Chapter 41 Flashcards
Perculit is dies Pompeium quoque Aelianum, iuvenem quaestorium, tamquam flagitiorum Fabiani gnarum, eique Italia et Hispania, in qua ortus erat, interdictum est.
This day also struck down Pompeius Aelianus, a young man of quaestorian rank, on the grounds that about the disgrace of Fabianus, he was barred from Italy and Spain, from where he was born.
pari ignominia Valerius Ponticus adficitur, quod reos, ne apud praefectum urbis arguerentur, ad praetorem detulisset, interim specie legum, mox praevaricando ultionem elusurus.
Valerius Ponticus was affected by the same disgrace, because he had denounced the defendants to the praetor, so that they were not convicted before the city prefect. Intending to escape the vengeance for the moment, under the cover of the law; later on by collusion.
additur senatus consulto, qui talem operam emptitasset vendidissetve, perinde poena teneretur ac publico iudicio calumniae condemnatus.
It was added to the decree of the Senate that he who had purchased or sold such a service was bound by the punishment as much as one condemned publicly in a trial of false accusations.