Chapter 5 Frameworks for Health Promotion, Disease Prevention and Risk Reduction Flashcards
chapter highlights
- influences on health and well being
- role of the nurse as a interdisciplinary team member in health promotion
- health promotion programs
- epidemiologic models of health promotion and public health science
- levels of prevention and pathogenesis
- immunizations
- screening
- behavior change theories
- ecologic model and women living with HIV/AIDS
- health literacy
- interactive health literacy and health education
- critical health literacy and health promotion
health defintion
a quality, an ability to adapt to change, or a recluse to help cope with challenges and processes of daily living
well being
subjective perception of full functional ability as a human being
is health just the absence of a disease
core activities
- providing essential input to interdisciplinary programs
- evaluating health trends and risk factors
- working with communities or specific population groups within the community
- participating in assessing and evaluation healthcare services
core activities
- providing essential input to
interdisciplinary programs
core activities
- evaluating what
health trends and risk factors
core activities
- working with
communities/specific population groups within the community
core activities
- participating in
assessing and evaluating healthcare services
primary prevention
maximizing health and wellness through strategies that are set in place before illness or injury is present
secondary prevention
maximizing health and wellness through strategies that are set in place at the early and active chronic stages of pathogenesis of illness and injury
tertiary prevention
maximizing health and wellness through strategies that are set in place at the palliation and end stage of disease and injury trajectories
primary prevention stage
health and wellness
pre pathogenic period
secondary prevention stage
disease identified
early pathogenic period
tertiary prevention stage
chronic illness/physical or emotional challenges
pathogenic period/ late pathogenic period
different types of behavior models
- health belief model
- transthoretical model
- theory of reasoned action/theory of unplanned behavior
- social learning theory
-theories of social support - relapse prevention model
- ecological model
motivational interviewing defintion
client centered communication style for eliciting behavior change by helping clients and groups explore and resolve ambivalence to change
behavior change models defintion
models that assist clients, groups, and communities to redirect actives toward health and wellness
motivational interviewing does not do what
offer advice
impose diagnostic labels
use coercive tactics
learning model defintion
change model emphasizing reinforcement of social competence, problem solving, autonomy, and sense of purpose
what type of factors do learning model use for reinforcement
learning model defintion
- what does extrinsic reinfrocement help with
adoption of initial behavior
learning model defintion
- what helps with long term adherence
health belief model defintion
a behavior model that considers severity of the potential illness or physical challenge, the level of conceivable susceptibility, the benefits of taking preventative action, and the challenges that may be faced in taking action toward the goal of health promotion
health belief model
- words to look for
cues to action
self efficacy
health belief model
- perceived seriousness
what will happen to me
health belief model
- percieved susceptibility
will this happen to me
health belief model
- perceived benefits of treatment
will I not get the condition
health belief model
- perceived barriers to treatment
what is preventing me from making this change
health belief model
- cues to action
what is happening to me
health belief model
- self efficacy
can I do it
health belief model
- will giving a person information alone make them change
transtheorteical model
- used for
how ready you are to change a behavior
transtheorteical model
- steps
pre contemplation
transtheorteical model
- precontenplation
patient is not concerned
not going to take action in the next 6 mo
transtheorteical model
- contenplation
patient notices issues
action within next 6 mo
transtheorteical model
- preparation
patient preps to change
within next 30 days
transtheorteical model
- action
make a change
recently made a change in last 6 mo
transtheorteical model
- maintence
more than 6 mo
transtheorteical model
- relapse
return to issues
theory of reasoned action/theory of planned behavior
- defntion
a behavior model that empahzises that individual performance of a given behavior is primarily determined by a persons intention to perform that behavior
theory of reasoned action/theory of planned behavior
- deals with relationships among
theory of reasoned action/theory of planned behavior
- predict how individuals with behave based on
their preexisting attitudes and behavioral intentions
theory of reasoned action/theory of planned behavior
- behavior beliefs
attitudes toward the behavior
- am I ready to do this behavior
theory of reasoned action/theory of planned behavior
- normative beliefs
what you think others think
theory of reasoned action/theory of planned behavior
- control beliefs
perceived beliefs of how easy or hard it is to display a certain behavior or act in a certain way
social learning theory
- defintion
behavior change model that considers environmental influences, personal factors, and bahveior as a key complontents of change
theories of social support
- definition
people can influence change by offering social support, instrumental assistance, information support, emotional support, and/or appraising support
theories of social support
- instrumental support
providing transportation to buy groceries
theories of social support
- informational support
providing a community board with information on how to obtain assistance to clean a polluted pond
theories of social support
- emotional support
calling an isolated family that has lost a child to assist them in their bereavement
theories of social support
- apprasing support
giving positive feedback about new health skill
relapse prevention model
- why does relapse occur
negative emotional states
lack of or limited coping skills
decreased motivation
high risk experiences
ecological model
- definition
belief that all processes occurring within individual people and their enviornment should be viewed as interdependent
ecological model
- four levels of influence
- otogenic
- microsystem
- ecosystems
- macro cultural
ecological model
- emphasize what
unique developmental nature of variables that influence behaviors
ecological model
- otogenetic
- attitudes/beleifs
ecological model
- microsystem
close people
- SO, family
ecological model
- ecosystems
socioeconomic/employment status, networks
ecological model
- macro cultural
social norms
- Attitudes
health literacy
- definition
the degree to which individuals have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic health information and services needed to make appropriate decisions
there is a relationship between health literacy and
health outcomes