Chapter 12 Flashcards
Miro tamen certamine procerum decernuntur supplicationes apud omnia pulvinaria, utque Quinquatrus, quibus apertae insidiae essent, ludis annuis celebrarentur, aureum Minervae simulacrum in curia et iuxta principis imago statuerentur, dies natalis Agrippinae inter nefastos esset.
However days of prayers among all the shrines were determined with extreme rivalry of the leading citizens, and it was decreed that the festival of Minerva on which the plot had been revealed, should be honoured with annual games, that a golden statue of Minerva should be set up in the Senate house and close-by an image of the emperor, the birthday of Agrippina was amongst the unholy days.
Thrasea Paetus silentio vel brevi adsensu priores adulationes transmittere solitus exi[i] tum senatu, ac sibi causam periculi fecit, ceteris libertatis initium non praebuit.
Thrasea Paetus, who was accustomed to let former adulations pass in silence of with brief assent, then left the Senate and caused danger for himself, but he did not provide the start of freedom for the others.
prodigia quoque crebra et inrita intercessere: anguem enixa mulier, et alia in concubitu mariti fulmine exanimata; iam sol repente obscuratus et tactae de caelo quattuordecim urbis regiones.
Frequent and unrealised prodigies also intervened: a woman gave birth to a snake, and another was killed by a thunderbolt in sexual intercourse with her husband: now the sun was suddenly obscured and fourteen regions of the city were struck with lightning from the sky.
quae adeo sine cura deum eveniebant, ut multos post[ea] annos Nero imperium et scelera continuaverit.
These things happened without the attention of the Gods to such an extent that Nero continued his rule and his crime for many years after.
eterum quo gravaret invidiam matris eaque demota auctam lenitatem suam testificaretur, feminas inlustres Iuniam et Calpurniam, praetura functos Valerium Capitonem et Licinium Gabolum sedibus patriis reddidit, ab Agrippina olim pulsos.
But in order to aggravate the hatred for his mother and to demonstrate his increased lenience with her removed, he restored the distinguished women (Junia and Calpurnia) and two ex-praetors, (Valerius Capito and Lucinius Gabolus) whom Agrippina had formerly banished.
etiam Lolliae Paulinae cineres reportari sepulcrumque exstrui permisit; quosque ipse nuper relegaverat Iturium et Calvisium poena exsolvit.
Even the ashes of Lollia Paulina were allowed to be brought back and her tomb to be raised up. He absolved for punishment, Iturius and Calvisius, whom he himself had recently banished.
nam Silana fato functa erat, longinquo ab exilio Tarentum regressa labante iam Agrippina, cuius inimicitiis conciderat, vel [tamen] mitigata.
Silana indeed had died a natural death at Tarentum, whither she had returned from her distant exile, when the power of Agrippina, to whose enmity she owed her fall, began to totter, or her wrath was at last appeased.