Chapter 44 Flashcards
Libet argumenta conquirere in eo, quod sapientioribus deliberatum est?
Is it pleasing to search for a piece of evidence in this matter which was carefully considered by wiser men?
sed et si nunc primum statuendum haberemus, creditisne servum interficiendi domini animum sumpsisse, ut non vox minax excideret, nihil per temeritatem proloqueretur?
But even if we had to establish now for the first time, do you believe that a slave formed the intention to kill his master so that no menacing words tumbled out, he declared nothing through rashness?
sane consilium occul[ta]vit, telum inter ignaros paravit: num excubias transire, cubiculi fores recludere, lumen inferre, caedem patrare [poterat] omnibus nesciis?
Certainly he hid the plan, he prepared the weapon amongst the unaware: surely he wasn’t able to pass the guards, open up the doors of the bedroom and bring in light and accomplish the murder, with every ignorant?
multa sceleri indicia praeveniunt: servi si prodant, possumus singuli inter plures, tuti inter anxios, postremo, si pereundum sit, non inulti inter nocentes agere.
Much evidence of wickedness occur first: if the slaves betray these things, we can live as individuals among many, safe amongst the worried and finally, if we must perish, it won’t be unavenged amongst the guilty.
suspecta maioribus nostris fuerunt ingenia servorum, etiam cum in agris aut domibus i[s]dem nascerentur caritatemque dominorum statim acciperent.
The characters of slaves were suspected by our ancestors even when they were born in the same fields or houses and felt the love of their masters at birth.
postquam vero nationes in familiis habemus, quibus diversi ritus, externa sacra aut nulla sunt, conluviem istam non nisi metu coercueris.
However, after this, we have tribes in our households, they have different customs, sacred foreign rites or none, and you cannot bring under control such scum except by fear.
at quidam insontes peribunt. nam et ex fuso exercitu cum decimus quisque fusti feritur, etiam strenui sortiuntur. habet aliquid ex iniquo omne magnum exemplum, quod contra singulos utilitate publica rependitur.”
Some innocent people will perish. For also when every tenth man is beaten to death, from a routed army, even the brave cast lots. Every great punishment has some unfairness which trades off public interest against individuals.’