Chapter 4 4.2 Flashcards
Stages of sleep
stage 1 - few minutes, 50% hallucinations
Stage 2 - 20 min, sleep spindle, talk
Stage 3 & 4 - slow wave
2. REM
Circadian Rhythm
24 hour internal clock in our brain that regulates cycles o alertness and sleepiness by responding to light changes in our environment.
Locus coeruleus
Inactive in REM
Sensitive to norepinephrine —- sensitivity
Jet lag & shift work
Fatigue, irritability, inattention, and sleep problems caused by air travel across several time zones.
Value of sleep & stage 4 vs. REM
REM sleep involves rapid eye movements of the eyes, paralysis of voluntary muscles, and dreaming. Stage 4 is slow wave sleep that is named by a predominance of delta waves.
A sleep disorder in which a person does not get enough sleep to feel rested.
A daytime sleep disorder in which a person suddenly switches from an active waking state into REM sleep.
Sleep Apnea
A sleep disorder in which a person briefly but repeatedly stops breathing during the night.
A disorder in which a sleeping baby sops breathing, does not wake up and dies.
Nightmares - REM sleep
Frightening drams that takes place during REM sleep. you remember what happens.
Night terrors - stage 4
The occurance of horrific dream images during N3 sleep, followed by rapid awakening and a sate of intense fear. You wake up and don’t remember anything.
A phenomenon that starts primarily in NREM sleep especially in sleep N3, and involves walking while asleep.
Dreams - lucid dreaming
being aware that a dream is a dream while it’s occurring.
Psychoanalytic theory - wishfulfillment, content
Our childhood experiences and unconscious desires shape our behavior
Activation - synthesis theory
When humans dream, the mind tries to comprehend the brain activity in the brain stem.
Cognitive Theories
Suggests that the human mind is like a computer constantly processing and encoding data.
The harmonizing of the multiple regions of the brain and also of the body with the brain.