Chapter 13 Flashcards
Cunctari tamen in oppidis Campaniae, quonam modo urbem ingrederetur, an obsequium senatus, an studia plebis reperiret anxius.
However he delayed in the towns of Campania, anxious about what way he should come back to the city, or whether he would find the obedience of the senate or the favour of the people.
contra deterrimus quisque, quorum non alia regia fecundior extitit, invisum Agrippinae nomen et morte eius accensum populi favorem disserunt: iret intrepidus et venerationem sui coram experiretur; simul praegredi exposcunt.
On the contrary all the worst people of whom no other court showed itself to be richer, they said that Agrippina’s name was hated and the support of the people had been inflamed by her death: he should go without fear and experience their deep respect for him face to face.
et promptiora quam promiserant inveniunt, obvias tribus, festo cultu senatum, coniugum ac liberorum agmina per sexum et aetatem disposita, exstructos, qua incederet, spectaculorum gradus, quo modo triumphi visuntur.
At the same time they demanded to go ahead, and they found these things more easily available than they had promised, tribes coming to meet them, the senate in festive dress, columns of wives and children arranged in order of age and sex, tiers of seats erected along the route on which he would walk, in the manner in which triumphs are viewed.
hinc superbus ac publici servitii victor Capitolium adiit, grates exsolvit, seque in omnes libidines effudit, quas male coercitas qualiscumque matris reverentia tardaverat.
Proud at this and securing public subservience, he approached the capital, gave thanks and gave himself up to all of his desires which poorly restrained, he had delayed out of respect for his mother no matter how feeble of contemptible it was.