Chapter 36 Flashcards
Ne Suetonius quidem in tanto discrimine silebat. quam[quam] confideret virtuti, tamen exhortationes et preces miscebat, ut spernerent sonores barbarorum et inanes minas: plus illic feminarum quam iuventutis adspici.
Nor indeed was Suetonius silent in such a great crisis: although he trusted in their courage, however he mixed encouragement with prayer so that they would despise the noises of the barbarians and empty threats, more women than men are seen there.
imbelles inermes cessuros statim, ubi ferrum virtutemque vincentium totiens fusi agnovissent.
Unwarlike, poorly armed, they will immediately yield, having been routed so many times when they had recognised the sword and the bravery of the conquering people.
etiam in multis legionibus paucos, qui proelia profligarent; gloriaque eorum accessurum, quod modica manus universi exercitus famam adipiscerentur.
Even within many legions there are few who give a decisive turn to battles; and the fact that a moderate number of men would win the fame and the entire army would add to their glory.
conferti tantum et pilis emissis post umbonibus et gladiis stragem caedemque continuarent, praedae immemores:
Only closely packed should they make continuous the carnage and slaughter with launched javelins later with shield bosses and swords not worrying about the booty.
parta victoria cuncta ipsis cessura. is ardor verba ducis sequebatur, ita se ad intorquenda pila expedierat vetus miles et multa proeliorum experientia, ut certus eventu[s] Suetonius daret pugnae signum.
With victory having been won, everything would be their property. Such passion followed the words of the leader, the old soldiers with much experience of battle had prepared themselves in order to hurl the javelins in this way and that, certain of success, Suetonius gave the signal for fighting.