she shouted, ‘Strike my belly!’ and she was finished off with many wounds.