Chapter 16 Flashcards
Ne tamen ludicrae tantum imperatoris artes notescerent, carminum quoque studium adfectavit, contractis quibus aliqua pangendi facultas necdum insignis aestimatio. hi considere simul, et adlatos vel ibidem repertos versus conectere atque ipsius verba quoquo modo prolata supplere.
However so that not only the theatrical skill of the emperor might become known, he also pretended to have an enthusiasm for poetry, having gathered those who had some skill for composing poetry but were not yet notable. These people, having dined, sat down together, and strung together verses which they brought along or found on the spot, and they finished the words uttered by Nero himself in whatever way.
quod species ipsa carminum docet, non impetu et instinctu nec ore uno fluens. etiam sapientiae doctoribus tempus impertiebat post epulas, utque contraria adseverantium discordia frueretur. nec deerant qui ore vultuque tristi inter oblectamenta regia spectari cuperent.
Something which the very appearance of the poems shows, flowing not with energy or inspiration nor with one voice. He even bestowed time after the feasts to teachers of wisdom, so that he could enjoy the opposing arguments of those asserting them. And there was no lack of those who desired to be watched with a sad face and expression amongst the royal delights.