Chapter 7 Flashcards
At Neroni nuntios patrati facinoris opperienti adfertur evasisse ictu levi sauciam et hactenus adito discrimine, [ne] auctor dubitaret[ur].
While Nero was waiting for the news of the accomplishment of the crime, news was brought to him that she had escaped, wounded with a light blow and had only so far approached danger so far that the person responsible was not doubted.
tum pavore exanimis et iam iamque adfore obtestans vindictae properam, sive servitia armaret vel militem accenderet, sive ad senatum et populum pervaderet, naufragium et vulnus et interfectos amicos obiciendo: quod contra subsidium sibi, nisi quid Burrus et Seneca?
Then fainting with and imploring that she would be present right now, eager for revenge, whether she would arm bodies of slaves or inflame the soldiers, or make her way to the senate and the people, by accusing him of the shipwreck, and wound and the killing of her friend; what defences was there against this, unless Burrus and Seneca could come up with something, whom he summoned immediately, waking them up?
[expurgens] quos statim acciverat, incertum an et ante ignaros. igitur longum utriusque silentium, ne inriti dissuaderent, an eo descensum credebant, [ut], nisi praeveniretur Agrippina, pereundum Neroni esset. post Seneca hactenus promptius, [ut] respiceret Burrum ac s[c]iscitaretur, an militi imperanda caedes esset.
It was uncertain whether they too knew before. Therefore there was a long silence from both, so that they might not dissuade him without success or they were believing that there had been a descent to such a point that unless Aggrippina were forestalled, Nero would have to die. Later Seneca asked more promptly, so far that he looked back at Burrus, and found out whether he should command the military to carry out the murder.
ille praetorianos toti Caesarum domui obstrictos memoresque Germanici nihil adversus progeniem eius atrox ausuros respondit: perpetraret Anicetus promissa.
Burrus responded that the Praetorians were tied to the whole household of the Caesars and mindful of Germanicus, they would dare to do nothing against his offspring; Anicetus would carry out his promises.
qui nihil cunctatus poscit summam sceleris. ad eam vocem Nero illo sibi die dari imperium auctoremque tanti muneris libertum profitetur: iret propere duceretque promptissimos ad iussa.
He, with no hesitation, demanded overall responsibility for the crime. At these words, Nero declared that the powers was given on that day and a freedman was the person who had given him such power; go quickly and take the men most responsive to orders.
ipse audito venisse missu Agrippinae nuntium Agermum, scaenam ultro criminis parat, gladiumque, dum mandata perfert, abicit inter pedes eius, tum quasi deprehenso vincla inici iubet, ut exit[i]um principis molitam matrem et pudore deprehensi sceleris sponte mortem sumpsisse confingeret.
He himself, when he heard that the messenger had come to Agrippina’s dispatch, he prepared the stage for a charge on his own initiative and while he was delivering his instructions, Nero threw down a sword between Agerinus’ feet, then ordered chains to be thrown on him as if he had been arrested, so that he might fabricate that his mother had set in motion the destruction of the emperor and had chosen death of her own accord from the shame of the detection of the crime.