Chapter 34 Flashcards
Iam Suetonio quarta decima legio cum vexillariis vicesimanis et [e] proximis auxiliares, decem ferme milia armatorum, erant, cum omittere cunctationem et congredi acie parat.
Now Suetonius had the 14th legion with special detachments of the 20th legion and auxiliary troops from the nearest region, of roughly 10000 armed men, when he prepared to dispense with the delay and clash with the battle line.
deligitque locum artis faucibus et a tergo silva clausum, satis cognito nihil hostium nisi in fronte et apertam planitiem esse, sine metu insidiarum.
He chose a place with a tight entrance to a pass and closed from behind by a wood, when it had been satisfactorily ascertained that there was no enemy except in front and the plain was open without fear of ambush.
igitur legionarius frequens ordinibus, levis circum armatura, conglobatus pro cornibus eques astitit.
Therefore he legionaries having massed together in densely packed lines, light armed troops all around, the cavalry took up positions in front of the wings.
at Britannorum copiae passim per catervas et turmas exultabant, quanta non alias multitudo, et animo adeo fero[ci], ut coniuges quoque testes victoriae secum traherent plaustrisque imponerent, quae super extremum ambitum campi posuerant.
But the British forces were jumping about all over the place in bands of armed men and cavalry, in greater numbers than ever before and with fierce spirit to such an extent that they also brought with them their wives as witness of victory, and placed them on carts which they had placed on the outermost edge of the plain.