Chapter 19 Environmental Health Flashcards
lung cancer
precautionary principle
something has the potential to cause harm to the enviornment or humans than precautionary measures should be taken
risk assessment
process to dertemine likelihood of illness after exposrure
risk =
hazard plus exposure
exposure pathway
source of contamination
environmental media and transport mechanism
point ofexposure
route of exposure
receptor population
environmental media and transport mechanism
where contamination is housed
point of exposure
where people come in contact with the contained medium
route of exposure
how the contaminant enters the body
receptor population
population of people who are likely to be exposed
any safe level of lead
amount of contaminant that actually ends up in the systemic circulationt
study of the adverse effects of chemical, physical, or biologic agents on people, animals and the enviornment
exposure estimate
determines a persons level of exposure to a contaminant
process of using medical tests such as blood or urine collection to determine if a person has been exposed to a contaminant and how much exposure he or she has received
distance and time
taking exposure history
present work
past work
most often something designed to interrupt or break the exposure pathyway
can we do randomized control
no need retrospective
why are children more vulnrable
body systems developing
eat drink and breath more
breathing closer to ground
less able to break stuff down
spending time outside
environmental justic
belief that no group of people should bear a disproportionate share of negative enviornemtal health consequences regardless of race, culture, or income