Chapter 5 5.2 Flashcards
Operant conditioning, consequences
A process in which responses are learned on the basis of their rewarding or punishing consequences.
Puzzle box to Skinner box
Skinner focused more on the consequences of the behavior.
Thornike - Law of effect, instrumental
A law stating that if a response if followed by a satisfyingly effect, that response will be repeated under similar cirumstances.
Reinforcer/ reinforcement Positive & Negative
A stimulus event that increases the probability that the response immediately preceding it will occur again.
Positive reinforcers - stimuli that strengthen the probability of the behavior that they follow.
Negative reinforcers - the removal of unpleasant stimuli.
Escape & avoidance
The process of learning responses that stop an aversive stimulus.
The process of learning responses that prevent exposure to an aversive stimulus.
Discriminant & Generalization
Generalization is a process in which a conditioned response if triggered by stimuli similar to the original conditioned stimulus.
Discrimination is a process through which a conditioned response is triggered by some stimuli, but not others.
Forming & Strengthening
Putting a team together where individuals learn about each other and the team requirements as well as the challenge, our built-in capacities for particular ways of thinking, feeling, and behaving.
The reinforcement of responses that come successively closer to some desired response.
Primary vs. secondary
Primary events or stimuli whose rewarding power does not have to be learned.
Secondary - rewards that people or animals learn to like.
Delay & Size
Delay - the act of resisting an impulse to take an immediately available rewards in the hope of obtaining a more - valued rewards in the future.
Size - when an observer if familiar with an object, so that the object appears to have a constant size when viewed from various distances.
Timing - immediate vs. delayed
A product of the mind more than a reflection of natural chronometric order.
Schedules of reinforcement
In operant conditioning, rules that determine how and when certain responses will be reinforced.
Fixed vs variable mixed w/ ratio vs interval
Mixed costs are a combined of your fixed and variable costs.
Fixed ratio
Reinforcement is delivered after the completion of a number of responses.
Variable ratio
A partial schedule of reinforcement in which a response is reinforced after an unpredictable number of responses.
Fixed interval
A reinforcement schedule where the first response is rewarded only after a specified time has passed.
Variable interval
A schedule of reinforcement where a response is rewarded after an unpredictable amount of time has passed.
Extinction- spontaneous recovery
The return of conditioned responses elicited by the CS after time passes following extinction.
Partial reinforcement effect
The empirical finding is that resistance to extinction is greater following acquisition, where some, but not all, responses are reinforced.
Premack Principle
A person will provide a lower probability behavior to access their preferred behavior.
Response deprivation hypothesis
The belief that any behavior can act as a reinforcer if access to that behavior is restricted.
Punishment - Positive vs. Negative
Negative is the removal of a reinforcing stimulus following a behavior in order to decrease the likelihood of that behavior occurring again.
Positive is when you add a consequence to unwanted behavior
Suppress, not eradicate
A conscious effect to put disturbing thoughts’ and experiences out of mind, or to control and inhibit the expression to unacceptable impulses and feelings.
Unwanted Effects
A unharmful effect resulting from a medication or other intervention, such as surgery.
Timing immediate
The preoccupation with past and future in a non-productive way.
Aggression & abuse with angry
Aggression refers to behavior that is intended to harm another individual.